4 kids, house, fulltime job and very little time...What do you think we did to solve our financial problems?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My wife and I have a home based business where we provide people who dont have insurance like contractors, service industry employees, small business employees, college students, and sales people a card that provides them with significantly discounted rates on dental, medical, chiropractic,perscriptions, and optical care. They can use it at several big names stores, like Target, Sears, JC Penny's, Lens Crafters, etc. There is also a list of doctors, dentists, etc all over the country who honor the card. I think they have over 22,000 card holders so far and the business is legitimate and the company has agreements and is accredited to sell them. They have been in business for over 15 years and its really easy to do. The investment is next to nothing. We started with a computer, internet, and a really cool lady who helps us when we need it. The pay is awesome. The business almost runs itself. And most important, we dont have to be embarrassed around our friends doing it.
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