Quote of the Day

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For the last couple of weeks, I've really gotten away from eating enough vegetables. As I think back on what I ate, there was quite a bit of white refined grains and quick processed foods. I didn't have a menu plan for last week, so many meals were thrown together at the last minute before rushing to do something else. Then I was flipping through a notebook over the weekend and came across this quote:

"Cook like your life depends on it, because it does."

Whoops. That wasn't what I had in mind when I was throwing meals together last week. Food is a major part of our lives. It's what sustains us, nourishes us, and helps keep us functioning at our optimal levels. This week, my goal is to get back to this idea - to actually put in the effort of preparing nourishing meals. I may have a million other things to do, but what I'm putting in my body is a bit more important than many other things on my "to do" list.