Starbucks and Corporate Social Repsonsibility?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I recently came across a question containing: "starbucks pay their workers $1 a day for growing ethiopian coffee, they somehow feel like they are doing a benefit to these poor farmers by buying their coffee, Starbucks pays 45% to jamaican blue mountain coffee growers per pack that is sold in their stores As a partner and Coffee Master who is with the company because he feels very strongly about the things we do for our farmers, I want to set the record straight. First of all, we pay an average of $1.27 per pound of coffee we purchase, not $1 per day. For those of you who are wondering, the fair trade price is $1.21. Additionally, we extend credit to them in between harvests, spend a few million a year for such things as school and mobile dental facilities, and aid many of our farmers when it comes to health care. Finally, we don't even sell Jamaican coffee. I'd continue, but only have 1000 characters. Please read our Corporate Social Resp. report for further information.
Yea, but you still need four people to make a cup of coffee and it takes them 5 minutes.