Dental Fees for 2009 in Ontario, Canada?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Hi - I'm trying to confirm how the emergency pain dental fee works in Ontario. My dentist charges 150$ just for a visit even when it is scheduled a week out and calls it emergency care. Everything is charged on top of that. (filling, root canal - whatever).. Is this normal? Please only answers from those in Ontario as I want to be able to compare accordingly.
if its only an emergency exam and a xray, it should be around 60-70$ if its a complete exam with a few xrays and a cleaning, it should be around 150

Dental Fees for 2009 in Ontario, Canada?

Hi - I'm trying to confirm how the emergency pain dental fee works in Ontario. My dentist charges 150$ just for a visit even when it is scheduled a week out and calls it emergency care. Everything is charged on top of that. (filling, root canal - whatever).. Is this normal? Please only answers from those in Ontario as I want to be able to compare accordingly.
if its only an emergency exam and a xray, it should be around 60-70$ if its a complete exam with a few xrays and a cleaning, it should be around 150

My cat has bad dental problems, I don't know what to do..?

Yesterday, two of my cats teeth fell out, I took him to the vet and it turns out a lot more of his teeth are missing--she said that he seems to have a dental disease causing this that some cats get. The total cost for me to have his surgery ie..clean mouth remove teeth going to be $800 I cannot afford this right now due to a recent financial situation and none of my family members can help me out. I also am worried about the prognosis and the cost of any ongoing care. Should I put him to sleep. I love him with all my heart, but I don't want him to be in pain and it's not fair to him if he can't get proper treatment. This really sucks :(
One of my cats was thought to have this disease. Vets are not very understanding and most will not let you make payments. Mine won't and I have been going to him for many years. I was told to contact the humane society. They have a system where I am (in Indiana), that is like medicaid, except for your pet. It turned out that my cat did not have the disease, so I never had to ask for the help. I do know that I was told that the disease, is like a cat is allergic to its own teeth, or the plaque on the teeth. They recomended cleaning his teeth and putting him on drugs for the rest of his life. I would definitely ask for help now and not wait. Treatment needs to be started right away.

My cat has bad dental problems, I don't know what to do..?

Yesterday, two of my cats teeth fell out, I took him to the vet and it turns out a lot more of his teeth are missing--she said that he seems to have a dental disease causing this that some cats get. The total cost for me to have his surgery ie..clean mouth remove teeth going to be $800 I cannot afford this right now due to a recent financial situation and none of my family members can help me out. I also am worried about the prognosis and the cost of any ongoing care. Should I put him to sleep. I love him with all my heart, but I don't want him to be in pain and it's not fair to him if he can't get proper treatment. This really sucks :(
One of my cats was thought to have this disease. Vets are not very understanding and most will not let you make payments. Mine won't and I have been going to him for many years. I was told to contact the humane society. They have a system where I am (in Indiana), that is like medicaid, except for your pet. It turned out that my cat did not have the disease, so I never had to ask for the help. I do know that I was told that the disease, is like a cat is allergic to its own teeth, or the plaque on the teeth. They recomended cleaning his teeth and putting him on drugs for the rest of his life. I would definitely ask for help now and not wait. Treatment needs to be started right away.

Dental Assignment Emergence!?

I have next week to start on an oral report that has to be 750-800 words and has to have detail thoroughness organization relevancy of topic and an outline form. For the oral I can't read the paper verbatim I have to demonstrate my knowledge of the topic I have to use visual aids and or handouts. and the report has to have a bibliography of two sources. I decided that my topic would be about missions as of a dental assistant helping people with oral care even in the USA. But how do I summarize it down so i can find the right detail for my topic? and what advice can you give me when I give my oral? I am not much of a talker!
You can get some idea from these sites :…

Dental Assignment Emergence!?

I have next week to start on an oral report that has to be 750-800 words and has to have detail thoroughness organization relevancy of topic and an outline form. For the oral I can't read the paper verbatim I have to demonstrate my knowledge of the topic I have to use visual aids and or handouts. and the report has to have a bibliography of two sources. I decided that my topic would be about missions as of a dental assistant helping people with oral care even in the USA. But how do I summarize it down so i can find the right detail for my topic? and what advice can you give me when I give my oral? I am not much of a talker!
You can get some idea from these sites :…

How many of you agree that prostitution should be legalized then taxed at 30% to solve the economic crisis?

I think they should do away with income tax, just tax goods and services, corporations that leave the homeland, and imports. Then we could have free medical care. You could live off mcdonalds wages if health and dental was free. Germany legalized prostittution. Now they get weekly health testing. It created more jobs (clinics, licensing etc) what do you think?
I am going to disagree. I disagree initially on two points. The first is a moralistic view that I believe prostitution is immoral and damaging in and of itself. That is debatable and some time I disagree with my own opinion on this. But I'm feeling moralistic today. (Drank too much last night) My second initial point of disagreement is that I am against "sin" taxes. I can justify (in my mind) taxing cigarettes because the plan was to add that money into the health system which cigarettes directly impact. But look what happened. Additional money doesn't flow into the health coffers. Our elected masters just have a new pot of money to pay off supporters. Those are my two initial points of disagreement. A separate item is that I disagree with your premise that we should tax corporations that leave the homeland. Once they leave the homeland what right have we to tax them? First we made the business conditions so atrocious we forced them to leave by having one of the highest business taxes in the world and second we feel we can reach out and touch them after they give up on America. That is sending a message to businesses they already received. Don't do business in America. Also there is nothing free in life. And you don't understand the condition of the German health care system or the quality and capacity of the system. You should study this. It will be very enlightening and you will be greatly disappointed by the truth. Great question and great area of discussion!

How many of you agree that prostitution should be legalized then taxed at 30% to solve the economic crisis?

I think they should do away with income tax, just tax goods and services, corporations that leave the homeland, and imports. Then we could have free medical care. You could live off mcdonalds wages if health and dental was free. Germany legalized prostittution. Now they get weekly health testing. It created more jobs (clinics, licensing etc) what do you think?
I am going to disagree. I disagree initially on two points. The first is a moralistic view that I believe prostitution is immoral and damaging in and of itself. That is debatable and some time I disagree with my own opinion on this. But I'm feeling moralistic today. (Drank too much last night) My second initial point of disagreement is that I am against "sin" taxes. I can justify (in my mind) taxing cigarettes because the plan was to add that money into the health system which cigarettes directly impact. But look what happened. Additional money doesn't flow into the health coffers. Our elected masters just have a new pot of money to pay off supporters. Those are my two initial points of disagreement. A separate item is that I disagree with your premise that we should tax corporations that leave the homeland. Once they leave the homeland what right have we to tax them? First we made the business conditions so atrocious we forced them to leave by having one of the highest business taxes in the world and second we feel we can reach out and touch them after they give up on America. That is sending a message to businesses they already received. Don't do business in America. Also there is nothing free in life. And you don't understand the condition of the German health care system or the quality and capacity of the system. You should study this. It will be very enlightening and you will be greatly disappointed by the truth. Great question and great area of discussion!

I need horse care help! I'm getting my first horse(s)!?

I've been around horses before, but am REALLY rusty on how to take care of them.The main thing I need to know is what kind of care they need, like shoeing, dental, shots (names, please!) and anything else that you think is essential for a horse to be healthy and feel good! If you know, please list the cost for those things (I'm writing up a yearly budget). Another thing, I will be getting another horse to avoid the other horse from getting lonely because I'm a student and won't be around all the time. How would you suggest I introduce them? I really have no idea. If you can answer any of this, please do! I would greatly appreciate it! =] Thanks a million!
The best way to introduce two horses is by putting them on either side of a very strong fence, like round pen panels or something similar. You don't want them to be able to get through the fence or be able to break through but you still want them to be able to see and hear each other. As for horse care... here are some of the routine things that need to be considered... *farrier work... shoes aren't a necessity unless you're working the horse very often or they live around lots of gravel or other hard surfaces like concrete etc. At the very least, a trim needs to be done every 6 to 8 weeks. *veterinary care... here's a site to explain all you need to know about the vet's involvement in your purchase: http://www.horses-and-horse-information.… *dental work... kinda falls into the vet care category... generally this doesn't need to be done more than once a year unless there's a problem. You might have to ask for it specifically but your vet should look at the horses teeth during the initial visit and they will be able to tell you how often the teeth should be serviced. *day to day care... if you're keeping your horse(s) in a pasture there isn't much day to day care except for during the winter. With plenty of grass growing in their pasture you shouldn't have to worry about grain unless you're riding more than twice a week, and hay is only really necessary in late fall and winter months. Horses kept in stalls obviously require more care such as daily grain and hay, maybe some alfalfa, stall bedding, grooming, turn out, etc. *wormers... EVERY horse should be wormed once every 3 months! All year round too! Especially horses kept in pastures! To make the worming process more effective, rotate wormers, and try not to use the same one twice in a row. *exorcise and grooming... if you ride often this isn't much of a concern. But horses kept in stalls, or left out to pasture for long periods of time without proper maintenance, can end up with matted manes and tails, bot fly eggs, chipped hooves, cuts and scrapes, rain rot, extra fat, and just about any other injury or infection you can imagine. A fat horse is an unhealthy and unhappy horse. And a dirty and mangy horse is also unhappy. Grooming and exorcise are important in keeping your horse happy and rider-friendly. If you don't have the time to brush your horse and give it a good look over at least once a week ask someone to do it for you.

I need horse care help! I'm getting my first horse(s)!?

I've been around horses before, but am REALLY rusty on how to take care of them.The main thing I need to know is what kind of care they need, like shoeing, dental, shots (names, please!) and anything else that you think is essential for a horse to be healthy and feel good! If you know, please list the cost for those things (I'm writing up a yearly budget). Another thing, I will be getting another horse to avoid the other horse from getting lonely because I'm a student and won't be around all the time. How would you suggest I introduce them? I really have no idea. If you can answer any of this, please do! I would greatly appreciate it! =] Thanks a million!
The best way to introduce two horses is by putting them on either side of a very strong fence, like round pen panels or something similar. You don't want them to be able to get through the fence or be able to break through but you still want them to be able to see and hear each other. As for horse care... here are some of the routine things that need to be considered... *farrier work... shoes aren't a necessity unless you're working the horse very often or they live around lots of gravel or other hard surfaces like concrete etc. At the very least, a trim needs to be done every 6 to 8 weeks. *veterinary care... here's a site to explain all you need to know about the vet's involvement in your purchase: http://www.horses-and-horse-information.… *dental work... kinda falls into the vet care category... generally this doesn't need to be done more than once a year unless there's a problem. You might have to ask for it specifically but your vet should look at the horses teeth during the initial visit and they will be able to tell you how often the teeth should be serviced. *day to day care... if you're keeping your horse(s) in a pasture there isn't much day to day care except for during the winter. With plenty of grass growing in their pasture you shouldn't have to worry about grain unless you're riding more than twice a week, and hay is only really necessary in late fall and winter months. Horses kept in stalls obviously require more care such as daily grain and hay, maybe some alfalfa, stall bedding, grooming, turn out, etc. *wormers... EVERY horse should be wormed once every 3 months! All year round too! Especially horses kept in pastures! To make the worming process more effective, rotate wormers, and try not to use the same one twice in a row. *exorcise and grooming... if you ride often this isn't much of a concern. But horses kept in stalls, or left out to pasture for long periods of time without proper maintenance, can end up with matted manes and tails, bot fly eggs, chipped hooves, cuts and scrapes, rain rot, extra fat, and just about any other injury or infection you can imagine. A fat horse is an unhealthy and unhappy horse. And a dirty and mangy horse is also unhappy. Grooming and exorcise are important in keeping your horse happy and rider-friendly. If you don't have the time to brush your horse and give it a good look over at least once a week ask someone to do it for you.

Does the Guard & Reserve receive substantial benefits same as military members(army,navy &air force)?

such as medical care, dental care, discount shopping, education assistance, and other benefits.
Only when active.

Does the Guard & Reserve receive substantial benefits same as military members(army,navy &air force)?

such as medical care, dental care, discount shopping, education assistance, and other benefits.
Only when active.

When would be a good time to move out of parents house?

I am 17 years old, and recently my parents have forced me to dump my girlfriend. They don't like her, and said if I ever see her again, then I might as well cut them out of my life. I am not allowed to talk to her on AIM, Myspace, Phone, or in person. The problem is, I really do love her. I have very strong feelings for her, and I am planning on seeing her again. She said she will always be there for me, even if we have to wait to see eachother again. I was wondering when would be a good time to leave my parents? I can't leave now due to legality of the issue, financial problems such as medical care, dental, orthodontist, drivers liscense, car insurance, etc. I was thinking possibly after college. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions?
My son-in-law's parents kicked him out of their house for the very same reason the day after his 18th birthday -- and he had no place else to go, as his family had all been told NOT to help him. So he moved in with me and my children, and my daughter (who had been seeing him "too much", according to his parents) married him a few months later. My daughter and her husband now have 2 precious, adorable little girls, and are extremely happy! His parents have admitted they were wrong, and love my daughter and the two babies very much. Sometimes even parents can screw up! Hopefully there is someone who will be there for you, too. Good luck!

When would be a good time to move out of parents house?

I am 17 years old, and recently my parents have forced me to dump my girlfriend. They don't like her, and said if I ever see her again, then I might as well cut them out of my life. I am not allowed to talk to her on AIM, Myspace, Phone, or in person. The problem is, I really do love her. I have very strong feelings for her, and I am planning on seeing her again. She said she will always be there for me, even if we have to wait to see eachother again. I was wondering when would be a good time to leave my parents? I can't leave now due to legality of the issue, financial problems such as medical care, dental, orthodontist, drivers liscense, car insurance, etc. I was thinking possibly after college. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions?
My son-in-law's parents kicked him out of their house for the very same reason the day after his 18th birthday -- and he had no place else to go, as his family had all been told NOT to help him. So he moved in with me and my children, and my daughter (who had been seeing him "too much", according to his parents) married him a few months later. My daughter and her husband now have 2 precious, adorable little girls, and are extremely happy! His parents have admitted they were wrong, and love my daughter and the two babies very much. Sometimes even parents can screw up! Hopefully there is someone who will be there for you, too. Good luck!

Cheap insurance or payment options?

I need emergency dental care & i have no health nor dental insurance. I was refered to something called carecredit which once you are approved you can make a monthly payment plan for your dental work and then you dont have to pay a copayment.Does anyone know if there are any other services like this? Also i tried applying for emergency dental insurance online but you need a major credit card to pay the first months insurance before you can use it.Is there any dental insurance i can apply for online that i can be billed by mail for?
I would encourage you to visit this website : I signed up online over 3 years ago now for all my dental needs. From Root canals, xrays, extractions, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Cosmetic surgery, orthodontics, and dentures if needed. They have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years and had my benefits active in 2 hours and able to use it the very same day.

Cheap insurance or payment options?

I need emergency dental care & i have no health nor dental insurance. I was refered to something called carecredit which once you are approved you can make a monthly payment plan for your dental work and then you dont have to pay a copayment.Does anyone know if there are any other services like this? Also i tried applying for emergency dental insurance online but you need a major credit card to pay the first months insurance before you can use it.Is there any dental insurance i can apply for online that i can be billed by mail for?
I would encourage you to visit this website : I signed up online over 3 years ago now for all my dental needs. From Root canals, xrays, extractions, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Cosmetic surgery, orthodontics, and dentures if needed. They have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years and had my benefits active in 2 hours and able to use it the very same day.

How can I get "pro bono" dental work or denturesI am single woman unemployed very low income & state won'thelp

About 4 years ago I was in an abusive relationship that at the end I was in the hospital in intensive care, beaten with a crowbar,most of my back teeth I had swallowed during the attack the rest had been broken off,cracked or chipped. I have since then been to the dentist one time when I had insurance, a job,and a family member that would help me out during the recovery. Right now I am unemployed,in a town that I truely don't have anyone that I can rely on to truely help if needed,my living situation is I now rent a room in a home that has no real privacy,and my transportation is currently bus,bike,or walk and I can't do that after oral surgery.Medical coverage in this state that I live does not cover "cosmetic" procedures and dentures,or bridges,caps,etc. are considered cosmetic.They will pay to pull all your teeth but they will not help get you new ones!! I like to eat.So..What can I do to get my teeth fixed and looking decent so that I can someday again smile.
Go to your local state teaching hospital ask for the dental school and you can have better teeth than the rich and famous!

How can I get "pro bono" dental work or denturesI am single woman unemployed very low income & state won'thelp

About 4 years ago I was in an abusive relationship that at the end I was in the hospital in intensive care, beaten with a crowbar,most of my back teeth I had swallowed during the attack the rest had been broken off,cracked or chipped. I have since then been to the dentist one time when I had insurance, a job,and a family member that would help me out during the recovery. Right now I am unemployed,in a town that I truely don't have anyone that I can rely on to truely help if needed,my living situation is I now rent a room in a home that has no real privacy,and my transportation is currently bus,bike,or walk and I can't do that after oral surgery.Medical coverage in this state that I live does not cover "cosmetic" procedures and dentures,or bridges,caps,etc. are considered cosmetic.They will pay to pull all your teeth but they will not help get you new ones!! I like to eat.So..What can I do to get my teeth fixed and looking decent so that I can someday again smile.
Go to your local state teaching hospital ask for the dental school and you can have better teeth than the rich and famous!

Anyone a Dental Hygienist? What do you Love/Hate About it?

Thinking about this career field, I'm very picky about my work and do want to be in health care. Nursing is not for me. Why or Why Not should I consider this career?
I was a Dental Assistant for many years before finially deciding on Dental Hygiene. There are pros and cons. The pros: --- GREAT money. In my state (MIssouri) the range is $25-35 an hour. If you have kids you can work part time. I only work 2 days a week and still get a pretty good pay check. ----You get to work one on one with patients. What I like is the patient education. Teaching people how to care for their teeth and many after your training come back next time with a healthier mouth is rewarding to me. You also get to meet interesting people. So you must be outgoing to be a Dental Hygienist in my opinion. ---It's very interesting. In my state we can give injections, do scaling and root planing and place medicaments where needed. I find this very interesting. The cons; -----Little to no benefits. It's hard to find DR's who'll give benefits. Some DR's when you have a patient cancel at the beginning or end of the day send you home-no work, no pay. -----Many Hygienists get burn out after about 5 years. Some say the DR pushes them to do more patients in less time and this gets frustrating. I was burned out until I went part time. I couldn't do this more that 20 hours a week and still love it. It's tempting to work more cause the money. ---the schooling is VERY HARD. You can get an associate degree with about 3 years education. LOTS of science, anatomy ect. Then you have to take a national exam 1 day, a clinical exam another day (you have to find a certain kind of patient on your own) and a practical exam. LOTS of STRESS!!! ---there is always a chance your state will change the law and allow minimal training to be a dental Hygienist. This has happened in 2 states that I know-Kansas and Mississippi. The only thing that happened right away was salaries went down $5 an hour! In my opinion if you think you can work part time then Dental Hygiene is a wonderful, fulfilling, respected profession. Jeanmarie RDH

Anyone a Dental Hygienist? What do you Love/Hate About it?

Thinking about this career field, I'm very picky about my work and do want to be in health care. Nursing is not for me. Why or Why Not should I consider this career?
I was a Dental Assistant for many years before finially deciding on Dental Hygiene. There are pros and cons. The pros: --- GREAT money. In my state (MIssouri) the range is $25-35 an hour. If you have kids you can work part time. I only work 2 days a week and still get a pretty good pay check. ----You get to work one on one with patients. What I like is the patient education. Teaching people how to care for their teeth and many after your training come back next time with a healthier mouth is rewarding to me. You also get to meet interesting people. So you must be outgoing to be a Dental Hygienist in my opinion. ---It's very interesting. In my state we can give injections, do scaling and root planing and place medicaments where needed. I find this very interesting. The cons; -----Little to no benefits. It's hard to find DR's who'll give benefits. Some DR's when you have a patient cancel at the beginning or end of the day send you home-no work, no pay. -----Many Hygienists get burn out after about 5 years. Some say the DR pushes them to do more patients in less time and this gets frustrating. I was burned out until I went part time. I couldn't do this more that 20 hours a week and still love it. It's tempting to work more cause the money. ---the schooling is VERY HARD. You can get an associate degree with about 3 years education. LOTS of science, anatomy ect. Then you have to take a national exam 1 day, a clinical exam another day (you have to find a certain kind of patient on your own) and a practical exam. LOTS of STRESS!!! ---there is always a chance your state will change the law and allow minimal training to be a dental Hygienist. This has happened in 2 states that I know-Kansas and Mississippi. The only thing that happened right away was salaries went down $5 an hour! In my opinion if you think you can work part time then Dental Hygiene is a wonderful, fulfilling, respected profession. Jeanmarie RDH

Should I give my cat raw chicken wings...?

He loves them and they are good for his dental care. Should I worry about salmonella though?
Yes, giving cats and dogs raw chicken is perfectly safe. The calcium in the bones is readily absorbed by your pet and the meat is pretty tastey too (so they tell me). Cooking the bones separates the bone and causes it to become brital. This is when bones are dangerous. Ensure you begin giving your cats chicken wings early as my two cats are so spoilt they can't be bothered chewing but my pup, absolutely loves chicken/turkey necks and wings. They are a cheap alternative too. When it's hot I give my puppy frozen ones, she gets a chew, and icy pole and food all at once!

Should I give my cat raw chicken wings...?

He loves them and they are good for his dental care. Should I worry about salmonella though?
Yes, giving cats and dogs raw chicken is perfectly safe. The calcium in the bones is readily absorbed by your pet and the meat is pretty tastey too (so they tell me). Cooking the bones separates the bone and causes it to become brital. This is when bones are dangerous. Ensure you begin giving your cats chicken wings early as my two cats are so spoilt they can't be bothered chewing but my pup, absolutely loves chicken/turkey necks and wings. They are a cheap alternative too. When it's hot I give my puppy frozen ones, she gets a chew, and icy pole and food all at once!

Dental Insurance covering Vaneers?

I currently have dental insurance but it will not cover vaneers. I had my teeth bonded about 14 years ago and am in need of replacements. Is it possible to obtain an insurance policy on my own (in addition to the one I carry through my work) that will cover vaneers? Even a dental discount program would help out. I am aware of the care credit program but the thought of opening a new credit card doesn't sound appealing. Plus, I am in the process of buying a house and the last thing I need at this point is another line of credit. Any advise is helpful.
check out this website. I have had them for over 5 years now, they have helped me save thousands of dollars on my dentistry work. I have insurance also, and some procedures and services are not covered...(i do not why) but when they are not i use my plan as a supplemental. I signed up online and have nothing but good this to say about them.

Dental Insurance covering Vaneers?

I currently have dental insurance but it will not cover vaneers. I had my teeth bonded about 14 years ago and am in need of replacements. Is it possible to obtain an insurance policy on my own (in addition to the one I carry through my work) that will cover vaneers? Even a dental discount program would help out. I am aware of the care credit program but the thought of opening a new credit card doesn't sound appealing. Plus, I am in the process of buying a house and the last thing I need at this point is another line of credit. Any advise is helpful.
check out this website. I have had them for over 5 years now, they have helped me save thousands of dollars on my dentistry work. I have insurance also, and some procedures and services are not covered...(i do not why) but when they are not i use my plan as a supplemental. I signed up online and have nothing but good this to say about them.

do father pay child support and medical &dental if the wife gets sole custody?

to not get in the system,do i not repsonse back to divorce paper,which she ask to be sole custody,will this allow to me take care of my child without being court order,...she ask for sole custody and me to pay dental,medical,life insurance does this falls under the sole parent custody responsiblity,or do i need to reponse to after she makes this mistake that sole custody ,mean you are reponsibile for everything..
Yes you still have to take care of the child. The mother just has the custody.

do father pay child support and medical &dental if the wife gets sole custody?

to not get in the system,do i not repsonse back to divorce paper,which she ask to be sole custody,will this allow to me take care of my child without being court order,...she ask for sole custody and me to pay dental,medical,life insurance does this falls under the sole parent custody responsiblity,or do i need to reponse to after she makes this mistake that sole custody ,mean you are reponsibile for everything..
Yes you still have to take care of the child. The mother just has the custody.

HELP!! im in so much pain but cannot afford dental insurance! is there any cheaper insurance in central TEXAS?

Is there any cheaper insurance options? i haven't been to the dentist in years, i have two cavities and I REALLY need to have them taken care of and probably need more work done, but i need something affordable.... please help!!!
I would encourage you to visit this great plan: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all dental services. From fillings, xrays, cleanings, exams..etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.

HELP!! im in so much pain but cannot afford dental insurance! is there any cheaper insurance in central TEXAS?

Is there any cheaper insurance options? i haven't been to the dentist in years, i have two cavities and I REALLY need to have them taken care of and probably need more work done, but i need something affordable.... please help!!!
I would encourage you to visit this great plan: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all dental services. From fillings, xrays, cleanings, exams..etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.

Are you interested in working for a Health Care institution in Saudi?

Anyone wants to work in a health care institution in Saudi Question Details: Please send your CV to: Director, Clinical Nursing Clinical Resource Nurse Midwifery Coordinator Transplant Coordinator Nursing Staffing Workload Coordinator Assistant Nurse Manager Nursing Manager Nursing Supervisor All Areas in Cardiac Nurse Coordinator NICU Nurses PICU Nurses Sleep Lab Tech Senior Pharmacist Industrial Anti-Venom Emergency Medical Services Manager Supervisor Anti-Venom Vaccine Production Orthopedic I & II Supervisor Occupational Therapy Respiratory Services Supervisor Occupational Therapist I & II Senior Pharmacist Anti-Venom Ultrasound Tech I & II Supervisor Physiotherapy Orthoptist Anesthesia Tech I Cath Lab Technician Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist Tumor Registry Technician Dental Laboratory Tech I Urology Technician Emergency Medical Tech I Dental Hygienist Neurophysiology Laboratory Tech I Infection Control Practitioner Clinical Pharmacist Perfusionist Pharmacist Anti-Venom Quality Control Quality Management Specialist II
Post on for better response.

Are you interested in working for a Health Care institution in Saudi?

Anyone wants to work in a health care institution in Saudi Question Details: Please send your CV to: Director, Clinical Nursing Clinical Resource Nurse Midwifery Coordinator Transplant Coordinator Nursing Staffing Workload Coordinator Assistant Nurse Manager Nursing Manager Nursing Supervisor All Areas in Cardiac Nurse Coordinator NICU Nurses PICU Nurses Sleep Lab Tech Senior Pharmacist Industrial Anti-Venom Emergency Medical Services Manager Supervisor Anti-Venom Vaccine Production Orthopedic I & II Supervisor Occupational Therapy Respiratory Services Supervisor Occupational Therapist I & II Senior Pharmacist Anti-Venom Ultrasound Tech I & II Supervisor Physiotherapy Orthoptist Anesthesia Tech I Cath Lab Technician Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist Tumor Registry Technician Dental Laboratory Tech I Urology Technician Emergency Medical Tech I Dental Hygienist Neurophysiology Laboratory Tech I Infection Control Practitioner Clinical Pharmacist Perfusionist Pharmacist Anti-Venom Quality Control Quality Management Specialist II
Post on for better response.

churches in northwest houston texas?

are there any churches in houston texas that might help me pay for emergany dental care for my husband? he has 3 teeth that need to come out now. he can't hardly eat or sleep because he is in so much pain.
If you can get to Mexico, he can get them done for $15 each.

churches in northwest houston texas?

are there any churches in houston texas that might help me pay for emergany dental care for my husband? he has 3 teeth that need to come out now. he can't hardly eat or sleep because he is in so much pain.
If you can get to Mexico, he can get them done for $15 each.

Why do the British stereotypically have bad teeth?

Are teeth not important to them? I know that most people there have money for proper dental care. I've seen Brits with bad teeth time and time again. But like i said, STEREOTYPICALLY. I know not all of them have bad teeth!
Because stereotypically, it's funny. Now excuse me, but I'm off to watch Monty Python.

Why do the British stereotypically have bad teeth?

Are teeth not important to them? I know that most people there have money for proper dental care. I've seen Brits with bad teeth time and time again. But like i said, STEREOTYPICALLY. I know not all of them have bad teeth!
Because stereotypically, it's funny. Now excuse me, but I'm off to watch Monty Python.

I have a tooth that's about to come out over my other tooth. how do I fix this before it rips my gum?

also it hurts when you press down....Also I hav no dental care so I won't be going to the dentist
you need dental care. you can either have to other tooth pulled out like i did, or you can go to and orthdontist to get brace to straighten up your teeth.

I have a tooth that's about to come out over my other tooth. how do I fix this before it rips my gum?

also it hurts when you press down....Also I hav no dental care so I won't be going to the dentist
you need dental care. you can either have to other tooth pulled out like i did, or you can go to and orthdontist to get brace to straighten up your teeth.

professional answer a Dr. that specializes in complete dental extractions to explain the process. visits, etc

Would like to know, approx how many visits, how much healing time is needed before the denture process can begin, The difference between a patient that is under usual local anistetic (for extractions) and the process is which the patient is fully sedated. Complications: such as pacemaker, Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease. *I am a care taker for individuals with Developmental Disabilities For Service Alternatives Inc.
If you need such in depth answers and if you are a caretaker then I think ethically and legally you should do a course that will answer your questions or get a dentist to come in a give you a few guidelines

professional answer a Dr. that specializes in complete dental extractions to explain the process. visits, etc

Would like to know, approx how many visits, how much healing time is needed before the denture process can begin, The difference between a patient that is under usual local anistetic (for extractions) and the process is which the patient is fully sedated. Complications: such as pacemaker, Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease. *I am a care taker for individuals with Developmental Disabilities For Service Alternatives Inc.
If you need such in depth answers and if you are a caretaker then I think ethically and legally you should do a course that will answer your questions or get a dentist to come in a give you a few guidelines

What was hygeine like in the 1940's?

My nana tells me people were cleaner than they are today; she said she and everyone she knew showered daily; used back scrubbers and cleaned their hands and faces regularly. She also said dental care was better; is she telling the truth?
She was absolutely correct. I was born in 1939 and I ALWAYS took a bath or shower before bed time EVERY NIGHT.. we had some LOOFA sponges in the bathroom and hand and face washing was done on a regular basis.. especially after going to the toilet. People were a lot healthier then and we didnt HAVE all the antibiotics in the 1940's and 1950's that are avaliable today, so people were more clean then than today. I don't know what kind of cave or barn some of these other people who answered this question came from, but we were not considered wealthy but we STILL had HOT WATER in real WATERHEATERS and we had REFRIGERATION for foods even though we din't have air conditioning in your homes until about the mid 1950's. Anyway, I am 70 YEARS OLD so I can still REMEMBER those years of the 1940's and 1950's..

What was hygeine like in the 1940's?

My nana tells me people were cleaner than they are today; she said she and everyone she knew showered daily; used back scrubbers and cleaned their hands and faces regularly. She also said dental care was better; is she telling the truth?
She was absolutely correct. I was born in 1939 and I ALWAYS took a bath or shower before bed time EVERY NIGHT.. we had some LOOFA sponges in the bathroom and hand and face washing was done on a regular basis.. especially after going to the toilet. People were a lot healthier then and we didnt HAVE all the antibiotics in the 1940's and 1950's that are avaliable today, so people were more clean then than today. I don't know what kind of cave or barn some of these other people who answered this question came from, but we were not considered wealthy but we STILL had HOT WATER in real WATERHEATERS and we had REFRIGERATION for foods even though we din't have air conditioning in your homes until about the mid 1950's. Anyway, I am 70 YEARS OLD so I can still REMEMBER those years of the 1940's and 1950's..

Fight Cancer With Hope

If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them.  When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope?  We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell. Lance Armstrong
How we feel when we are diagnosed with cancer is a mixture of all kinds of emotions.  As an adult, we may be angry, scared, confused, sad, worried and many more negative feelings.  We make up stories in our mind before events happen and this makes the scenario worst.  There are so many resources to find information about our condition, websites online, all kinds of books with different options for treatment, and of course the public that all have their opinions.
Children, because of their innocence, tend to go with the flow.  Their fears are mostly brought on by their parents and other adults that in their life.  They will be scare when a procedure is being performed but that is because it is something new to them.  Children do not have the know how to give up. They just automatically fight because they do not have all the life knowledge that adults do to make them not fight like hell.

What are the needs of older Australians - the post-60 year olds?

I'm looking to find out what older Australians see as "their need" as we approach another federal election, I don't want to discuss the 'pros' and 'com's of any particular polotical party or candidate. I would like to hear from pensioers, self-funded retirees, those who still require to work past 'normal expected retirement age'! I would like some 'security', change without over-whelming rapid change, better recognition that older Australians, particularly those still leading active lives in the community can be 'high maintenance' Australians' in terms of medical, pharmaceutical and dental care. Please respond with your ideas - you do not need to be over 60 years of age to respond - younger people, particularly those with parents or grand parents in the 60+ age range may feel that they want to contribute their ideas and experiences! Thank you!
I would like to see more help for the self-funded retiree. We have worked all our lives and saved enough money to look after ourselves in retirement, but we do not get any help with our rates, telephone, electricity etc as we are self-funded. If we hadn't saved our money over the years, we would be on a government pension and have all the benefits that go with it.

What are the needs of older Australians - the post-60 year olds?

I'm looking to find out what older Australians see as "their need" as we approach another federal election, I don't want to discuss the 'pros' and 'com's of any particular polotical party or candidate. I would like to hear from pensioers, self-funded retirees, those who still require to work past 'normal expected retirement age'! I would like some 'security', change without over-whelming rapid change, better recognition that older Australians, particularly those still leading active lives in the community can be 'high maintenance' Australians' in terms of medical, pharmaceutical and dental care. Please respond with your ideas - you do not need to be over 60 years of age to respond - younger people, particularly those with parents or grand parents in the 60+ age range may feel that they want to contribute their ideas and experiences! Thank you!
I would like to see more help for the self-funded retiree. We have worked all our lives and saved enough money to look after ourselves in retirement, but we do not get any help with our rates, telephone, electricity etc as we are self-funded. If we hadn't saved our money over the years, we would be on a government pension and have all the benefits that go with it.

How much does it cost to pull a wisdom tooth?

How much does it cost to get your wisdom teeth removed? I don't have insurence, and cannot recieve care credit for payment plans, Has anyone been to a dental school? how much is a filling at one? I live in Houston, Texas
It can cost a lot less than u think. All u have to do is goto this site and check out the savings.

How much does it cost to pull a wisdom tooth?

How much does it cost to get your wisdom teeth removed? I don't have insurence, and cannot recieve care credit for payment plans, Has anyone been to a dental school? how much is a filling at one? I live in Houston, Texas
It can cost a lot less than u think. All u have to do is goto this site and check out the savings.

How do you guys pay for medical procedures?

I am paying $350.00 a month for medical coverage, no dental, no vision. My deductible is $3,500.00 I need surgery right now and cannot pay the deductible how do I get this done, is there a way? I pay this high premium to pay for others, I need help and don't get any. Should I stop paying my premium, and just drop into a hospital for free care? There are some that is doing this why not? I paid for years into this so called system now I need help...
that sounds like the worst health insurance i've ever heard of!! first off though, what kind of surgery do you need right now? if it is an emergency, then yes, go to a hospital. they will do it in order to save your life regardless of your ability to pay. but if its something non urgent, then you will be discharged, and told to follow up with a surgeon. --an example would be 1) if you had acute appendicitis, then they would perform surgery regardless of pay. 2) if you had a torn knee ligament, then you would be discharged, sent home and told to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon, who might ask for payment. --by the way, what insurance do you have for it to be so high, and how many people are on the plan, and if you do have to pay the deductible, then talk to the insurance company to try to make payments on it.

How do you guys pay for medical procedures?

I am paying $350.00 a month for medical coverage, no dental, no vision. My deductible is $3,500.00 I need surgery right now and cannot pay the deductible how do I get this done, is there a way? I pay this high premium to pay for others, I need help and don't get any. Should I stop paying my premium, and just drop into a hospital for free care? There are some that is doing this why not? I paid for years into this so called system now I need help...
that sounds like the worst health insurance i've ever heard of!! first off though, what kind of surgery do you need right now? if it is an emergency, then yes, go to a hospital. they will do it in order to save your life regardless of your ability to pay. but if its something non urgent, then you will be discharged, and told to follow up with a surgeon. --an example would be 1) if you had acute appendicitis, then they would perform surgery regardless of pay. 2) if you had a torn knee ligament, then you would be discharged, sent home and told to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon, who might ask for payment. --by the way, what insurance do you have for it to be so high, and how many people are on the plan, and if you do have to pay the deductible, then talk to the insurance company to try to make payments on it.

Anyone else a dental nurse?

I've been dental nursing for the last 7 1/2 years,i registered as also now legal requirement with the GDC in 2006. I have been at the same practice for last 6 years,and am now looking to stay within similar work but also maybe branch out to somewhere that is bigger and extra skills and experience that could be gained,or am open to taking on other medical posts of course depending on requirements,and extra training that may be necessary. I am also wanting to move on as money is not great where i work,taken years to get up a few pence,but am greatful for job with current times as they are! However i am fed up of looking on the jobcentre site or other better sites and places,and seing these jobs going where they are still not stipulating that you will need to be registered,some are still prepared to take you with no experience,just a way round of being able to pay you less i reckon,and then all these jobs where they ask for registration and experience,but all these crappy salaries 17,19,21 thousand a year,are we not worth morew than that,if the dentist really can't afford it then that means he should be looking at his business,ans those that can are just bloody stingey,as all credit to them they studied long and hard for there money,but they just want the share for themselves,and pay you the wage of a office junior. After all without demoting ourselves to them,i'm sorry but we can't all do the same professions in life,and not that they'd care but if we had then they wouldn't have a nurse,and by law and there need also they are supposed to have a full time dental nurse at all times,so if we weren't there they'd be in trouble,ok just the same as one dentist told me,that we would be in if they weren't there,and i said yeah but your not moaning about your salary because your ok on that score. Anyone else suffereing this or fed up,i say that they have to be pushed to pay more,and if they are full or part nhs thenb the government should be doing more ,and especially the hospitals that employ dental staff alike,21/24 thousand to work in a busy hospital all day and job description and requirements as long as your arms,you should be ashamed of yourselves,i know hospitals have to fund things adequately,but aside form that i'm sorry the money is going to the top people,maybe they should take a little pay reduction. We now as dental nurses have registration fees to pay,and have to undertake cpd every five tears just to keep our jobs,some of this will be gained by going on courses which are not cheap either. Don't get me worng ok through one reason and another we all end up doing different things in life,and you don't have to do the job your in,but i enjoy it and i consider myself as someone who is important like all other dental nurses we are contributing to the care of many patients,and asa i said i enjoy it,what would be better me scrounging off the governement and expecting the council to help me out,and claim benefits,no i don't think so we've got enough of that going on at the moment here and always have done. I'm just asking for us to be given a bit more,and maybe subsidised a bit more for things,and of course more should go to the nurses who have more experience and qualifications/skills.
OK, I live in Scotland so this may not apply to you I work alongside ~Oral Health Action Teams who are based in areas across the city, who support children and their families They work with toddler groups, playgroups and nurseries and families in general who need support to attend a dentist they work with ante natal teams, weaning fayre and various other support groups to families with young children All of the Oral health promoters,oral health educators and most of dental health support workers have been dental nurses before Maybe look at your local health boards job vacancies, and see if you can get into Oral Health Promotion They all earn in excess of 22K upwards ,depending on service etc and gain further CPD as they progress

Anyone else a dental nurse?

I've been dental nursing for the last 7 1/2 years,i registered as also now legal requirement with the GDC in 2006. I have been at the same practice for last 6 years,and am now looking to stay within similar work but also maybe branch out to somewhere that is bigger and extra skills and experience that could be gained,or am open to taking on other medical posts of course depending on requirements,and extra training that may be necessary. I am also wanting to move on as money is not great where i work,taken years to get up a few pence,but am greatful for job with current times as they are! However i am fed up of looking on the jobcentre site or other better sites and places,and seing these jobs going where they are still not stipulating that you will need to be registered,some are still prepared to take you with no experience,just a way round of being able to pay you less i reckon,and then all these jobs where they ask for registration and experience,but all these crappy salaries 17,19,21 thousand a year,are we not worth morew than that,if the dentist really can't afford it then that means he should be looking at his business,ans those that can are just bloody stingey,as all credit to them they studied long and hard for there money,but they just want the share for themselves,and pay you the wage of a office junior. After all without demoting ourselves to them,i'm sorry but we can't all do the same professions in life,and not that they'd care but if we had then they wouldn't have a nurse,and by law and there need also they are supposed to have a full time dental nurse at all times,so if we weren't there they'd be in trouble,ok just the same as one dentist told me,that we would be in if they weren't there,and i said yeah but your not moaning about your salary because your ok on that score. Anyone else suffereing this or fed up,i say that they have to be pushed to pay more,and if they are full or part nhs thenb the government should be doing more ,and especially the hospitals that employ dental staff alike,21/24 thousand to work in a busy hospital all day and job description and requirements as long as your arms,you should be ashamed of yourselves,i know hospitals have to fund things adequately,but aside form that i'm sorry the money is going to the top people,maybe they should take a little pay reduction. We now as dental nurses have registration fees to pay,and have to undertake cpd every five tears just to keep our jobs,some of this will be gained by going on courses which are not cheap either. Don't get me worng ok through one reason and another we all end up doing different things in life,and you don't have to do the job your in,but i enjoy it and i consider myself as someone who is important like all other dental nurses we are contributing to the care of many patients,and asa i said i enjoy it,what would be better me scrounging off the governement and expecting the council to help me out,and claim benefits,no i don't think so we've got enough of that going on at the moment here and always have done. I'm just asking for us to be given a bit more,and maybe subsidised a bit more for things,and of course more should go to the nurses who have more experience and qualifications/skills.
OK, I live in Scotland so this may not apply to you I work alongside ~Oral Health Action Teams who are based in areas across the city, who support children and their families They work with toddler groups, playgroups and nurseries and families in general who need support to attend a dentist they work with ante natal teams, weaning fayre and various other support groups to families with young children All of the Oral health promoters,oral health educators and most of dental health support workers have been dental nurses before Maybe look at your local health boards job vacancies, and see if you can get into Oral Health Promotion They all earn in excess of 22K upwards ,depending on service etc and gain further CPD as they progress

Any opinions on Dishmaker, William J DDS - Dishmaker William J DDS in Kewaunee, WI?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My daughter needs extensive dental care. She is 23, unmarried, on MA and has the teeth of a 60 year old woman. When she was young, I didn't have the finances to fix her teeth and for this I feel horrible, could you help her. She either needs false teeth or caps as her teeth are rotting away from her gums. She received your phone number from a friend saying that you work with MA customers (are hard to find). Please call her at 920-366-7621. She is, I think, very nervous. Thank you very much.
Im sorry, but I can not believe that you just posted your daughters phone number on here. I feel for you when a bunch of nuts start calling her.

Any opinions on Dishmaker, William J DDS - Dishmaker William J DDS in Kewaunee, WI?

My daughter needs extensive dental care. She is 23, unmarried, on MA and has the teeth of a 60 year old woman. When she was young, I didn't have the finances to fix her teeth and for this I feel horrible, could you help her. She either needs false teeth or caps as her teeth are rotting away from her gums. She received your phone number from a friend saying that you work with MA customers (are hard to find). Please call her at 920-366-7621. She is, I think, very nervous. Thank you very much.
Im sorry, but I can not believe that you just posted your daughters phone number on here. I feel for you when a bunch of nuts start calling her.

Are you without Dental Insurance?

If you don't have dental or medical insurance this can help you save on your health care expenses without paying high priced premiums. The programs can help you save 25%-80% on your healthcare expenses. For more information visit
what the hell!!!!

Are you without Dental Insurance?

If you don't have dental or medical insurance this can help you save on your health care expenses without paying high priced premiums. The programs can help you save 25%-80% on your healthcare expenses. For more information visit
what the hell!!!!

Good discount dental plan?

I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
You can find a discount dental plan that will go into effect immediately upon purchase. Insurance companies and dentists love this because there is no paperwork to file. You are responsible for full payment of the discounted rate. Finding a dental plan will be tough as most have waiting periods so people decide they have major work to do and now want insurance to pay for it. Makes them wait at least a year for major coverage (root canals and crowns). As for a dentist, ask your friends....

Good discount dental plan?

I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
You can find a discount dental plan that will go into effect immediately upon purchase. Insurance companies and dentists love this because there is no paperwork to file. You are responsible for full payment of the discounted rate. Finding a dental plan will be tough as most have waiting periods so people decide they have major work to do and now want insurance to pay for it. Makes them wait at least a year for major coverage (root canals and crowns). As for a dentist, ask your friends....

Where can I go in Orlando, Florida to have a couple of tooth extractions done for cheap?

I have dental insurance, but the remaining cost is still somewhat expensive. I tried applying for the care credit card and that didnt work. I really need this done and even with my insurance I cannot afford it. Unless my dentist is trying to screw me, how much does a tooth extraction usually cost?
Try going to a College or University that teaches dental to students. Where I live the students learn on you for a cheaper price but are very supervised by their professors. Good Luck.

Where can I go in Orlando, Florida to have a couple of tooth extractions done for cheap?

I have dental insurance, but the remaining cost is still somewhat expensive. I tried applying for the care credit card and that didnt work. I really need this done and even with my insurance I cannot afford it. Unless my dentist is trying to screw me, how much does a tooth extraction usually cost?
Try going to a College or University that teaches dental to students. Where I live the students learn on you for a cheaper price but are very supervised by their professors. Good Luck.

Need dental work, but I don't have insurance?

I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
you can actually check with your local university, If they have a dental program you can actually save big bucks with opting for this alternative. its the same type of treatment you would get at a regular dental office but the catch is you are being treated by a student. the students are carefully supervised by dentists so rest assured! you wont be some lab rat :o) I would call asap b/c they do have a waiting list and sometimes it will take a couple months before you can go in. You can also check your state dental page they may have recommendations. I found this website… they have offices which offer sliding scale. they base it off your income. these also tend to be pretty booked so if you go that route remember to call asap :o) I too dont have dental insurance and I know how much it sucks to pay full price for dental work.

Need dental work, but I don't have insurance?

I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
you can actually check with your local university, If they have a dental program you can actually save big bucks with opting for this alternative. its the same type of treatment you would get at a regular dental office but the catch is you are being treated by a student. the students are carefully supervised by dentists so rest assured! you wont be some lab rat :o) I would call asap b/c they do have a waiting list and sometimes it will take a couple months before you can go in. You can also check your state dental page they may have recommendations. I found this website… they have offices which offer sliding scale. they base it off your income. these also tend to be pretty booked so if you go that route remember to call asap :o) I too dont have dental insurance and I know how much it sucks to pay full price for dental work.

Discount Dental Plan?

I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
Hi Stephen, Here's my website,… We are a discount plan, and we have really great savings in the Austin area. You can do a provider search and enroll, both from the site. Please call or email me, if you have any questions. You can reach me toll free at 877-303-4065. Sincerely, Joelle

Discount Dental Plan?

I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
Hi Stephen, Here's my website,… We are a discount plan, and we have really great savings in the Austin area. You can do a provider search and enroll, both from the site. Please call or email me, if you have any questions. You can reach me toll free at 877-303-4065. Sincerely, Joelle

I am a dentist. Should I keep providing free service to my brothers and sisters-in-law?

I've always provided free dental care to my brothers and sisters-in-law along with their wives and husbands. When I say free, I mean I usually just take what the insurance gives and don't ask for co-pay. I've never minded giving them free dental care. But now I don't know if it should still do this for them. First of all, two of my brothers-in-law cancelled their insurance because they realized that I'm not going to charge them. So now its not that I only don't get co-pay, but I don't even get insurance pay. This was still fine for me, they are family. But the thing is that they don't even show much appreciation. They never even ask me if they should pay. Nor do they ever show some gratitude with a gift or giftbasket or anything. Now please realize, I am NOT asking for a gift or I am not working for free so I get a gift. But at least they should show some sort of appreciation and shouldn't just take me for granted am I right?
of course not !!!

I am a dentist. Should I keep providing free service to my brothers and sisters-in-law?

I've always provided free dental care to my brothers and sisters-in-law along with their wives and husbands. When I say free, I mean I usually just take what the insurance gives and don't ask for co-pay. I've never minded giving them free dental care. But now I don't know if it should still do this for them. First of all, two of my brothers-in-law cancelled their insurance because they realized that I'm not going to charge them. So now its not that I only don't get co-pay, but I don't even get insurance pay. This was still fine for me, they are family. But the thing is that they don't even show much appreciation. They never even ask me if they should pay. Nor do they ever show some gratitude with a gift or giftbasket or anything. Now please realize, I am NOT asking for a gift or I am not working for free so I get a gift. But at least they should show some sort of appreciation and shouldn't just take me for granted am I right?
of course not !!!

What wronge with this cavity?

It has been filled before but, seems to have gotten worse. The part were the cavity is (hole) is pink. I have absoutly no pain or sensitivity. What is things? Just to clear things up the whole tooth isn't pink. P.S. I have odontophobia (fear of dentist/dental). Any care tips for teeth.
did you eat something to make it pink? it may just be stained. if it stays there for another day or two i would get it checked out just for precaution.

What wronge with this cavity?

It has been filled before but, seems to have gotten worse. The part were the cavity is (hole) is pink. I have absoutly no pain or sensitivity. What is things? Just to clear things up the whole tooth isn't pink. P.S. I have odontophobia (fear of dentist/dental). Any care tips for teeth.
did you eat something to make it pink? it may just be stained. if it stays there for another day or two i would get it checked out just for precaution.

Why is it that British people have rotten teeth?

Is it just that they lack dental services over there? Is it all the tea? Do they just not care?
I have lived here for a while now and have never seen one person with rotten teeth,I am sure that there are but,I have never seen them.To oldster,who said we don't have fluoride in the water,I would suggest that you first do a spell check on the word and secondly get your facts straight,the water in Britain has fluoride added and has for at least forty years,probably longer.I find this question to have no merit whatsoever,have you ever been over here to see?You don't say what country you are from or where you got your information from.Why is it that people from your country are morbidly obese,spineless retards with no knowledge of history,geography and have teeth fetishes? Edit........Punk Propagandist,what is to defensive?Do you mean so defensive or too defensive.Whatever it is that you are attempting to say,you are wrong.Why are americans so obnoxious?What is the point of such a generalising question if it isn't to further the stupid myth of everyone having rotten teeth.In a test of american university students,almost 80% of them couldn't locate washington d.c on a map of america.Take a look on you-tube at some of the retards who said that Korea was Australia simply because someone had changed the names around.Japan was a place in China did not know which continent was Europe and which was Asia,.I could go on and on and on with these examples but there is no point.It is a well documented fact.

Why is it that British people have rotten teeth?

Is it just that they lack dental services over there? Is it all the tea? Do they just not care?
I have lived here for a while now and have never seen one person with rotten teeth,I am sure that there are but,I have never seen them.To oldster,who said we don't have fluoride in the water,I would suggest that you first do a spell check on the word and secondly get your facts straight,the water in Britain has fluoride added and has for at least forty years,probably longer.I find this question to have no merit whatsoever,have you ever been over here to see?You don't say what country you are from or where you got your information from.Why is it that people from your country are morbidly obese,spineless retards with no knowledge of history,geography and have teeth fetishes? Edit........Punk Propagandist,what is to defensive?Do you mean so defensive or too defensive.Whatever it is that you are attempting to say,you are wrong.Why are americans so obnoxious?What is the point of such a generalising question if it isn't to further the stupid myth of everyone having rotten teeth.In a test of american university students,almost 80% of them couldn't locate washington d.c on a map of america.Take a look on you-tube at some of the retards who said that Korea was Australia simply because someone had changed the names around.Japan was a place in China did not know which continent was Europe and which was Asia,.I could go on and on and on with these examples but there is no point.It is a well documented fact.

Limited dental insurance and desperate!?

My university insurance has limited dental coverage, which i have used up most of :( My teeth need urgent care. What other options are available for me? Please advise!
I was once in your situation many years ago. I maxed out my insurance and still needed some work done and could not wait another 6 months till then. That's when I found this wonderful plan. I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services when my insurance did not.. From extractions of my wisdom teeth, xrays, exams, fillings and even my braces. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.

Limited dental insurance and desperate!?

My university insurance has limited dental coverage, which i have used up most of :( My teeth need urgent care. What other options are available for me? Please advise!
I was once in your situation many years ago. I maxed out my insurance and still needed some work done and could not wait another 6 months till then. That's when I found this wonderful plan. I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services when my insurance did not.. From extractions of my wisdom teeth, xrays, exams, fillings and even my braces. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.

What would be the disadvantages of becoming nurse for my own children?

If I become a nurse do you think I will have enough time to take care of my own kids?I mean do you think this is a right major for do you compare it to dental hygienist ..I like to continue my education to become a CRNA .......I am 37 years old student at college now.Thanks .
Nursing is a very unsociable job. If you can avoid it with young children I would. You are concerned about missing out on their childhoods and I guess this is why you have asked this question. I always believe if there is any doubt - don't. Dental hygienists have better working hours and conditions for running a home and family. I don't know how the salary compares but sometimes its better to take less money for better hours. Many trained nurses have difficulties with their marriages if their partners are not totally unselfish. You need to weigh up the risks to yourself and your family of a career in nursing at your age. Nursing should ideally be done by young energetic women. By the time to get to fifty you won't want to work physically hard and then what will you do. Link :…

What would be the disadvantages of becoming nurse for my own children?

If I become a nurse do you think I will have enough time to take care of my own kids?I mean do you think this is a right major for do you compare it to dental hygienist ..I like to continue my education to become a CRNA .......I am 37 years old student at college now.Thanks .
Nursing is a very unsociable job. If you can avoid it with young children I would. You are concerned about missing out on their childhoods and I guess this is why you have asked this question. I always believe if there is any doubt - don't. Dental hygienists have better working hours and conditions for running a home and family. I don't know how the salary compares but sometimes its better to take less money for better hours. Many trained nurses have difficulties with their marriages if their partners are not totally unselfish. You need to weigh up the risks to yourself and your family of a career in nursing at your age. Nursing should ideally be done by young energetic women. By the time to get to fifty you won't want to work physically hard and then what will you do. Link :…

How does the crime victims compensation fund pay you back?

Once you've applied and been approved by the crime victims compensation funding lets say 5,000 ( for medical,dental,lost wages) how do they get that money to you? Do they write a check to you or do they actually take care of getting the money to the hospital etc?
I had to use that once and they paid the hospital and the doctors and a landlord deposit to move and even offered to buy me a bus ticket if I wanted to go to a different state where my family was. They never gave me any money, I had to submit bills to them and they would pay the bills.

How does the crime victims compensation fund pay you back?

Once you've applied and been approved by the crime victims compensation funding lets say 5,000 ( for medical,dental,lost wages) how do they get that money to you? Do they write a check to you or do they actually take care of getting the money to the hospital etc?
I had to use that once and they paid the hospital and the doctors and a landlord deposit to move and even offered to buy me a bus ticket if I wanted to go to a different state where my family was. They never gave me any money, I had to submit bills to them and they would pay the bills.

How much worst are my chances?

I averaged A&B's in high school (3.4 GPA). I couldn't get into the college i wanted to go so i missed this semester. I'm planning to attend a 2 year college by spring semester and then later on transfer to a 4yr college. I was looking into Health Care. My question is how bad are my chances getting into dental, pharmacist, or med school after college knowing that i started at a community college. Is there anything i can take that would improve them. And what mayor would give me an edge. Please any advice would be helpful
I started out the same way you did. I took a year at my community college and took all my science prerequisites. the important thing is getting spectacular grades at your community college. Then you'll be going into the 4 year institute with a 4.0. I started out at my 4 year institute (University of Illinois at Chicago) going into pre pharmacy. If you are looking into health care I would recommend a B.S. in chemistry or biochemistry if you are looking into pharmacy, or a B.S. in biological sciences or neuroscience is you are looking into medicine or dentistry. You're chances are a little diminished from those students who started freshman year there, but you will only be missing out on your gen eds. The important thing is to also get to know people within the field you are looking to go into. Volunteer at a hospital, or get a job as a pharmacy technician. Starting out at a two year institute won't hurt you, as long as you kick but at your science courses such as gen chem and bio, organic chemistry, microbiology, and such. Concentrate on making yourself stand out from other students. Try to get into the honors college. You'll be just fine. I got into the pharmacy program here after my Junior year, without ever even getting my bachelors :)

How much worst are my chances?

I averaged A&B's in high school (3.4 GPA). I couldn't get into the college i wanted to go so i missed this semester. I'm planning to attend a 2 year college by spring semester and then later on transfer to a 4yr college. I was looking into Health Care. My question is how bad are my chances getting into dental, pharmacist, or med school after college knowing that i started at a community college. Is there anything i can take that would improve them. And what mayor would give me an edge. Please any advice would be helpful
I started out the same way you did. I took a year at my community college and took all my science prerequisites. the important thing is getting spectacular grades at your community college. Then you'll be going into the 4 year institute with a 4.0. I started out at my 4 year institute (University of Illinois at Chicago) going into pre pharmacy. If you are looking into health care I would recommend a B.S. in chemistry or biochemistry if you are looking into pharmacy, or a B.S. in biological sciences or neuroscience is you are looking into medicine or dentistry. You're chances are a little diminished from those students who started freshman year there, but you will only be missing out on your gen eds. The important thing is to also get to know people within the field you are looking to go into. Volunteer at a hospital, or get a job as a pharmacy technician. Starting out at a two year institute won't hurt you, as long as you kick but at your science courses such as gen chem and bio, organic chemistry, microbiology, and such. Concentrate on making yourself stand out from other students. Try to get into the honors college. You'll be just fine. I got into the pharmacy program here after my Junior year, without ever even getting my bachelors :)

Is the health care system in the US inhumane?

I have heard of cases where the sick are left to die if they are not carrying health insurance. In fact, I have been denied care at Kaiser because I'm not insured. I don't have dental insurance either, so I had a killer tooth pain and at the county hospital they didn't fix my tooth, and just gave me pain killers and penicillin.…
Yes. No offence but I don't envy America's healthcare system, I'm very thankful I live in England where we have free healthcare. Even homeless people are treated here with no hesitation.

Is the health care system in the US inhumane?

I have heard of cases where the sick are left to die if they are not carrying health insurance. In fact, I have been denied care at Kaiser because I'm not insured. I don't have dental insurance either, so I had a killer tooth pain and at the county hospital they didn't fix my tooth, and just gave me pain killers and penicillin.…
Yes. No offence but I don't envy America's healthcare system, I'm very thankful I live in England where we have free healthcare. Even homeless people are treated here with no hesitation.

Free braces for a low-income high school student?

if it is proven that they cannot afford dental health care/ braces, and they have free/reduced priced lunch, is there a program that can help that student get braces at a reduced price?
none , ask for a payment plan

Free braces for a low-income high school student?

if it is proven that they cannot afford dental health care/ braces, and they have free/reduced priced lunch, is there a program that can help that student get braces at a reduced price?
none , ask for a payment plan

Dental Bonding Question?

I am going to be gettting dental bonding done on my 2 front teeth. I have been told that what I need done will cost me about $600-$800. With care credit, how much will I be paying a month?
go to and they have a payment calculator for you to use.

Dental Bonding Question?

I am going to be gettting dental bonding done on my 2 front teeth. I have been told that what I need done will cost me about $600-$800. With care credit, how much will I be paying a month?
go to and they have a payment calculator for you to use.

How To Get Rid From Hair Loss Through Hair Loss Treatment

Because of modern lifestyle many people are facing hair loss problem, there is Ayurvedic hair loss treatments which helps you to get hair back. As per ayurvedic hair loss treatment, hairs are considered as a byproduct for bone formation. Growth of your hair depends on the tissues from which the bones are formed. Commonly people who have straight and blonde hair will face the hair loss problem more than others. These peoples will get graying hair sooner than the people having thick and coarse hair. In Ayurvedic hair loss treatment there are different includes like herbs, yoga, meditation, yoga, balanced diet, and oil massage, to give the positive result. In Ayurvedic hair loss treatment the first step is to locate the root cause in your diet or lifestyle which might increase the Pitta dosha. Once you know, try to give up or at least reduce the diet, habit, or activity responsible for increasing the Pitta. The person facing hair loss problem, should maintain a daily bowel movement. If you are getting constipation then a mild natural laxative you can take. Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal is useful in this case. Everyday physical exercise is also a very beneficial in balancing the aggravated doshas. Hair massage is too important for hair. Always use a natural shampoo and soap to clean the hair. Don't use chemical shampoo because it is one the cause for hair loss. Chemical shampoo has a heating effect, and increase Pitta. In Ayurveda you will find Amala, Shikakai, which is natural hair conditioner and in India is commonly used for washing the hair.

dental assistance in Texas?

I have a friend in Texas who is in desperate need of dentures and cannot afford them. She does not qualify for Medicaid but her insurance only pays for part of the costs of all of the extractions and dental work. She does not qualify for Care Credit and the dentists that she has tried are not willling to set up payment plans. Does anyone know of any programs that can help pay for the costs? She really needs help before her poor dental health starts affecting her general health. Her teeth are so baad that they are turning black and decaying away. She is also in pain. thanks for your help.
She can try contacting a dental school in her area. They may want to use her for an hands on assignment. Get the yellow pages or use a search engine

dental assistance in Texas?

I have a friend in Texas who is in desperate need of dentures and cannot afford them. She does not qualify for Medicaid but her insurance only pays for part of the costs of all of the extractions and dental work. She does not qualify for Care Credit and the dentists that she has tried are not willling to set up payment plans. Does anyone know of any programs that can help pay for the costs? She really needs help before her poor dental health starts affecting her general health. Her teeth are so baad that they are turning black and decaying away. She is also in pain. thanks for your help.
She can try contacting a dental school in her area. They may want to use her for an hands on assignment. Get the yellow pages or use a search engine

I am scheduled for a Perio Scale/Root Planing-4+per quad UR, UL, LL and LR at $175 each ?

Is this too much to be charged? I just want to get the best dental care but not be charged an arm and a leg since I just had to have a root canal and crown which took up most if not all of my dental insurance for this year.
We charge $215 per quadrant and our office is usually pretty cheap, so that is pretty darn good! The previous office I worked at we charged $245 per quadrant. You can always call around and price shop if you don't have insurance coverage. But being this close to the end of the year, you may want to wait til January to get it done so insurance will pay their 80%. Its only 3 months away. But I wouldn't recommend waiting any longer than that! It is super important to have that procedure done for the health of your teeth. :) (im sure you already know this though, lol).

I am scheduled for a Perio Scale/Root Planing-4+per quad UR, UL, LL and LR at $175 each ?

Is this too much to be charged? I just want to get the best dental care but not be charged an arm and a leg since I just had to have a root canal and crown which took up most if not all of my dental insurance for this year.
We charge $215 per quadrant and our office is usually pretty cheap, so that is pretty darn good! The previous office I worked at we charged $245 per quadrant. You can always call around and price shop if you don't have insurance coverage. But being this close to the end of the year, you may want to wait til January to get it done so insurance will pay their 80%. Its only 3 months away. But I wouldn't recommend waiting any longer than that! It is super important to have that procedure done for the health of your teeth. :) (im sure you already know this though, lol).

Is a gold dental crown on a guy a turn off?

or do you not care
nah, its fine with me. it just means that you have respect for your hygiene and care of your body. but... if you have too many, then that's a different story.

Is a gold dental crown on a guy a turn off?

or do you not care
nah, its fine with me. it just means that you have respect for your hygiene and care of your body. but... if you have too many, then that's a different story.

what is the reason that we must brush our teeth every day?

Now How Many times per day that yourself Brushes your own teeth as to keep them clean also healthy ? this is asked by the American Dental Association and the general Health Care ?
Because otherwise bacteria have a field day in your filthy mouth. They eat away your teeth, your gums, and if things get bad enough, the infection can spread to your blood and you can get septic. Brush at least twice a day. Floss if you're smart.

what is the reason that we must brush our teeth every day?

Now How Many times per day that yourself Brushes your own teeth as to keep them clean also healthy ? this is asked by the American Dental Association and the general Health Care ?
Because otherwise bacteria have a field day in your filthy mouth. They eat away your teeth, your gums, and if things get bad enough, the infection can spread to your blood and you can get septic. Brush at least twice a day. Floss if you're smart.

Why do people think British people have bad teeth?

We actually have pretty good dental care.. I'm in england I dont know a single person with bad teeth.. we all have normal straight white teeth.. do you just hate us so you decide to insult us with everything you can think of? I dont believe a single stereotype about Americans, or anyone else..
Probably because you all got braces and stuffs to fix your bad teeth. That or you think nasty teeth look like the norm, you're so used to seeing them. lol, joking, of course. Stereotypes can be fun sometimes. I'm Canadian and I make fun of our stereotypes all the time (ie: saying "eh" and "aboot", igloos, sleddogs, snow, hockey, seal clubbing). Just play with it. It can be quite amuzing to get ignorant people to believe a bunch of stereotypes. Me and this other girl managed to convince a few people (a couple from the States and a couple from Germany, one from England) that here in Canada, we clubbed baby seals in Saskatchewan because they eat our children. We said we clubbed them instead of shoot (which they kept going on about it being more humane) because we have gun laws here in Canada that makes it illegal to sell guns for less than 60,000$, and Canadians couldn't to buy them because we're too poor. xD Although, I had an ex who was a Brit and he had some pretty nasty teeth. xD We were going on with ridiculous things like that for a couple of hours, and they believed everyword of it. However, if you were a Canadian and you were reading it, you'd have found it humourous.