I grew up eating candy bars...Snickers, Milky Way, Reese Cups (my absolute favorite), PayDays, Twix, Baby Ruth, Hershey bars (especially the Cookies 'n Creme), Kit Kats, Butterfingers. Are you craving something sweet yet?
I blame those darn candy bars for my attraction to energy bars. It's not that I want the energy (though that doesn't hurt) - I'm drawn to the convenience of grabbing it quickly and size/packaging that allows eating with no fuss. I like quick, simple snacks that don't require microwaves, forks, napkins, or both hands. Unfortunately, even most energy bars have preservatives, too much sugar, or have added caffeine. I found a store-brand trail mix bar that was good...nothing but honey and nuts. I think one kind had cranberries, too.

Yesterday, I found Fruit Snax Energy Bars that claim to have 2 apples in every bar. I tried Wildberry flavor, but there was also apple strawberry, apple apricot, and apple raspberry. It's kind of small at 1.4 oz, but it was just enough to satisfy my craving. It's like a cross between a typical energy bar and a fruit roll-up. Ingredients: juice concentrates, natural flavor, apple fiber, and ascorbic acid. Think smooshed fruit. The ingredients are smooshed together and flattened to approximately 1/4". It was a nice mix between sweet and tangy fruit. The texture was interesting with small smooshed fruit pieces, but I'll buy it again next time I come across it. I found them on sale for .50/bar, but you can buy them on Amazon for $12 for a box of 12 (+ shipping).
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