although i made regular payments on my account, didn't have an unusually high balance, my care credit card ?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

account has had the available credit severely cut back. (from what i've read in the papers, it was probably due to the economy, like other credit card companies have done.) The point is, i had an available balance of $4,000, now I have less than a thousand, and I have a crown waiting for me at my dentist's office, which costs quite a bit over a thousand. Now, my question is, does anyone know of any dental insurance where they pay their part of the claim up front? I found one, encore dental, but they reimburse you after you pay the full amount. Discount dental plans don't seem to help, as the ones I've come across offer only a 10 to 20% discount. If anyone knows of a plan that offers a 50% discount on a crown, that would be great.
Call Care Credit and tell them you were in the process of having some dental work done and that the limit they decreased you to won't cover the work so if they would consider restoring your limit or at least enough for your crown.