Life seems so hard and do you deal with it?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I get so scared sometimes and worry a lot. I can't imagine how I'd survive if I lost someone I care about. Getting older and worrying about chronic diseases and dental health freaks me out. But all of these concerns are just a fact of life for adults. Do other people get bothered by this stuff? Or are you like me, awake when you should be sleeping, sobbing your eyeballs out, wondering if you should end your life before possibly having to confront some terrifying stuff?
Looks like your getting some panic attacks to me- anxiety. Don't worry, just think about the billions of people who have lived, are living and will live in this world! They're doing alright- I'm sure you will too. The world is big and vast and no matter what will happen there will always be a new day and life will go on. There are always peaceful moment to be had, happy moments, and those are the things we should live for. Stop making yourself miserable by thinking about what might be. That can do no good. When you lie down in bed, don't cry your eyes out- sigh, sleep, have good dreams! Far too many tragedies happen in the world and one person making themselves depressed over it is just another one added to the stack. So live everyday happy and when something bad does come along (because everyone has bad times) just remember that it will pass, and hold your head high through it all.