Ovarian Cancer and How to Prevent it

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ovarian cancer also famous with "silent killer" nickname because in most of the cases, the cancer stay undetected and show no symptoms until it has spread.

Early signs of ovarian cancer are usually hard to detect and there is still no proven screening tool to detect it. Still, if women pay more attention into their health condition they will be able to notice the mild
Symptoms of ovarian cancer that include:

Stomach pain and discomfort feeling in the pelvic
Unusual bloating and it usually persistent
Feeling full quickly every time they eat
Pain in the abdomen and during sexual intercourse

When women develop all these symptoms suddenly they need to immediately seek for an advice from a doctor. These symptoms usually not related to ovarian cancer but you need to be more cautious for your own good.
Detection Ovarian Cancer

Early detection of ovarian cancer has been shown effective to raise the survival rate of the cancer sufferer. Current data shows that 90% of woman who diagnosed with this cancer at early stage were successfully cured. Unfortunately 75% of this cancer cases were found after the cancer has spread into the abdomen and make it difficult to cure.

If you ever know that one or two of your close relatives have history of ovarian, prostate, breast cancer , stomach, lymphoma, or lung cancer, you need to be more cautious since your risk of developing ovarian cancer is pretty high. Thus you need to consult with your gynecologist and ask for regular pelvic examinations and annual Pap smear test. That will reduce the risk of late detection of the cancer in your ovaries.

Living a healthy life will also reduce the risk of developing the cancer. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and do regular exercise to stay fit. Some research has shown that obesity can increase the risk thus a regular exercise is essential to avoid the risk.

Although ovarian cancer cases usually found in women with age over 40, there actually some cases found in women who is still in their 20th. So don't waste your time while you are still young and do your best to avoid developing the cancer in the future.