Have you heard of RON PAUL'S bill designed to give Amer. taxpayers tax breaks for Healthcare costs?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

RON PAUL's bill to give taxpayers a tax credit for their costs for health care premiums, Dental and Medical expenses AND it permits people to start their own Medical SAvings plans ...kinda like Ira's are. This great bill puts the tax payer back into the primary seat as the main customer of their Doctors, rather than the insurance companies. This will lead to better treatment of medical patients by Doctors. It puts the US Govenment in the position of not having control over OUR medical nees so much. They do nothing for us now and this takes away taxes that would go to them otherwise ...to be misspent on Illegal Immigrants and other outrageous non benefits to those that work and pay taxes. Ron Paul is still working for us as he runs for President. What are Obama, McCain and Hilary doing to make things better for Americans right now in their jobs as Senators?
He's got a great idea there! Keep health care between doctor and patient where it belongs...and stop subsidizing illegal immigration.