Various Heel Spur Relief Measures

Friday, February 24, 2012

Heel spurs can be very painful. They can surely damper your life. If you are also suffering from heel spurs and are looking for measures to provide relief from constant excruciating heel pain, then read this article further. This article will advance your knowledge about various heel spur relief measures.
There are plenty of heel spur relief measures that you can follow to get rid of your heel pain. However, the key to the best relief measure is to recognize the cause behind the inflammation and stretching of plantar fascia. Some of the heel spurs relief measures are enlisted below:
People who are obese have high risk of developing heel spurs. As your total body weight is on your feet while you are standing or walking, the pressure on the plantar fascia increases with increase in your weight. This can lead to plantar fascia's inflammation and can intensify heel pain.
Diathermy Treatment is another relief measure. In this treatment ultrasound device is used to produce waves which produce heat. This heat generated by waves helps in stimulating the blood circulation to reduce the inflammation and soothing the swelling.

One can even take anti inflammatory medication prescribed by the doctor to relieve the pain. However, they can have some potential side effects. Inflamed soft tissue and bone calcifications that receive these high power pulses will heal stronger without damage to the surrounding tissues. Electricity is not send into the body.
One of the most effective and widely followed measures to relieve heel pain is the alternate use of hot and cold gel packs. It reduces the pain by controlling the inflammation. If you wake up with sore feet in the morning, it is the best relief measure for you.
Use of orthotic shoe inserts and night splints can also prove to be very effective. A foam rubber pad placed on the heel of the shoe can help provide adequate support to the heel and can dissipate the shock impact of each step. On the other hand night splints, arch braces and silicone cups help in reducing the tension on the ligament as well as ensure that there is no abnormal heel movement.
In extracorporeal shockwave therapy, a machine is used to bring sound waves to the painful area. Plantar fasciitis is a pain to the tough, fibrous tissue that forms the arch of the foot. It is not recognized exactly how it works, but it is thought that it force stimulate healing of the fascia. Using shockwave therapy well soon gets the heel spur relief.
Exercises and stretches that are designed to relax the tissues on the heel bone can also be very helpful. Doing these exercises and stretches two times each day can ease the pain and lift the pressure off the plantar fascia.
FDA approved extracorporeal shock wave therapy as a measure to treat heel spur. In this therapy focused waves of either high or low energy are exposed on the affected heel. These waves induce micro trauma that initiates the body's healing mechanism.