What is so different than Canada? why don't we all just move to another country? whats so great about the USA?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

if we as AMERICANS have to go through bull crap with the insurance companies to get insurance, and most time cant get it, and when we do, it's MEDICAID, and WE STILL HAVE A BILL, At guantonimo bay prison in Cuba, (where all the people from 9-11 are being held, recieve FREE everything including health care and dental, and shots and any type of medical needs that they need. WHY? They tried to ruin us as AMERICANS, but yet the government gives them better health care then the HARD WORKING AMERICANS? In france when you are giving birth it's free, the french government pays for a nanny to come to your house twice a week for four hours to help take care of your house and baby. you get FREE health care, FREE child care, and if you get a doctors note saying that you can't work , than you bring that note too your job and they have to pay you 100% of your pay for the time that your out. it don't matter if it is 3 days or 3 months. taxes might be higher in Canada and in France , and in Cuba, and in London. BUT THE GET FREE HEALTH CARE AND GREAT PERKS. i know that we have Disney world and sh#####T like that but why is it that we have to pay to get into a camp ground anr a park to let you child swing on a swing? or walk in designated areas in parks? or camp in ONLY designated areas in parks? AND STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT ALL? All I'm saying is why do we suffer so much as so called FREE American's when we do so much for so little? and still have nothing to show for it? how many of you have college degrees and working in fast-food? or worst yet, NOT EVEN HAVE A JOB? your guaranteed a room, food, clothing and around the clock health care NO MATTER WHAT THE CASE IS OR HOW SERIOUS IT IS, in Canada. WHY? here 1 out of 30 people are HOMELESS IN THE USA. NO FOOD, NO BEDS, DIRTY CLOTHES, AND SICK, SOME BROKEN BONES, AND SOME DAMN NEAR DEAD....................................… BUT THEY ARE FREE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH RIGHT? NO WOUNDER THE THEFT RATE IN FLORIDA HAS GONE UP 76% IN THE PAST 2 YEARS. AND IN LA. ITS GONE UP 49% IN THE PAST 5 MONTHS. IN DETROIT THE DEATH RATES HAVE TRIPPLED LAST YEARS AND WHERE NOT EVEN HALF WAY THROUGH THIS YEAR YET. IT'S AT AN ASTOUNDING 1,810 PEOPLE IN CANADA THERE AT .25% IN THEFTS AS THE UNITED STATES. AND RANKED 14 IN THE WORLD AS THE SAFEST PLACE TO TRAVEL. DETROIT IS NOT EVAN ON THERE. AND FLORIDA IS 87. SO WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK? WHAT ARE THE PROS-AND-CONS OF MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY? IN CANADA
I have to agree, Americans are being bamboozeld. they think they own a home!? Yah, right, if the city you live in wants to tear it down to build another prison or whatever the reason, you will be selling your house to the city and moving!! The reason our crimes are is mostly because of the stupid drug laws we have here. They have had this war on drugs since the 80's and all it has done has caused more related crime. They keep the same laws in effect for years, knowing they do not work and they keep looking for a different outcome...that right there is the definition of insanity folks!!