Would you be interested in this?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I want to know how many people think they are paying to much for insurance. What if you could join a plan for $39 a month? would you do it? I am just taking a survey. The plan would include office visits for $10. you would see a Nurse practioner for most cases. You would also get certain prescriptions for a $10 copay as well filled within the same retail location. I am even thinking about throwing in a dental hygenist for emergency situations and maybe a couple free dental cleanings a year with your plan. There would be no major hospital coverage or emergency surgery services for this price but you would have most of your minor medical complications covered. Allergies to Colds, Flu, Strep tests, STD tests and treatments, pain relief, sprains, strains. Mostly what an urgent care facility would treat. And if you did not join the plan the out of pocket expense would be around $59 per visit. Now tell me who would be in on this? any info will help with my initial interest survey. thanks!
It sounds like a good plan, but I'm english and therefore dont really know how much your average pay of insurance is anyway.