3 Cheers for Wawa!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My vacation took me to the northeast of the US where I encountered my first Wawa gas station. I stopped by one morning on my way to another overly-sweet pancake breakfast, and was very pleasantly surprised to see apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, grapes, and assorted fruit cups for sale. I hadn't seen a grocery store nearby, so I assumed there would be no fruit for breakfast this day. I was so excited to be wrong!
Now we just need to encourage other gas stations to follow suit. Are there some in your area that already sale fruits or veggies?

I know there have been many times I have had to pick up a few food items at a gas station because it was closer than a grocery store and there just wasn't time to go the extra distance. Unfortunately, the healthiest things I can usually find are a can of ravioli and a Nature Valley granola bar. If people are going to have more access to healthier options, gas stations need to be the first to jump on the wagon.

Here's my thumbs up to Wawa! I hope Exxon, BP, Shell, and the others will do the same.