I have a Dental Care Question.?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Okay, I brush my teeth twice a day, and I try to scrub them a bit, and I even you a 'Tarter whiting' toothpaste. But my teeth are still... yellow-y. It won't go away, its so anoyying. Cause when people have yellow teeth as children, you think they don't brush their teeth! Im in 6th grade and its not uber bad... but kinda embarssing somtimes.
I think part of your problem is that your adult, permanent teeth are not as white as the baby teeth you lost. A lot of parents freak out when their kids start to get their adult teeth and they look so much more "yellow" than the baby teeth around them. This is the way it's supposed to be because the baby teeth were formed more quickly and were more opaque (don't let the light through) than the permanent teeth which are formed more slowly and are more translucent (do let the light shine through them.) Does that make sense? Some people just don't have teeth that are really "white-white." And all the celebrities you see have had their teeth whitened until they look practically blue! If you're brushing well like you say you are, then I wouldn't worry about it. If it still bothers you when you're older (say, in your teens) you can use one of the whitening kits that are available at drugstores. Until then, just don't obsess over it and smile a lot. I can guarantee you people will focus more on your happy, friendly face than on your teeth. :)