"I Can't Afford to Buy Healthier"

Monday, June 22, 2009

For some families living below the poverty level or on a fixed income, buying healthier really isn't an option. They may not have a car to drive to a supercenter or health food store. Last I checked, most corner marts and gas stations that they'd be within walking distance to don't carry fruits and veggies. Or they may have no time to scout the best prices. Families with extremely tight incomes often spend their time waiting...at the laundromat, at bus stops, etc. There's no time left to hit multiple stores. Some also just have absolutely no money for the higher priced healthier foods.

Which in itself is another problem for another day...why healthier stuff is more expensive than it's more processed counterparts.

But back to the main topic. For the majority of us that are middle class, we can't afford NOT to buy healthier foods. Ignore the double negative for a moment and think about it. By buying the processed stuff in order to shave a few dollars off our grocery bills, we're also setting ourselves up for higher risks of cancer, heart disease, Alzeimer's, etc. Across the nation, our health is quickly getting worse.

Here are a few printable coupons to help with those expenses. Quite a few are still processed, but they're at least organic or use more natural ingredients.

Alexia - Natural frozen foods (rolls, fries, onion rings, potatoes)
Bakery on Main - Join the Club to get coupons
Brown Cow - Natural yogurt
Earth's Best - Organic baby food
Enjoy Life - Allergy friendly snacks
Stonyfield Farm - Organic dairy products
Farm Rich - Frozen snacks and appetizers. Not organic but has no hydrogenated vegetable oil
Homemade Baby - Organic baby food
Horizon Organic - Organic dairy products
Ian's - Snack foods, frozen entrees, and appetizers
Organic Valley - dairy products
R.W. Knudsen - Natural fruit juices and drinks
Seventh Generation - Organic cleaning and other household products

Delicious Living - coupons for a variety of brands, such as Back to Nature, R.W. Knudsen, Lundberg, and Santa Cruz
Eating Well - Coupons for a variety of brands, like Brown Cow, Tofurky, Lundberg, and Quantum Health
Mambo Sprouts - Coupons for a variety of organic or natural products, like Rice Dream and Wolfgang Puck