question about dental care.?

Friday, November 26, 2010

what is like an everyday thing you can do to mkae your teeth stronger besides brushing twice a day and listerine? ive been paranoid that my teeth are going to fall out because they are always hurting
The best thing to do is called, "Oil Pulling." It's very easy actually. Do NOT use mouthwash because all that garbage dries out the tissues. Hydrogen peroxide kills only about 30% of the germs and damages the tissues. Toothpaste with fluoride damages the body. Toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate opens the pores in the mouth and allows bacteria to get into the tissues. The very best thing is to do what the ancients did and was very wonderful. It won't hurt you in anyway and will make your gums healthier, give you great breath and not harm you in any way. It is called "oil pulling." It's a primitive way of cleaning the mouth. Get some coconut oil and put a teaspoon of the oil in your mouth and swish it around for 2 minutes. It will mix with saliva and pull all the bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites out. After two minutes, spit it out, don't swallow it because it contains all the garbage you don't want in your body. Then brush your teeth with a toothpaste that does not have fluoride or sodium lauryl sulfate like, Peelu or another brand. The coconut oil contains Lauric acid that kills bacteria and caprylic and capric acids that kill fungus. Coconuts are used to make these antibacterial and antifungal drugs. You will be amazed at how well this works for you. It's simple and cheap. To heal the gums incredibly well, use NEEM OIL and rub it all over the gums. This can even heal dental pockets. Do NOT use Listerine because it is junk and contains alcohol that dries out the tissues. It is pure junk. The next thing is to make sure you have adequate stomach acid production. People who make good HCL in their stomach do not get plaque build up on the teeth. This also assures you that you will get good calcium, magnesium, and zinc absorption to help build strong teeth. good luck