Dental care in America?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dentists in my country (France) pretty much "butchered" my teeth. I'll be back in the US this fall and winter, and consider having a good American dentist repair the damage. I'm already aware of the price range I can expect to pay. But I would be interested if you could share with me your experience with dentists in the US (whether you're American or from abroad). Did they do a good job? Were you happy with the service? Thanks.
My dentist is great, and I wouldn't go anywhere else. He knows what he's doing, and is a good guy. I can't think of anyone working in his office that I don't like... My family has been going to him since long before I was born. Heck, one of my older sisters even babysat his kids for a few years, there. : ) (He's on Woodward by the Zoo, if you'll be in the Detroit area... Let me know if you want his info.)