What is the difference between "Medical Health Care" and a "Medical Discount Benefit Program?"?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I just received a telemarketing call from a company called Elite Health Care, web address for anyone interested is www.elitehealthcareinc.com. Anyway, I shamefully admit I am still too gullible and this "plan" just sounds WAY too good to be true. $99.95 a month for BOTH David and I simply because we reside in the same household. We're still not yet married so nor are we considered "family" with most actual medical health insurance providers, BUT, this company says we ARE family, again because we live together. Please keep in mind, "Dru" (the verifier of the phone call) was ADAMANT about making sure I understood that this is NOT insurance. However, I save 60% on Dr.'s visits, total FREE dental and visual, and NO CAP on hospital visits. Somebody, somehow please help me understand this... Thanks in advance!
If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Try the better business bureau? If anything, they could probably tell you where you could check these people out.