Christian Dads and Moms who pay or receive Child Support & pay Tithes. Do you pay Tithes on your C.S.?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

***** I understand if this is too long and if you don't want to read all of it, it probably means you're not that concerned anyway. Which is fine. I do the same thing at times... I pay child support to my ex for my 2 children [(8 yr old girl & 6 yr boy) (going on 6 years divorced)]. I currently pay and have always paid (since I committed to Tithing) tithe on the child support. Side Notes: (to get an idea of the situation, bc this is not the 1st time someone has asked this question and alot of people want more detail) *The C.S. is and always has been automatically deducted from my check. So it's not like I pay it when I can. I have always paid it and have always been current. *I do see my kids as the orders state, so it's not like I am paying for 2 kids I don't see. *I live in Texas so they take 25% of my check (net) and I pay for their med, dental, & vision insurance as well as half of all their med, dental, & vision care bills. *They have their own rooms, clothes, entertainment, and lives at my house when they stay (they don't pack their bags to come to Daddy's house) *My ex is a Christian, (or devoted church goer) but we weren't very good tithe givers when we were married, so I do not know if she pays tithes or not. We DO NOT have a good enough relationship to discuss this matter with each other. I don't want to turn this into a debate on whether paying tithes is right or wrong, or on gross or net... I have thoroughly researched the bible on this and have come to my own conclusion, that God is not going to punish you either way, but will bless you. So please only answer with your opinion if you have experience on with paying or receiving Child Support and you DO pay your tithes, whether you pay or are receiving child support. *I am well aware of the "First Fruits." *I am a Christian (non-denominational) - meaning, I have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and I do my best to follow GOD's word and NOT what I'm told by others. BUT, I do enjoy other Christian's interpretations of the bible so that I can get different perspectives on how others interpret the bible for themselves. I do not depend on tithes to get me to heaven, but I do it to support my church. I do it a little different then how they preach to do it, but like I said, I researched this for myself instead of having someone else tell me how to do it. But the bible does not necessarily talk about this (of coarse). THE WAY I SEE IT IS... I am blessed enough to have a well paid, secured income that MORE THAN ENOUGH supports my children (or is supposed to) by helping out their mom who does not work and has another child with her current husband, so I know without my C.S., they (my kids) would not be as well off as they are. SO, I am proud to pay it and do not complain!!! Sorry so long. I, myself answer questions better when I have a lot of detail. So again. Please just opinions based off of experience.
Maybe not the answer you are looking for, but tithing was under the law (from which we have been freed). Tithing was to support the temple and the Levites (who served the temple for a living). When Jesus fulfilled the law, tithing went out along with the no pork and hundreds of other judaic laws. Under the new covenant, Jesus expects MORE from us. We are expected to give as it is purposed in our hearts (by the Holy Spirit). This causes us to seek God in prayer and ask His direction in our lives. His direction might be 10% to your church, 20% to a particular ministry, 50% to a charity. That is between you and God. It is not as black and white as the law, but it brings us closer to Jesus and allows us the ability to be the "cheerful giver" that God wants us to be. So to summarize my answer, only God can tell you. Keep praying about it until you get an answer.