Editor Serge from my French publisher Editions çà et là wrote to tell me about a new review of Mom's Cancer (Le Cancer de Maman) published recently in Le Monde, France's leading daily national newspaper. The reviewer also commented on Miriam Engelberg's Cancer Made Me a Shallower Person (which, as I noted earlier, was translated into French as "Cancer Made Me Love TV and Crosswords," entirely appropriately I thought) and a book I don't know by Paco Roca titled Rides in French (Arrugas in its original Spanish or Wrinkles in English) about Alzheimer's disease.
Serge and AltaVista's BabelFish translator both assure me the review is a good one. Serge said Le Monde doesn't usually review graphic novels at all and he seemed happy to be noticed. I am, too. So extra thanks to Le Monde, as well as to Serge for letting me know about it.

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