My teeth are going crooked fast!!?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I had braces for two and a half years whenever i was in 5th grade, my retainer got threw in the trash over a year ago (IM STILL MAD) .. well, one of my wisdom teeth have grown in, and the other three are pushing all of my teeth and my teeth are going so crooked.. my perfect smile is soo aweful now. my front two teeth are further back then the ones next to them because they are pushin out because of being overcrowded. well i dont have dental insurance anymore, i dont have sooner care( I am a single mommy of a 2 year old.. and 19 years old!!) and i have an indian card but they are takin their sweet a** time taking out my wisdom teeth. by the time they actually get to me and get these things cut out of my mouth, theres no telling what my teeth are going to look like.. they get worse every day! How much are braces?n i would only need them on the top, and i prolly wouldnt have to wear them long.. just long enough to pull my front 4 teeth back to where they were!! How about monthly payments?
You should be able to finance your braces if you have a credit score that qualifies you for the plan. Braces can cost anywhere from $3000-$4500 depending upon the amount or work they require. Even with dental insurance, they will only cover a portion because this is still considered a cosmetic procedure. Even if you still had your retainer, you would still notice the effects of the wisdom teeth. I had a very old fashioned ortho that refused to put braces on until he surgically removed my wisdom teeth. So get the wisdom teeth removed before you get braces again.