Questionable dental surgery....long details?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back in Feb of this year I went to a new dentist to get a cleaning. They took xrays and told me no cavities, come back tomorrow for cleaning. So when I get there the dentist starts injecting my gums with freezing and talking about minor surgery! So I stop her and she says there is a small piece of root stuck under 2 of teeth on the sides, one on each side, and she needs to drill under my teeth to get it out. Well I never went back as I felt violated by this dentist almost. So i went to another dentist for a cleaning and explained what happened. They called over to that dentist and asked for my xrays and asked what procedure they did. She told them she pulled out baby teeth! Im 22, and when I left there I had all the same teeth I came in with. The new dentist says there is discolouration and inflammation of my gums on the teeth where the surgery occurred and it was not a necessary procedure. Not only that but since than I have had extreme sensitivity and pain on those teeth, which radiates up nto the side of my head since she did this. So my questions are this: how do I stop the pain? who do I file a complaint with? Im in Ontario Canada... Don't even care that I paid $350 for this out of pocket (i don't have insurance) Don't care about the money, but I want someone to recognize she did something wrong!
Take Extra Strength Advil and talk to Dentist.