If it was put to a vote to american people directly, would they choose the following single payor option ?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

for healthcafe? Every american becomes eligible to sign up for medicare if they choose to at any age. Medicare upgraded to include dental and vision coverage and all coverage becomes a flat 80% of anything you use it for medically related from doctors visits to surgery to hospital stay to routine dental and vision care to dental surgery or eye surgery, pharmaceuticals etc.. A $300 deductible would be applicable to all with some exceptions for those who cannot afford it. Adults could enroll for a monthly payment of $100 a month, and children under 21 could or up to 25 years old in school can enroll for $40 a month. To help pay for this, two taxes would be imposed 1) a national health care tax on all sales of 1% of all non food and clothing purchases with a cap of $100 on any single sales transaction and 2) a 1% national health care tax on anyone making over $50,000 per year up to $1 million income and 2% for any portion of anyone's income that is over one million dollars. Do you think the majority of americans (51% or greater) would say yes to this as an option availiable to americans for health care with the option still available for those who prefer to have private health care insurance still available if thats what they prefer? THIS QUESTION IS NOT ASKING IF YOU WOULD ACCEPT THIS PLAN, BUT RATHER WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IF 51% OR GREATER OF THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY WOULD APPROVE OF IT.
it would pass overwhelmingly and if we don't make this basic step then we our industry will never again be able to be a serious player on the international stage. which of the following companies has to worry about the expense of healthcare for it's workers? toyota GM mercedes benz honda if you picked GM you would be right - that would be the only one that just declared bankruptcy. what exactly do health insurance companies actually contribute to anyone's healthcare anywhere? they're not hospitals, they're not doctors - why do we even need them? anyone who wonders why we have the most expensive healthcare (that ranks 35th by the way, in the developed world) need only look to this uniquely wasteful way of approaching this. why do we need the hugely wastful insurance companies anyway? they've had their day and made their billions - time for them to get out from in between americans and their doctors.