Todays' meeting was well attended and had the welcome addition of the childrens meeting as it was second Sunday in the month. The main meeting was a peaceful affair, with no ministry until the children joined the room for the last few minutes.
The children looked at the true story of how a meeting of quaker settlers in America managed to show their friendship to a tribe of Native Americans, who after much hostility from the wider settler community had come to harm the group (click here for the story). The story ends where the chief of the tribe offers a white feather to the friends to show trust and freindship.
The children went on to make themselves a headdress of feathers to reflect both the dress of the Native Americans and the symbolic gift of the feather. A lot of effort went in to the design, cutting out and colouring of the feather bands, which certainly went down well with the main meeting when they joined them.
One of the parents spoke about how the idea for the headdress started as just a loose plan based on the story, but how the children pulled together with the parents in a short space of time to make something quite special.
After the meeting different people spoke about friends that had moved far away, others who are prevented from coming due to poor health and others who had returned home after some time away and the overiding thought seemed to be that home really is where your friends and family are around you.
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