my tooth fell do I care for the opening?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I had, had a root canal a few years ago. I needed a crown on it but when I was in the process of it I lost my job (2008) and have been without insurance since. I went back to school and work part time (and I get partial unemployment) but I still don't have the money to go to the dentist. I do not qualify for welfare either. My county has no dental clinics and there are no dentists who take a sliding scale. The tooth that had had the root canal had began chipping and splitting well yesterday the entire center fell out. It looks like when a dentist pulls a tooth. Only I still have the surrounding part of the tooth (just no center). Last night while brushing my teeth my bristles hit the gum and it bled very badly. It did stop a few minutes later but now the gum is very sore. I don't know how to properly care for it but there is also no way I can go to a dentist. (I plan on going and getting some fillings and a good cleaning out of my income tax return but that is still a ways off). I have never had a tooth pulled or one fall out like this so I am unsure of how to care for it. Does anyone know what to do to keep it clean and everything? Any advice would be great thanks
that tooth requires serious dental attention the tooth must be extracted if you continue to ignore it it will only get worse the affected tooth will be a site for infection followed by abscess and swelling worse case scenario you will be hospitalised (as it will be systemic(involving the whole body)). so for trying to save money for a tooth you might have to pay for a lot more see for dental colleges