I have a question re: health care this question is not for anyone in the U.S.A.?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

how does your health care work where you live, what country are you from? to you pay for your health care? Doctor visits? Dental visits? do you receive immediate attention when needed? if you need a routine surgery do you wait?
Here in Canada we have a national plan that covers everything but dental and prescription. Folks over 65 have to pay $2 per prescription. And families who have a household income under a certain amount get their dental and prescriptions through the provincial governments. Works fine. I can see my family doctor within a day unless its an emergency then its the same day. Routine surgery is fast but elective surgery can take a while but for the most part, no complaints there either Employers are required to remit 2% of any employee's income for health care the rest is covered in our income tax.