How much is dental care in the US generally?

Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm needing to get some dental work done and live in Aus, but I'm travelling back to my hometown in Michigan in a couple of months. I'm just trying to work out if it would be cheaper to do it there. Has anyone had a root canal therapy and crown done recently, or could anyone direct me to a place where I could find a general idea of prices? I know I'd have to speak to the dentist once I get there to know for sure, but it would help to have a general idea. (If it's generally about the same cost, then I'll just enjoy my holiday and get it done once I get home!) Depending on what is found in the tooth, I could be looking at a root canal and crown or an extraction and implant. Thanks!
I'm a dentist in Texas. Root canals generally run from $700 to 1000, crowns $800-1200. Implants are about $2500-3500(not including the crown that will need to be placed on the implant)