What's the best way to do this assignment? With out pulling out my hair?LOL (Just a few strands are left!)LOL?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Your Open QuestionShow me another » Dental Assignment Emergence!? I have next week to start on an oral report that has to be 750-800 words and has to have detail thoroughness organization relevancy of topic and an outline form. For the oral I can't read the paper verbatim I have to demonstrate my knowledge of the topic I have to use visual aids and or handouts. and the report has to have a bibliography of two sources. I decided that my topic would be about missions as of a dental assistant helping people with oral care even in the USA. But how do I summarize it down so i can find the right detail for my topic? and what advice can you give me when I give my oral? I am not much of a talker!
Rehearse your speach, keep your eyes on the back wall of the room and remember to breath. :)