Obama has the best plan to bring America back to richness?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why do we need John McCain when Barack Obama has the best plan to bring America back to the richest country. He has the best health care plan. You and me and all of us get the best of the basic health care: major medical, dental and vision. Under John McCain plan you get $5,000 and go buy coverage with who ever you want...John McCain's rich uncle. But after you have paid the $5,000, and the year is up...guess what? you are out of health care back to zero the second year.
Lets see. If we who work pay for those who do not work what or where is the benefit for us? Those who work hard under Senator Obama's plan will be taxed to the max and they will not get anything from it. You want the U.S. to go even more in a Socialistic type of government and do not care so long as you get to do nothing but reap the benefits from his plan. Sorry but no thanks.