Why can't USA have Universal Healthcare like in Canada?

Monday, March 14, 2011

In Canada, you have a single-payer system so this keeps the wealthier people from paying into a different system from the poor people. If you had it any other way 1) Universal healthcare would be a segregated system of an elite healthcare for the wealthy, and a system dry of funds and no resources to suit the poor who are ill. 2) The rich would complain that they don't want to pay taxes to support a universal healthcare plan they opt not to use. This is why we need a single-payer system like in Canada! Basically all the doctors, all the hospitals run privately, but the US Government serves as a broker to distribute the funds to the hospitals and doctors. Also in Canada's system, the Government does not interfere with your medical records at ALL! All they do is distribute the funds from taxes. In Canada's healthcare system, each part of Canada has its own programs to subsidize supplemental costs like dental, non-urgent care, things like that. You can get your own insurance for say cosmetic surgery. Also in Canada, the Government of Canada negotiates with pharmacy suppliers on what prices should go towards prescription drugs, which is why prescription drugs are wayyyy cheaper in Canada and people in the US run to Canada for their medications. Why can't we have a system just like in Canada like they did? At first Canadians were skeptical back in 1962 and there was a Doctor Strike, but 3 years later 90% of the people! 90% of Canadians...supported Unviersal healthcare! We could have it too! why don't we? Why don't we?
Cause we aren't a small population like Canada?