cat dental problems?

Monday, February 28, 2011

so my cat's gums have become red and on top of her teeth it's white/gray. i took her to the vet's in dec. to get her teeth cleaned bcus they were covered w/plaque and her gums were red. he cleaned them, gave me some antibiotics for her, and told me that in the future, she would need to have several teeth removed because they had lesions which would result in more plaque bulid up. everything went fine, gave her the antibiotics and her gums were healthy. i was planning to make an appointment to have her teeth removed, when last night, i noticed her gums are alot worse than before. what's wrong w/her and could the vet remove her teeth and take care of her gums @ the same time?
She may also have an underlying herpes infection, which can be HELPED with 150 mg of L Lysine 2x a day for about 10 days (but no longer than 2 weeks at a time). Other than that, she DOES have Gingivitis, and as far as the diagnosis of needing to have teeth removed, sometimes that diagnosis is a false alarm (been there, done that with my Cee Cee cat) after the teeth have been cleaned and examined. HOWEVER, go with what your vet diagnoses, once he sees her again.

Urgent Dental Help! Infection in Wisdom teeth.?

Ok, so I am 18, 6', 185lbs. I just went to the dentist for a consultation of the extraction of my wisdom teeth. He said that I had pericoronitis. It is an infection under the flaps of my partially erupted wisdom teeth. Now....on wikipedia, it states that pericoronitis should be absolved before the extraction of the teeth. This is because it can make it spread to the throat and cause serious complications. The thing surgery is scheduled for tomorrow! Shouldnt this infection be resolved before the extraction of the teeth? Also, he noted my large tonsils, then asked me about how I slept. I told him that I sleep okay, but most of the problems come from the amount of caffeine I have. Should I be worried about this? He didnt seem to bothered from it, but he asked me about my sleeping. Could it be from the infection in my wisdom teeth? cancer? I really have no idea, and I figure that since this doctor cant comprehend that the infection needs to be taken care of before the extraction, he probably wouldnt be able to diagnose a proper reason behind my enlarged tonsils... Please going under the knife tomorrow morning!
I would not worry about the present infection. What you read about was referring only to the most severe cases. If there is any worry about post op infection, I'm sure the dentist will prescribe some antibiotics along with some pain pills for you. If you have any concerns you will want to talk to him before the procedure. Good luck tomorrow.

WTF, Dental??????????

This is like the fourth time I've asked this question can I get some damn answers? this is really bugging me I'm seriously self conscious about my teeth. OK, so I had braces and everything and my teeth are straight and what not. There is a slight gap in the middle but it's the barely tell kind. Anyway my biggest concern is my other teeth, Ever since childhood I have been cursed with weak teeth. I have had a variety of fillings done. I will admit that as a young child I had bad oral hygiene that ha since dramatically changed for the better. I attribute my bad hygiene back then to me being a stupid child who just didn't want to do as he was told. Anyway, now I am so self conscious about my fillings. It's just the bottom one because you can't really see the tops ones. I haven't had to have a filling replaced in years since wising up and taking care of myself. But I have the old silver anaglam fillings not the white ones. Should I replaces them with White composites? Also the enamel behind my two front teeth has begun to fade is there anyway to stop it? I use Pronamel tooth paste and ACT mouthwash as well as floss.
The silver fillings are probably perfectly fine and I always say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Replacing your amalgams with tooth colored fillings may cause problems. These types of fillings are very technique sensitive and are known to cause sensitivity - some being so severe that a root canal may be necessary. White fillings also are not anywhere as durable and will wear down, especially on molar chewing teeth. My advice is to leave well enough alone and keep your amalgams. What does enamel fading mean? Enamel does not fade, it may wear away but does not fade so not knowing what you mean, I cannot answer that question. Since you had orthodontics, you should have a normal overbite of 1/2 to 1 mm so wear from your bottom teeth hitting the backs of the uppers should not be the problem. Bulimia, perhaps?

army dental questions on joining?

my recruiter tells me i can join with bad teeth, even if i need implants or bridges on my upper mouth, is this true? my bottom are ok just 2 simple corrections that can be fixed no problem. my top need some work, there is no pain. will the army DQ Me at BCT OR AIT? if i get by meps? i just dont want to get sent home from BCT. is my recruiter just saying that to get me in real quick and then not care what happens after that? if you pass meps will the army DQ? please i need real answers asap please help
Your dental situation will not DQ you from army service. You will get free dental care once you are in. During basic training and AIT you will usually you only get "emergency" dental care (any thing that will stop you from being able to eat). Once you get to yourpermanente duty station they will take care of all of your dental work, and will require you to get a yearlydentall exam and cleaning. The only problem is some of the dental care offered is lowest cost and may not be every thing you want. For example, they will not use white fillings on any teeth that do not show in the front of your mouth, or he fact that they can give youNovocainee, but they do not have laughinggass. With that, I'm not sure if they would give you implants, but it is likely that they would give you bridges, or even dentures if you need them Good luck.

Does divorce decree trump State Statute?

Divorce states: "It is further order of this court that all work related day care expense and all medical expenses not covered by health insurance, including the cost of health insurance premiums shall be apportioned between the parties using the percentages of the relevant Child Support Computation." Statute states: "I. Reasonable and necessary medical, dental, orthodontic, optometric, psychological, or any other physical or mental health expenses of the child incurred by either parent and not paid or reimbursed by insurance or included in a cash medical support order pursuant to paragraph 4 of subsection F of this section shall be allocated in the same proportion as the adjusted gross income of the parents as separate items that are not added to the base child support obligation. If reimbursement is required, the parent who incurs the expense shall provide the other parent with proof of the expense within forty-five (45) days of receiving the Explanation of Benefits from the insurance provider or other proof of the expense if the expense is not covered by insurance. The parent responsible for reimbursement shall pay his or her portion of the expense within forty-five (45) days of receipt of documentation of the expense. J. In addition to any other sanctions ordered by the court, a parent incurring uninsured dependent health expenses or increased insurance premiums may be denied the right to receive credit or reimbursement for the expense or increased premium if that parent fails to comply with subsections H and I of this section." Would the decree be the deciding factor or does this Statute Trump the divorce? Thanks for any help!
J. In addition to any other sanctions ordered by the court, a parent incurring uninsured dependent ..... What does that say?

I have bad teeth...damaged by many things throughout the years and am afraid to go to the dentist...HELP!?

I am afraid to go to the dentist, but I know I need to to take care of myself....but I am very fearful. My teeth are not in good shap and I would like crowns/veneers...etc because of the extent of damage to my teeth. Any dentists out there who can give me some pointers on how to calm my anxieties so I can get a dental check up? It has been several years...and I know I need to go. I hope this doesn't sound stupid, but any HELPFUL advice would be greatly appreciated. Need/want more details please ask and I will post an update...Thank You!
The things that I've found help patients at our office feel the most comfortable are first coming in for an exam only and then having one Valium prescribed for the day of the procedure. If you go into an appointment for an exam only, you will know that there will be no procedures done that day. The assistant will take some x-rays of your teeth and the dentist will evaluate your mouth and talk with you. It will give you a chance to see if you like the dentist, the staff and the office. If you decide to go somewhere else, take the x-rays with you so you don't have to pay for them again. Prescribing one Valium is very normal for dentists. Many patients are nervous. The medicine makes it easier on the patient and the dentist. If all else fails, ask an assistant to hold your hand! It's common and we really don't mind. Best of luck to you!!

Best dentists in Fort Collins CO area?

Do you know any good dentists in this area. I have a dental phobia (seriously) and I have 2 cavities that were taken care of awhile back. One of my fillings fell out and I am in a ton of pain because there's a small hole in my tooth. I have Aetna health insurance with dental, IDK how much it even costs out of pocket if they don't take it. I just want the best for a coward like me, lol.
Our dentist takes Aetna and is a very gentle and has a calming personality. I had a severe dental phobia from a very traumatic dental experience as a child and this dentist has been very accommodating and makes sure to take his time with every procedure and explains in detail what he is doing and how it will feel to you. I hadn't been to the dentist in nearly 10 years because of my fear of dentists and while he gave me a bit of a hard time about it, he listened to my concerns and made sure I was comfortable during the entire procedure. His name is Steven J. Koehler. His phone number is 223-6101 and his website is With our Aetna plan each filling was between $60 and $125 out-of-pocket. The depth of the filling and the work required to get them out will determine the price. I had to have an old filling pulled out and a new one put in and it was $90. They also do all the processing for you, so you just have to fork up your co-pay and go home and nurse your sore mouth. Good luck. I hope you like Dr. Koehler as much as we do.

What does 'no deductible' mean?

I have no clue what this means!! Pls explain... Example for dental plan: Basic Care 20%, no deductible. What's no deductible, and does this mean I only pay 20% of the bill or what?
A deductible is an amount you have to pay before the insurance kicks in and starts paying it's portion. You could still have a co pay or a coinsurance (the difference being a copay is a flat amount, for instance $10 for each office visit, while coinsurance is a percentage, 10 percent of the bill), so you might want to ask your insurance company if it isn't clear.

What does 'no deductible' mean?

I have no clue what this means!! Pls explain... Example for dental plan: Basic Care 20%, no deductible. What's no deductible, and does this mean I only pay 20% of the bill or what?
A deductible is the amount you pay before the insurance kick in. If a procedure is "no deductible" that means it is not subject to the deductible, you'll just pay 20% of the charges. That policy probably does have a deductible for major procedures.

what could be causing my bad breath?

no dental issues have been a dentist; very good oral care daily.
Diet maybe? Its all about the gases in your body from what i read.

Help!!! I need to find a good dentist in Van Nuys, CA, can anyone recommend one?

I just moved to Van Nuys and I don't know much around here. I want to have my teeth straighten and it's time for my regular dental visit. If you know of a good, experienced and caring dentist please let me know! Thanks!
Call 1-800-Dentist, I did here in Santa Rosa and was thrilled by their Response

My dentist has just been been refused NHS funding?

is there anything that could be done to try and help him get the funding so he can continue to work?? Does anyone here know someone who works for the primary care trust (wales) who might be able to help? i just think its unfair because people are already deprived of NHS dentists, as there are just not many around, people often fail to get vital dental treatment because they just cannot afford it.
why post same question twice in 4 minutes? no you cannot change the governments minds unless you get about 3 million people to petetion against it

If General Motors goes into "orderly bankruptcy" will Salaried Retiree's loose our pension?

My husband & I are in our 70's and both retired salary workers from General Motors. Our pension is fixed. It is the same amount since we retired in 1994. As of January 1st, we are loosing all of our health care, because General motors can no longer afford it. When we retired we thought we had health care for life. We also are loosing an extended care policy that "We" have paid the premium on for 14 years, along with the health, dental and vision coverage. Our pension and social security are all we have.
There is a pension protection agency in the U.S. and I am pretty certain GM paid into that protection. What will happen is the government will take over your pension plan. The problem is that the government is not very efficient with spending other people's money. Historically, the amount paid out vs what you currently receive will be in the neighborhood of 70%-80%. In this case, because of the economy, you'll probably see a return of 60%-70% of what you recieve today. So expect a reduction in pension payments by about 20% to 40%.

Who's more socialist the company I work for or my union ?

We get a few extra bucks an hour for benefits...the non-union "shops" put all of this money into a pool and divide whats left over after everyone's sick/vacation days, dental/health care are taken the union "shops" everyone gets to keep all of their benefit money and they decide how to spend it.
The union by far.

Dental visit/cavity filling questions?

Ok, my teeth are jacked up, no better way to put it. Parents NEVER took me to a dentist, now that I am an adult, I am trying to get everything taken care of fast. I have about 8 cavities that need filling, then I will have some type of straightening device put on then whitening. I want to speed up the process so I can get the straightening over with. Why won't/can't dentists do all the cavitiy fillings in one appointment/day/sitting? Is there a procedural or medical reason they can't/won't do them all at once?
I would guess that it has more to do with scheduling than anything else. if he were to do all 8 fillings at one sitting, you are talking about a significant chunk of time. Dentists normally shedule their time in 15 minute chunks. Finding that big a chunk could be impossible. There could be other reasons, but this is my guess. hope if helps. Good luck!!

Dental question about braces?

I am 16 years old from ireland and i have got an appointment for the orthodontist for january 26th 09. I missed my last appointment last year and didn't get one since so i inquired and got 1. I am prob off the waiting list. It will be my first assesment and i know i need them so how long will it take to get them? my teeth are bad so how long will i have em for 3/4 years? i don't care how long i have em i just wanna know how long it will take to get em. Any other information will be good.
They will take records and then assess your case to see if you need extractions or not

dental work and also 29 weeks pregnant?

Okay so here it is. I'm 29 weeks pregnant, and I go to the dentist next week to get a xray of my teeth too see what all needs to be done, if it all can be done ( since I am pregnant ). My teeth are in pretty bad shape, because I never had the proper care of going to a dentist regularly, because of no insurance. But now that i'm pregnant I have it, but it will be cut off after I have the baby. Anyway I have several cavaitys, 2 or really deep, the rest aren't really major, but noticable. I need my teeth cleaned, and possibly braces. And i'm not sure what it is called but when i was younger i had a loose tooth, but it never fell out, and it stayed in, and then the permanet tooth grew up above it. Would they be able to do all these things while i'm pregnant? I don't think i'll be able to get braces though, because SC medicaide doesn't cover it, i dont think. What's the most work you've ever gotten done on your mouth in one day??
i'm assuming your dentist noticed that you are pregnant. unless you're going to given oral antibiotics, i don't see a problem. removing the embedded tooth under a local might present a problem but it can be done. lidocaine is about all you need worry about but it is pregnancy category B. see below: TERATOGENIC EFFECTS, PREGNANCY CATEGORY B: Reproduction studies have been performed in rats at doses up to 6.6 times the human dose and have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus caused by lidocaine. There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response. General consideration should be given to this fact before administering lidocaine to women of childbearing potential, especially during early pregnancy when maximum organogenesis takes place. category B antibiotics include amoxicllin, cephalosporins, azithromycin, erythromycin and clindamycin. discuss this with your dentist. i'm sure he does not want to do anything to jeopardize the baby.

Dental problems, American low price dentistry place wanting to extract my front tooth without even looking at?

it. They are demanding $100 for extraction, and $150 if they can save my tooth. It doesn't need pulling, just a lot of work at the root, and it's a little hollow at the bottom. My mom was nice enough to let me see a real dentist to get help for my tooth ache. How much is this going to cost her? I'm going to pay her back, and feel like sheet for having to borrow money to do this. Why do dentists care more about profit than people?
Yeah, extracting it even before looking at it is indeed a red flag! Ummm...there is a way to receive up to 80% off that dental procedure. If you live in these states then I can't help you: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota,Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, & Vertmont. If you don't simply email at my yahoo email address. hola! ---my site---

Dental Cavities... Situation thingy. A few questions.?

Okay, I went to the dentist for an examination/cleaning. I haven't exactly been taking care of myself over the years, (I'm currently in my twenties) so I've started a whole campaign to get back in shape before I get too much older and decided to start with my teeth. He took my X-rays and both him and an assistant examined my teeth. By the time they were done conversing with each other, they gave me the verdict: I have 13 cavities. My biggest concern is that he's being dishonest, but that just may be my sense of disbelief. A second opinion isn't really much of an option for me now. I haven't seen a dentist in 5 years and I just discovered my oral hygene methods were ineffective and he's an expierenced dentist with years under his belt, but, my first question is what is the likely hood of dishonesty? My other question is this, and I hope someone with expierence can answer this: will my mouth look like a battlefield by the time it's all done? Thanks in advanced. =)
You sound just like me haha. I had a massive, massive fear of Dentists. Quite the phobia. I hadn't gone to one in 9 years (really xD) and I let my teeth get into a bad shape. My fear was to the point I couldn't even talk about the dentist, let alone go near the dental surgery (which was on my way to school every morning) without freaking out. It was a really silly thing to do, and looking back now (I've just had my final treatment for my teeth in the 'stage 1' of treatments now, so I'm all good now. xD) I know how stupid I was to not do it, and how good my mouth feels and looks. haha. I had let my teeth (which had cavities) get serious, i'd chiped and fractured a few of my teeth which wasn't so good lol and had periapical abscesses which I let go un-treated for a while. (bad) The reason I firstly went to the dentist after all those years was because of an abscess! I woke up one morning with a giant amount of swelling on my left cheek. I had no pain anywhere near the teeth- so I thought oh what the heck, it's nothign.. I'll just let it go down. it got worse. I waited three days, I went to work and to Uni and it got bigger. People told me to go, and I refused because it didnt' hurt and I tried to reassure myself that it'd go down. finally one day I was at the bus stop, and a dentist happened to be waiting there too. he'd seen me, and noticed I obviously hadn't gone the other three days I'd had this swelling. He told me to go, or it could get extremely serious, and it turned out he was my new dentist at the local surgery because my old dentist (who i hadn't seen in 9 years) had retired. Anywho. Turned out I had an abscess (from the x-ray they could tell) under this molar, that had eaten away the bone in my jaw, and had created a fitsula into my cheek (draining into my cheek) and i was but a day or so away from serious complications like meningitis or blood poisioning. I also had another two abscesses in two other teeth in my jaw in other places, which had to all be subsequently extracted, I had four cavities that needed to be filled and two impacted canine teeth. The likley hood of a dentist putting a patient through that much treatment (or like yourself through 13 different cavitie fillings) for just payment or a simple job is really really rare I'd say. They want to help you. They don't get paid on comission! (unless your in the UK under the NHS scheme, but even then, the comission is a bonus thing on top). I didn't tell you my story for no reason hehehe (incase you're like 'wtf that made no sense) I tell it because I've converted three friends into going to the dentist and actually getting teeth fixed and helped. Don't let it get to the stage. Don't wait, and trust your dentist into letting him/her help you. The dentist not only fixed my teeth- as a student, I couldn't afford to pay the high prices you usually have to for that kind of treatment, and he worked out a payment plan for me, and charged me a tenth of the standard price that people I know have paid at other dental surgerys. If you're not happy with the dentist your with, you can ask for a second opinion, and find another good dentist, but I really do recommend you getting them seen to, and fixed. Good on you for trying to turn this all around and get into a 'health fix'. Trust me, teeth can be a very good start. hehe

A question about the to explain?

Someone is bound to be pissed about this, and i assure you I mean absolutely no harm. i am simply curious...I am a med student but not dental. Why do so many of the British have "crooked" teeth. That is to say, they are often times not straight. Grantedm, they still have great smiles, but very interesting teeth. Explain! P.S. I was looking at pics of some British actors and noticed this...please do not be offended!
That's not a British thing, it's a European thing, they don't have alot of cosmetic dentistry over there. It's just not important like it is here.

Dental work for cheap?

My teeth need alot of work. Last time I was quoted was 3,000. I do not have that kinda money. I have done my best to take care of my teeth, but due to things that I did when I was a teen, they are chipping and breaking and I have had alot pulled. I have just 11 teeth left on the bottom. Should I get them all removed? I was thinking about Pemenets but feel that it iwll be expensive. My top teeth are still doing a little good a few cavadys thats all. my mouth is starting to hurt a little more here and there and I would like to know if someone in the Houston area is resonble in price. Please help
Houston, we have a problem! $3k for all the problems you are describing is cheap. I'd jump on it. As far as the advice on voting for a Democrat, I really don't think Hillary, Obama or any of the other candidates know how to perform dentistry. (Although they probably will tell you that they do.) If you really have a lot of the problems as you are describing and have no $$$$$ means to handle then your best bet may be to get them extracted and full dentures. Save them if you can but I totally realize the practical situations people have in their lives. Good Luck

Dental Professionals - Breaking Teeth, Loose Teeth, sore gums, sensitivity?

Lets just say a few months prior to meeting my wife 4 years ago, I led a less than desirable drug/alcohol laced life for many years. I'm now 30 and I have been 100% clean since then. I never ever took care of my teeth. I think I was 16 the last time I went to a dentist except to have my bottom wisdom teeth pulled when I was 22, because of the great fear I have of the dentist (nothing against you guys.) I had a filling fall out about 18 months ago and because of my fear of the dentist all the tooth above the gum line is gone and I belive is or becoming absessed. Today, a "corner" of my right rear molar broke eathing a crouton. I have also noticed that some of my teeth seem loose. Anyway, I think I may have a major problem and I wouldn't doubt it it more teeth need repair. I'm in the Houston area & need someone who is patient & not judgemental. I would also like to know the verdict for the 2 mentioned teeth. My family has a history of bad teeth with dentures early in life
If you read a book called, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Dr. Weston A. Price, D.D.S. you will see that the health of the teeth directly parallel the health of the body. This man traveled around the world in search of primitive cultures that had not been touch by modern man's diet. What he found was really incredible. He found that people on the primitive diets of their ancestors had NO cavities to .1%. The same people living, even within 10 miles of each other, on the modern diet of white sugar, white flour, etc. had cavities, loose teeth, no teeth, abscessed teeth, Tuberculosis, but the primitives did not have the Tuberculosis, bad teeth, or degenerative diseases. The 100's of villages and cultures he visited encompassed Africa, Europe, Asia, Polynesia, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Gaelics, North American Indians, Seminoles, Eskimos, etc. He found this to be true in ALL cases. In many cases, the people did not have doctors because they simply didn't need them. No dentists. No fluoride toothpastes! He took pictures of their perfect teeth and great jaw structures. You need to see a dentist, change your diet, and start fresh. The dentist will knock you out and you won't feel anything. Do NOT let him put amalgam fillings in (silver fillings)! These are very dangerous and cause Alzheimer's disease from the over 50% liquid mercury in the amalgams. Tell him you want the CERAMIC FILLING MATERIAL that is 300 hardness. Make him show you the package. 300 hardness is the same as your own teeth. NO FLUORIDE TREATMENTS! This depletes your body of iodine. Any infected teeth can cause you great harm and even death if left untreated. It is not something you can ignore. No one I know likes the dentist, except his wife and kids. He's a very lonely guy. I had the same problem with dentists. My childhood dentist did not believe in giving kids Novocaine or any pain killers. He had nurses hold me down when drilling. Lot's of tears and fears were generated. I did it, you can do it. It's good you are off drugs & alcohol because the free radicals produced by that will shorten your life and quality of life greatly. Go to: and check out the links and information there. It is a good place to start to understand what you need to do in regard to your diet. good luck

Dental Costs? Urgent???

Hey i was told that i really needed braces on my bottom teeth. The dentist that i got the consoltation from was incredibly rude to me and told me i was to poor and could never afford them, so i didnt ask anymore questions. But how much do braces cost in Australia? Are they covered by Medicare? I honestly dont care how they look on me. I just want something that will do the job effectively without destroying my top teeth. And are there any organisiations od credit places willing to help. As im not covered by any health insurance....plz help.
No dental is covered by medicare in Australia. There is free dental service for people on Centrelink benefits but the waiting list is years long and they only do basic dental work and braces wouldn't be included in that. Braces cost several thousand dollars over the course of the treatment. Even if you have health insurance there is a cap on how much dental you can claim in each year so you may find the braces wouldn't be completely covered anyway. Go to each of the main health insurance web sites - medibank private, mutual community, hcf etc. and have a look at the different levels and look at the dental cap for each table. Also be aware that there are waiting times for pre-existing conditions so you may have to wait 12 months before you can even put in a claim for braces work. Some dentists allow you to pay off your bill with them. My daughter had a $1200 tooth restoration and her dentist allowed her to make fortnightly payments until it was paid off. This is something that you must discuss with your dentist before any work is undertaken. If you didn't like the dentist you saw (and his attitude wasn't very positive for you) then I would see another one and ask about options and costs.

Dental problems causing health concerns?

I have lost 3 teeth on each side of my mouth all of which had root canals and caps. Because of this I have TMJ. My jaw is always sore because of popping and eating. I have very bad headaches which I believe is from the TMJ. This is on the upper. On the lower-I also have lost 2 teeth on each side, therefore my bite is off and I cannot chew properly. My question is: does anyone know if Medicare Health and my secondary insurance pay for this due to health concerns? I can not afford to have done what I know needs to be done. P.s. I have been to my primary care doctor who ordered a cat scan for my headaches. The results were negative for tumors, etc.
sounds like a TMD (temporal mandibular disorder), NOT a tooth problem usually, a dental school will have a cranio-facial clinic that addresses these specific problems. the downside is that they are very costly. medicare will not cover these costs

Should I move to Portland from Canada?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The weather is comparable to Vancouver (which is awesome), but without the rain. The housing prices are ridiculously low compared to Van too. I could teach there after I finish school. But i'm afraid of leaving my free healthcare behind! Last September I had to go to the hospital for a really bad allergic reaction and they covered everything. I saw an allergist a month later and only had to pay a few $'s for meds that would otherwise be very pricey. This is really my main sticking point. Is the health care in the US really that bad or is it just being blown out of proportion by the media? On the plus side, taxes is way lower, right? So that should offset the dental, eye care and doctor visits i'm getting for free now, right? Any other advice on whether I should move/the differences from someone who has lived in either/both places?
You can't beat free healthcare. There's alot of people here who wished they had free healthcare. Other than that, Oregon is a wonderful place to live. I can't imagine living anywhere else. I have lived in Portland for 15 years and grew up in Southern Oregon and I'm ready to move, preferably to the coast. Try one of the coastal towns to live in. Astoria, Seaside, Florence, Coos Bay are great places to start. Portland is getting a bit overcrowded, at least for me.

Christian Dads and Moms who pay or receive Child Support & pay Tithes. Do you pay Tithes on your C.S.?

***** I understand if this is too long and if you don't want to read all of it, it probably means you're not that concerned anyway. Which is fine. I do the same thing at times... I pay child support to my ex for my 2 children [(8 yr old girl & 6 yr boy) (going on 6 years divorced)]. I currently pay and have always paid (since I committed to Tithing) tithe on the child support. Side Notes: (to get an idea of the situation, bc this is not the 1st time someone has asked this question and alot of people want more detail) *The C.S. is and always has been automatically deducted from my check. So it's not like I pay it when I can. I have always paid it and have always been current. *I do see my kids as the orders state, so it's not like I am paying for 2 kids I don't see. *I live in Texas so they take 25% of my check (net) and I pay for their med, dental, & vision insurance as well as half of all their med, dental, & vision care bills. *They have their own rooms, clothes, entertainment, and lives at my house when they stay (they don't pack their bags to come to Daddy's house) *My ex is a Christian, (or devoted church goer) but we weren't very good tithe givers when we were married, so I do not know if she pays tithes or not. We DO NOT have a good enough relationship to discuss this matter with each other. I don't want to turn this into a debate on whether paying tithes is right or wrong, or on gross or net... I have thoroughly researched the bible on this and have come to my own conclusion, that God is not going to punish you either way, but will bless you. So please only answer with your opinion if you have experience on with paying or receiving Child Support and you DO pay your tithes, whether you pay or are receiving child support. *I am well aware of the "First Fruits." *I am a Christian (non-denominational) - meaning, I have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and I do my best to follow GOD's word and NOT what I'm told by others. BUT, I do enjoy other Christian's interpretations of the bible so that I can get different perspectives on how others interpret the bible for themselves. I do not depend on tithes to get me to heaven, but I do it to support my church. I do it a little different then how they preach to do it, but like I said, I researched this for myself instead of having someone else tell me how to do it. But the bible does not necessarily talk about this (of coarse). THE WAY I SEE IT IS... I am blessed enough to have a well paid, secured income that MORE THAN ENOUGH supports my children (or is supposed to) by helping out their mom who does not work and has another child with her current husband, so I know without my C.S., they (my kids) would not be as well off as they are. SO, I am proud to pay it and do not complain!!! Sorry so long. I, myself answer questions better when I have a lot of detail. So again. Please just opinions based off of experience.
Maybe not the answer you are looking for, but tithing was under the law (from which we have been freed). Tithing was to support the temple and the Levites (who served the temple for a living). When Jesus fulfilled the law, tithing went out along with the no pork and hundreds of other judaic laws. Under the new covenant, Jesus expects MORE from us. We are expected to give as it is purposed in our hearts (by the Holy Spirit). This causes us to seek God in prayer and ask His direction in our lives. His direction might be 10% to your church, 20% to a particular ministry, 50% to a charity. That is between you and God. It is not as black and white as the law, but it brings us closer to Jesus and allows us the ability to be the "cheerful giver" that God wants us to be. So to summarize my answer, only God can tell you. Keep praying about it until you get an answer.

Do dentures really make the face age very rapidly?

I am 36 and need a full upper denture. I consulted some implant specialists, but they were way out of my price range. I have been looking at different web pages and they talk about "facial atrophy" that the face will age rapidly due to the bone loss of extracting my teeth. In fact, two teeth I had pulled on left side about a year ago have shown a moderate bone loss. I am worried about premature aging of the face. Lots of people say they don't notice it on other denture wearers. Experts seem to say it will happen without a doubt, while my own dentists can't agree on the odds of my face aging rapidly with the new dentures. (It's a dental HMO, so I can't just up and change.) What do people think about this? Any dental professionals care to share their experiences?
when you remove teeth, the bone underneath will resorb. The majority of the decrease in bone height will happen within the first year of the extractions. After that, it will continue to resorb. When the bone resorbs, the dentures become loose. I've had multiple patients in their elderly years come to me with BAGS of dentures, asking me to make something fit. Without the teeth, the bone will continue to resorb. But typically most people will tolerate their upper denture as opposed to the lower denture. Yes, I said TOLERATE. They will never be like your real teeth. Always keep that in mind. If you need a Lower full denture, DEFINITELY consider getting implants. Most people do NOT tolerate their Lower denture. And just because this person or that person or that family member had success with dentures does not mean that you will. Dentures are a prosthetic device and must be individually fitted for you. In any case, if you lose bone or have difficulty retaining your dentures in the future, you can have painful (my father's experience) surgeries that replace the bone. They can harvest bone from your hip, your rib, or use bone from other sources (even synthetic bone!) to fill in what you lost. But I agree, a dentist can not determine who is going to lose their bone more so than the next patient. There are definitely factors that contribute to more resorbtion such as poor home care like leaving your denture in at night. could write more but got to go to work. Good luck.

Who's the best adult orthodontist in the Seattle-Eastside area?

Are there any surveys of adult orthodontists? I'm looking for the best medical care, which must involve some comparison. Although personal experience is a start, unless you've used several orthodontists and can compare them, professional word-of-mouth is even better. Anyone work in the dental profession in the Seattle/Bellevue/M.I. area? I've heard good things about Carol Knapp (sp?) on M.I. Any others? Thank you.

does bcbs cover wisdom teeth surgery?

im single and have preferred care 300 plan and dental. i know it doesnt cover orthodontics, but what about wisdom teeth removal?
As far as I'm aware it covers oral surgery the same way it does orthodontics so it's gonna cost you at least that's how it is where I live. The person you should be talking to though is bcbs because they're the ones that run your policy and govern whether something is covered or not.…

Do girls pay attention to a guy's teeth?

I take very good care of my teeth. I brush daily, floss, the whole shebang. However, my mom's dental plan doesn't cover braces, which means I can't get them for who knows how long. They're nice and white, just out of line. Does that bother girls?
Here's the common response: If the girl does like you, she would look beyond the physical flaws. BUT! I do pay attention to a guys teeth, as long as its not stained and gross its fine.

What collages should I look up?

I want to be a Dental Hygeinist and I want the collage to be in California so I can take care of my parents.
Hi, If you parents live in California, you should look at the area that they live in, and calculate the schools that are within a reasonable drive from where they live. Of course, which school you go to depends on what your desires and needs are. A community college may offer you a certificate program, and will probably take about two years to complete. This is the most affordable option. Professional Schools often provide accelerated training, but are very expensive and are frequently not "accredited", or are only partially accredited. This means that if you decide, later, to get an AA or a BA, most of your units might not transfer. You could end up paying for a "degree" that is not worth very much, and might not be recognized. You could spend the less money for the community college degree. Or, you could go to one of the California State University (CSU) campuses, which offer quality and reasonably priced (not cheap) education. The UC campuses are presigious, but do not always offer degrees in Dental Hygiene. Of course, if you can get into a UC and you can afford it, go for it. It is a great experience. How do I know this? I went to UCLA and UCBerkeley, I taught at Community Colleges for 8 years, and I now teach at a CSU. I know people who got ripped off by the "professional" schools, so I know you need to watch out. Your best bet, look at where your parents live, and look at where you would like to live, and research all the schools in those areas. Community Colleges offer the best deals, and offer the option of transfering to a CSU or a UC. I would be happy to answer any other questions you might have. Ron Lopez To be a dental hygenist, you do not need a BA, and many community colleges do offer such programs. If a community college that offers a dental/medical professional program is nearby, (think one or two hours, depending on commute times) you should

I was chosen as best answer for a question, and when I went to look at the question it was deleted?

My answer was totally legitimate, boring, non offensive, non-spam answer about dental insurance. It was a good and thorough answer and the Asker chose it as best answer. When I went to look at the question today, it is gone. Not in my activity details or anything. I don't care about whether I get ten pts or not, I just want to know why the question got deleted.
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."

how do i get a dental grant?

hi im 25 yrs old and i have such bad teeth all of them are rotten down to the gum im in pain eevryday i get abcest 3 or 4 times a month and i need to get them taken cared of i have no job or insurance is there any 1 that can help me
At first,you may collect as much information as you can by inputing the relevant keywords in search engine,if you get good luck there ,then your problem is solved.nevertheless,if you could not find the ideal answer for your question by doing that,here is the resource i suggest.

Helen DDS i have a question for you?

i'm not sure how to write back to you after you write to me.. so my sister and i have medi cal.. thats why we are going to western dental... it is a oral surgeon that is coming in from another office and taking care of us.. they said that she is really good and will do a good job! should i worrry or no?
As long as the surgeon is an oral surgeon, then I wouldn't worry too much. It sounds like Western Dental has contracted with a surgeon to do extractions. She probably just goes there a few times a month. Then, on the days she's there, they book lots of people needing extraction. Oral surgeons have had tons of experience taking out teeth., whereas, general dentists rarely have. I did a residency for 2 years after dental school and did tons of oral surgery, so I would be able to extract most wisdom teeth safely (I still send them to a surgeon for time's sake). Western Dental will usually line up the patients in the chairs, the surgeon will go through and numb everyone first, then go back, room by room, and extract teeth. Take an iPod or book to pass the time while you are waiting. If it feels like any of the numbness is gone before she starts, ask her to "reinforce" the numbing. (ex., " You know, I never got really numb in this spot. Could you reinforce the block before you start?") This happens most commonly on bottom teeth. Your lower lip and chin should feel fat and rubbery. If it feels tingly, then get more numbing. (it's OK if the tongue feels tingly, though). Before she starts, ask her if there is some way to signal her if something hurts. (ex, raising your hand) Be warned, you will feel vibration and pressure. We cannot numb away those sensations. It's best to think of something else when you feel these things. With an oral surgeon, it'll be over quickly. It's good that you are young. Young people's bone is very flexible and the teeth come out fairly easily. (My record is from the time I started numbing to having the teeth out was 7 and 1/2 minutes). The surgeon will probably give you some pain medications, but they rarely give you enough information about them. As long as you are not allergic, you can take 3 Advils (600mg of ibuprofen) every 4 to six hours in combination with 2 tylenols. If you get a prescription of Tylenol with codeine (APAP w/ codeine) or vicodin (APAP w/ hydrocodone), you can still take the advil, then 1 prescription med and a plain tylenol. This is the best combination for pain. Be sure to take the advil before the numbness wears off. Medi-Cal doesn't cover a prescription of ibuprofen (Also known as Advil or Motrin) so hopefully you can get a bottle of generic from the store. If you have more questions, please feel free to email me at

Should my nephew still have a pacifier?

My nephew has autism, he's going to be 5 years old this July and my grandparents (which are 77 years old) still give him a it wrong? and will he have dental problems in the future if they keep on giving it to him? They take care of him most of the time since his parents don't want to for too long (another subject). but I'm wanting to know so me and my parents can try to convince them to stop giving it to him. You can already tell that his teeth are sticking out from them giving it to him so much and I'm worried about what his teeth are going to look like in the future if they keep on giving it to him at night and just about all the time during the day. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
First of all there is a full spectrum of autism. Is he high funtioning and just babied because of it? Yes he will have dental problems but with his disability is the pacifier helping? Who knows that is where a medical professional comes in. Children with autism are very hard sometimes to read, since with autism comes a lack of social knowledge and many times interaction. Where he is five he could have the mental capacity of a much younger child (sorry not trying to be rude). Autism because of its full spectrum is hard. Sad to say but the pacifier may be a needed implement to his staying well. If he did not have autism or if he is high functioning autistic I would say throw out the pacifier by 6 mos. of age. But in this case I would see what his pedi and any other doctors say. BTW I would not take any suggestions from Amy Z above, she apparently thinks it is ok to leave a child in a dirty diaper for hours because the kid wants to....the kid is probably 4.

Does it cover all that or just a little?!?

Does The Mercy Care plan cover dental? Like do you think I would be able to get braces with it? Or not that kind of dental? Would it make it any cheaper or anything??!!
I think your best bet is to give them a call and find out directly what is and is not covered. This is the phone number I have been able to find for you. I hope it helps Call Mercy Care at (602) 263-3000 - 24 hours (800) 624-3879 toll-free

Cracked teeth from bad dentist work?

2 Years ago my dentist did some serious work on my back molars, and then ground the back teeth so low that they no longer touched. Now, in the last 2 months, I've cracked 2 of my back teeth so bad the fillings fell out. I take care of my teeth, and eat a good diet. This has never happened to me before - I'm wondering if bad dental work could be the cause of my newly cracked teeth?
What do you mean by 'serious' work was done on your teeth? Are you referring to root canals? If so, you should have had the teeth crowned (capped), since root canal treatment can leave teeth brittle.... Were you seen by a dentist in the two years since you had that work done? Especially if you had 'serious' work done, six month check up visits are essential to maintain good oral health and hygiene..... I don't think it's the dentist's fault.......

CANADIANS please answer?

is dental health care free in canada too??
No it is not free, however many employers offer dental coverage. Canada is having trouble paying for universal health care and certainly can not afford to cover dental too.

Employee Benefits and Economics Question?

Increasingly, employees are being allowed to choose benefit packages from a menu of items. For instance, workers may be given a package of benefits that includes basic and optional items. Basics might include modest medical coverage, life insurance equal to a year's salary, vacation time based on length of service, and some retirement pay. But then employees can use credits to choose among such additional benefits as full medical coverage, dental and eye care, more vacation time, additional disability income, and higher company payments to the retirement fund. Using the theory of consumer behavior, how do you think flexible benefit packages would affect an employee's preference between higher wages and more benefits?
Great question and something I have seen change over the last few years. I have sold various group benefits and the biggest decline I have seen is supplemental benefits such as Aflac and other plans that employers do not pay for but employees have to pay for. People are opting not to add additional benefits and taking home as big a paycheck as possible. I could see this in your scenario where people take risks of not taking as rich a benefit plan to take home more money. Its just the type of economy we are in today.

Why does and american lose their home but illegals get free?

medical care? You would have your property confiscated but illegals get free medical and dental and welfare benefits. Pregnant illegals get all the free care they ned and food stamps while thier men work off the books and pay no taxes>
The dems want votes so they propose crappy legislation that gives rights to people that don't have any and takes away the rights of citizens. It's kind of backwards.

I had a son with a civilian working on post in bamberg, I was married at the time, I would to contact the ?

biological father, I'm not sure if i should tell me so or not. My ex husband gets the good job of a having visition, but doesnt pay child support. I dont know what to do and I just remember he work on post at the car care place across from dental clinic
Be honest with the ex-husband because he has the right to know that's not really his child and get in contact with the biological husband. BUT, be sure to encourage your husband to still visit the child as if he was the father because to your child, he IS his father and he's important in his life.

They say the wages of sin is death, but do you get a 401K?

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin [is] death; How are the medical benefits? Do you get dental? Eye care? Are they OSHA compliant?
I know they don't comply with the Texas Labor Commission.

healthcare for low income student?

I'm a 20 year old male who is a part time and full time student. I cannot afford health care plans or dental plans. I was wondering is there any government assistance or plans out there where I can go to a doctor or a dentist that does not require a lot of money out of my own pocket? I haven't been to a dentist in a year and I want to go to a doctor for a check up but can not afford it...what should I do?
Use your school's clinic or infirmary, or go to the health department. As far as dentistry goes, have a cleaning and checkup at your local dental hygiene school and if you need any work done you can go to the local dental school. Sometimes they are in the same place.

why do we pay so much tax when we are getting less in return?.

we have always had high taxes but it wasnt so bad as we seemed to get good service back,but they seem to be pulling back all the time the services which made it ok such as milk at school,dental and health care,thegas and electricity was state controlled and affordable now its privatised and getting so you cant pay your way,transport went the same way,it just seems we are paying more and more but getting less and less!.

Questionable dental surgery....long details?

Back in Feb of this year I went to a new dentist to get a cleaning. They took xrays and told me no cavities, come back tomorrow for cleaning. So when I get there the dentist starts injecting my gums with freezing and talking about minor surgery! So I stop her and she says there is a small piece of root stuck under 2 of teeth on the sides, one on each side, and she needs to drill under my teeth to get it out. Well I never went back as I felt violated by this dentist almost. So i went to another dentist for a cleaning and explained what happened. They called over to that dentist and asked for my xrays and asked what procedure they did. She told them she pulled out baby teeth! Im 22, and when I left there I had all the same teeth I came in with. The new dentist says there is discolouration and inflammation of my gums on the teeth where the surgery occurred and it was not a necessary procedure. Not only that but since than I have had extreme sensitivity and pain on those teeth, which radiates up nto the side of my head since she did this. So my questions are this: how do I stop the pain? who do I file a complaint with? Im in Ontario Canada... Don't even care that I paid $350 for this out of pocket (i don't have insurance) Don't care about the money, but I want someone to recognize she did something wrong!
Take Extra Strength Advil and talk to Dentist.

We need health care in the USA ....UK and Canada have it country that has health care their citizen live long

I from Atlanta Ga,I need a dental "just to have 4 teeth pull .ok and I need some oral surgery ,done because my gum, are thin ,I think Oh wait I can financial my mouth and when I miss a payment they could hold my mouth in the safe depost box ,until I pay them off. wait let me add this up each teeth $250 a teeth oral surgery $2,500 and to replace the teeth I had pull $3,500 --------financial $7,200 ok my goodness I dont have any credit .dental university I try that you have to be 18 to qualitfy.. well I'm dome I think I kill my self because I dont have dental ins good bye world..We need healthcare in the usa ,a family of 6 do you no how much dental ins would cost for family of 6? talk is cheap I have heard you can pay out of pocket .we need healthcare if we had healthcare this would not be a hand out . american people would be more healthly if we had healthcare I guess we not worth that, people who dont have money I guess they just sit on the street and die
thats true. the us needs federal healthcare. but heres the thing though. in the uk the federal healthcare system is messed up. theyre waiting lists are long and sometimes take up to a year to get treatment.

Still sick after dental work and antibiotics?

I had a perio cleaning after nearly 3 years without one cause my hygienists didn't listen to me. Then a tooth which had been aching died and I got a root canal and a crown. The dentists I saw gave me extra vicoden for the pain as I had run out of my regular prescription for my chronic pain. I saw my primary care doc last Thursday to tell him what had been going on. I told him I had gotten the extra vicoden and he freaked! He wasn't interested in treating me, just aggressively asked me questions to determine if I was "doctor shopping". I still feel really awful, no energy and weak. I have been sick now for 6 weeks, taken 3 courses of antibiotics and my sinuses are involved. What do I need to do? I am concerned I have something systemic from the bacteria released by the deep cleaning, but my PCP doesn't care. He didn't care when I went to him 6 weeks ago. Should I go to another doctor? Do I need a blood test? Could I still have an abscess under the tooth? Help!
if you went in asking for pain medication that is why he probably freaked. it's a very common thing and doctors/dentists take it very seriously because they can loose their license. the fact that you told him you already have pain medication says that you upfront about what you have, which most prescription junkies are not. they usually come up with some far fetched story about their doctor being out of town, lost prescription, my aunt's brothers uncle etc.... since it is medical and not your mouth that is hurting you are correct in going to your pcp. schedule an appointment again, mention nothing about pain medication (he might not remember you and just continue on) let him know all of your symptoms- even write them down so you don't forget any. if he still refuses to treat you, then go to the emergency room- they cannot refuse you, and report the doctor. by law they cannot turn down treating a patient. now if you just went in asking for some more pain medication- then he can turn you down.

Dental abscesses. Need help with how dangerous this is please!?

I lost a huge filling on my farthest top back tooth. It had a root canal 7 years ago. When I lost the filling a few months ago, it didn't hurt, until the past few weeks. I can feel the little screw in there from the work that was done before..Food is getting caught in that 1 tooth. I now have to pick it out (sorry that is GROSS, but it's necessary). The dentist at the time told me I had several abscesses beginning to form. Hot and cold food absolutely kills me now on my left side. Also 1 or 2 of the farthest back bottom teeth have some type of abscess too. I believe they all had root canals, but I'm not positive. I am on disability and I did not and do not have the money to fix this problem. It was never painful before, but now I am close to being in agony and I am eating Advil and Tylenol with Codeine to try and keep the pain at bay. It's not working, but it's better than nothing. My friend told me if I didn't take care of it...I could die from sepsis from the abscesses. I have not been feeling well and now my jaw feels hot and it's getting harder to chew or put anything hot or cold in my mouth as the pain is unbearable if I do. I know I must see a dentist, the money is the problem. Is it true I could die from leaving the abscess too long? I'm terrified I will lose my teeth. I also have tiny abscesses on the other side too (the dentist told me that about 7 months ago). All of these abscesses started after I had all my mercury fillings taken out and the dentist at the time, knew I had an acidity problem.but I spent thousands of dollars to get my whole mouth fixed. My new dentist said it was wrong for that dentist to have put the white fillings in because there is erosion at the gumline which he feels has started the infections. I live in Canada. I don't know what to do as I am sure this will cost several thousands of dollars again.The pain is getting much worse, I'm afraid I could die, afraid I'll lose my teeth (I do take care of them other than this). Can I die from this or is it just that it's painful and I have to deal with the pain until I get enough money? My jawbone itself is beginning to be very painful and it's hard for me to even open my mouth or move my jaw back and forth. It almost feels like I have a fever in my jawbone, as weird as that may sound. The pain has just started to shoot down from my jaw down through my glands in my throat on the same side as the abscesses. If you are a professional, can you please help me to know just how serious this is? Is it just pain or an infection that can cause me great harm? Thank you very much for your advise.
If you do not take care of this problem you will 100% for sure lose you teeth. I know, I did not take care of my teeth for years and I have lost 4 teeth. I would get root canals, not get the crowns and then be in pain all over again. The abscess is dangerous. Quite possibly fatal. I don't know what dental is like in Canada, I thought it was better than in the USA. You absolutely must find a dentist and get these problems fixed. It has taken me 3 years and my dentist has prioritized my problems and has fixed them according to my insurance. It is a long process but I have not been in pain for over a year. You must take care of your teeth. They are the only teeth you have.

Are Doctors & Nurses going to be expected to take pay cuts?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

to make health care "affordable" under Obama's plan? Oh yeah Dentists too since most people for government run health care think they should get free dental too.
Doctors in most countries with Universal Health care are very well paid, as are dentists who like GP's run their own private practices. Hospitals in most countries with Universal Health care are also privately run, it is merely coverage that is universal, this would also be the case should America proceed with such plans. Doctors, Dentists, Nurses and other medical staff are increasingly well paid in Britain.…………

Dental Problems Fake Teeth Questions?

Hello, I am most likely going to need the entire left side of my mouth fixed except front top teeth. I need fake teeth with almost certainty. I took good care of my teeth just had enamel disorder. My questions am i gonna have to love with fake teeth for the rest of my life, will they hurt all that time, do they consistently hurt, i have about 90 years left to live. if i live to 120. ANyway I wont get dentures just fake teeth that kinda match my other ones> does anyone know anthing about this. No expense is cared about. Just let me know the best procedure. I hate dentists so please dont say talk to a dentist
Bridgework should fix this.

A Question About Dental Fillings.?

I think I have a pretty serious situation here. I recently had my braces taken off a few months ago, unfortunately enamel came off on a lot of my teeth as well and the orthodontist filled them. Lately, for some reason, I'm losing all of my fillings. I'm in the Army National Guard and I thought i was going to get shipped to basic during march but there wasn't a spot for me during the time, but now I'm set to ship July 15th. I would go get them filled again but I'm no longer insured and i don't have enough money to pay for insurance yet let alone pay for the fillings. I know that they will get taken care of at basic but i am REALLY concerned about this. They don't cause me any pain. However, I don't wont to lose my teeth either... Whats the best course of action to take? Am I going to be ok as long as I take care of my teeth as usual until I get shipped out and get them taken care of there? or am I royally screwed?
your problem after having your braces removed was decalcification... this is very common, however with more care during the time you had them on , the incidence of most of your teeth getting decalcification would have been lower.... before you waste any more time, ask your dentist or orthodontist to prescribe (MIpaste) for you . this product will replace some of the minerals that were lost ... about fillings coming off, it depends how old they were.... on the other hand, my concern would be new decays ...when you get new decays (recurrent decays) under or around the area that have been restored , there is a big chance that the filling get loose and come off....same goes when a crown comes off ( most often the reason would be decay under the crown) you need to see your dentist and have your teeth checked for any new cavities(decay)

Dog bleeding when eating milk bone?

I adopted a rescue dog and I gave her a milk bone, there was a little bit of blood on the bone. She was abused before, I'm pretty sure that the previous owners didn't take care of her dental health. I know that when humans don't floss they bleed easily. Is it something bad coming from a dog? or should I call a vet?
She may have cut her teeth on accident. I don't think that feeding her Milk Bones is all that great they are really unhealthy, I suggest you feed her raw hamburger meat.

Dental urgent Australia sydney?

My partner has 4 Holes in back teeth. some of them are chipping off, We have rang the public dentist but the waiting list is 2 years, Its Pathetic, he is in a lot of pain, we can't afford a private dentist, we are a young family and we just don't have that type of money to spend. we only have enough money for Rent Bills and grocery! I though Kevin rudd or someone in the government was going to put it on medicare? Only wealthy family can afford private but other family who are struggling and don't have the money can't and have to suffer and wait for ever to get seen. Its a joke. Doesn't the government care us? I Guess Not! They care about them self more and know they have the money. Its Unfair.
No, not only wealthy families can afford dental insurance (private health cover) we just decide that we will spend our money differently. I got private health insurance when a FT student living out of home. 20% of my income went, to start with on the insurance, 35% was on rent. I had hardly any money for food to start with until I got settled but I had my insurance - which ironically I never needed to use apart from my 6 monthly checkups. Its about priorities. Unfortunately at your age with 2 kids your priorities are different.

Dental problems while pregnant? Help?

I am 11w5d pregnant. I have had a abscessed tooth for about 2 years and some broke teeth in the back of my mouth. I know that I shouldn't have been so careless and not go to the dentist to get the took taken out, but before I got pregnant I didn't really care about myself and didn't care that the tooth was infected. So now the tooth bothers me REALLY bad and the gums around it are swollen badly. How long should I wait to get the tooth pulled? Is it safe to get it pulled while pregnant? Will they be able to numb it? Also, if I don't get the tooth taken out, how could it affect the baby? Thank you~
You should have the tooth removed ASAP. With a problem like yours, any treatment risks to your child are so tiny and negligible compared to the risks of you becoming seriously ill from an abscess, or having to take too many painkillers. The longer you leave it, the more difficult it might become to numb it. There are insignificant risks from local anaesthetics, and absolutely NO risk from Xrays. I used to work in the same medical building as an obstetrician, and he had no worries sending me pregnant ladies with toothaches. If you have any further doubts, ask your obstetrician. Don't ask a GP, they're not always on the ball.

How many Immigrants/asylum seekers are in Great Britain?

Keep reading that Britain needs immigrants to boost the economy, i cant see how when the majority of the ones ive seen and worked with don't work and claim money,housing,schooling,health care,dental from the government (tax payers) there are still millions of failed asylum seekers still here too and that's with out the millions that have entered illegally (i used to work for immigrations at heathrow terminal 2) how many are there? and how much on average does it cost us a year? can you honestly say this helps boost our economy?
to all those people who argue that immigrants are good for the economy.... well i am here to tell you that an estimated 80% of all immigrants who came here in the past ten years are claiming some sort of benefit or other. and considering that they are allowed under eu law to send a proportion of it back home that is an awful lot of money this country will never see again disappearing every week. when you add on top the NHS and the cost of the estimated 67% of crime attributed to immigrants please feel free to e-mail me and explain exactly how this benefits the UK economy. do not forget to include the 20% who have gone underground because they have had their indefinite leave to remain refused/revoked so they have to beg and steal to survive-all this has a major effect on the economy with police work and insurance claims and so forth. muslim women have been told they can claim for up to 10 children-which they will be happy to do. as you don't need to be a scientist to work this one out i won't hold my breath for the e-mail. it's a no brainer isn't it?. i do not doubt that there are some immigrants who are skilled and have legitimate jobs-but the negatives in this situation far outweigh the positives. within ten years there will be a civil war in this country. and the blame can be laid squarely at the door of ten downing street.

Do you think unions are a good thing?

I don't and this is a fact of why: Here is a true story for you that happened where I live at. A plant that employed thousand of workers gave its employees exceptionally good wages (the lowest paid worker made $30 per hour) and benefits (full health care, dental, eye, paid 2 week vacations, paid sick leave and annual raises) heard a rumor that the employees were looking to unionize. The managers talked to the employees and told them that if they unionized then the owners would probably shut down the plant. The union organizers told the employees that these people were bluffing and got everyone to vote for the union. Guess what happened? The plant shut its doors within weeks of the unionization. Some of these people who made $30 per hour with benefits are now working at places such as McDonalds making $8 an hour with no benefits. Unions may have served a purpose once but they are no longer needed because now it is all about greed.
When a company is forced to hire 3 people to do the job of one person then unions should be gone and anyone that has ever been in a union has seen this before...I have been a member of 3 unions in my lifetime and they were all the same. When I joined the machinists unions I was told to slow down because the company would expect everyone to do as much as I was doing. My brother is a union member and he brags about working 4 hours a day and playing cards the other 4 hours of the day. They say on average it will take 2 to 5 years to fire a worthless teacher because of the teachers union and in Obama's stimulus he is requiring union employees be used for any project funded by the stimulus so we will be getting 1/2 of the value from our tax dollars.

Which Branch of the Military and Job Is Best for Me?

I want to join the military for several reasons. Firstly, I feel it is an obligation for able-bodied citizens to serve the country and, as one, I want to do so. Secondly, I'll graduate college in December and I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to start my career just yet (I'd like to do this while I have the chance). And, finally, unless I've been lied to, it's hard to beat the benefits of being in the military (Health Care, Dental, Life Insurance, etc). While I was in high school, I was very close to joining the Marines. I'm glad that I didn't because I wanted to go to college and play basketball and I wouldn't have had that experience had I done that. At this point in my life, I think that I'd rather join the Army for a two reasons. One, the major thing that held me back from joining the Marines in high school is that the Marines seem a little too up tight for me. Two, I've been working out as a college athlete for four years now and I'm ready to a little bit. I know that both trainings are much different than that of college basketball and, regardless of what you may think, will not be as physically demanding; nonetheless, the Marines seems a good bit tougher than the Army and that's not a plus at this point in my life. Additionally, my friend joined the Marines and I'm not the biggest fan of his living space on the ship. That being said, I really like the whole idea of the Marines being a small, well organized, elite force where as the Army is big bureaucratic. In general, I just like what the Marines stand for more than the Army. However, there are a few MOSs in the Army that really caught my eye such as: Human Intelligence Collector (35M), Special Forces Engineer Sergeant (18C), Special Forces Communications Sergeant (18E), Signal Officer (25) and Combat Engineer (12B). The recruiters told me that with my education and ASVAB scores that I would most likely be able to be an officer and that sounded nice at first. But, after reading up on the officers, I think I'd like to be a little more involved than they are. I want to get my hands dirty, so the Special Forces jobs seem great, but I don't want to just be an infantryman and, from what I've read online, it seems that, if you're special forces, that's basically what you are. I originally went to school to be an engineer but later switched to software engineering so the Combat Engineer MOS seems interesting; however, I read online that they pretty much just disarm IEDs and Combat Engineering is the most dangerous MOS so that's a big negative. The Signal Officer seems to be the MOS I would be most qualified for but also seems like the most boring of all the MOSs. And, finally, being a Human Intelligence Collector seems promising since I like to work with people and analyze/think about things. Sorry for this being a long post, but it is kind of a big decision. I'd really appreciate your opinion on whether the Army or the Marines is a better fit for me and which MOS I would probably like best. Finally, I was unable to find much information about Marine jobs, so, if there are any you think would suit me, please let me know. Thank you,
-------------------- has info about every job in every branch of the military. So you can compare and see which fits you the best.

Would you rather be Louis XIV back in the 16 hundreds or a mcdonalds assistant manager today?

Louis XIV Pros: have any woman you want, have people serve you hand and foot, always be respected and admired, be one if the not most powerful man of the day. Live in a Huge palace Cons: No modern technology, like health care, dental can't drive places McDonald's assistant manager: Pros: Get to live in the modern world. Cons: Can't get any women, have no respect and constantly be yelled at by customers. Have to worry about bills and employment. Yet you get to be a higher status then homeless people.
Louis XIV. Why would anyone choose working at a greasy eating establishment? Louis XIV was involved daily with overseeing the different ministries in France. He ruled one of the greatest empires of the time. Who needs modern technology when you're surrounded and life in the lap of luxury! You don't need telephones, videogames, lightbulbs or cars, because you have servants to take care of everything. You can do horseback riding, fencing, painting, and all the entertainments that are slowly being lost in this modern world.

Can I sue my sister's estate for childcare expenses?

My sister died in 2004, the hospital settled the matter, and her three minor children have savings accounts that they can access once they turn 18. I have custody of too of her minor children, and I am raising them alone. The attorneys also set up an account for her estate to pay any outstanding bills incurred. i was reimbursed for the cost of the funeral expenses that i paid for but I was wondering if I could also be reimbursed for expenses for childcare. I get a social security check for the girls but it doesn't cover the on going expense for child care, dental orthodontia, medical expenses, counseling expenses, clothes and food, entertainment etc. Could these expenses be charged to the estate as well?
call the probate judge's office where the will or her affairs were settled they can help

I want to Rejoin The Army I've Do i have to go through basic again?

i got out in june of 2007 as a dental assistant... and i really dot care what i go back in as.... i just dont wanna go thru basic training again!
If you have been out over 5 years you will go to basic again. if not you will go to WTC - Warrior Transition Course - which is basic training light - same stuff learned just no Drill Sergeants

What Should I be, Im not sure?

Okay, I really have no clue what I'm really good at or want in a career. What should I do? I have a good life but career wise I'm not sure what to do.... I've been going to a local college, just taking classes... Someone asked what my major is and I said I just take classes, i'm scared. I really have no big dreams because Im happy with my life as it is right now!!!! I'm 24 living at parents home in a middle class Texas suburb. My folks said in order to stay on their insurance at age 26, Thanks to Obama's health care plan. I have to be full-time student. And I enjoy the perks of health care, dental and shrink doctors.... I really , REALLY LIKE THAT STUFF !!!!!!!!! Here is the thing.... I have no rent, free food and I work out at the gym and take long steam showers with all the guys...and im 24 years old living at home, its great....Its just this whole career thing!!! IT SCARES ME!!!! The world seems so unkind and dangerous....but mama and poppa really want to see Jr. do something grand. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Everyone gets that way. Once you get a career you should save enough money for a home. Then leave your parents house and live on your own with your new career. I'm sure you can do it! It may be hard but its not good to live with parents for a long time after you get a career. Oh, and remember to spend your money on IMPORTANT things, NOT flat screen T.V and crap.

My name is Chris, And i have no idea what i want to be?

Okay, I really have no clue what I'm really good at or want in a career. What should I do? I have a good life but career wise I'm not sure what to do.... I've been going to a local college, just taking classes... Someone asked what my major is and I said I just take classes, i'm scared. I really have no big dreams because Im happy with my life as it is right now!!!! I'm 24 living at parents home in a middle class Texas suburb. My folks said in order to stay on their insurance at age 26, Thanks to Obama's health care plan. I have to be full-time student. And I enjoy the perks of health care, dental and shrink doctors.... I really , REALLY LIKE THAT STUFF !!!!!!!!! Here is the thing.... I have no rent, free food and I work out at the gym and take long steam showers with all the guys...and im 24 years old living at home, its great....Its just this whole career thing!!! IT SCARES ME!!!! The world seems so unkind and dangerous....but mama and poppa really want to see Jr. do something grand. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Live life while you can, get a job at walmart. forget about the tough stuff.

Choosing a Major, I have no idea what I want to be!?

Okay, I really have no clue what I'm really good at or want in a career. What should I do? I have a good life but career wise I'm not sure what to do.... I've been going to a local college, just taking classes... Someone asked what my major is and I said I just take classes, i'm scared. I really have no big dreams because Im happy with my life as it is right now!!!! I'm 24 living at parents home in a middle class Texas suburb. My folks said in order to stay on their insurance at age 26, Thanks to Obama's health care plan. I have to be full-time student. And I enjoy the perks of health care, dental and shrink doctors.... I really , REALLY LIKE THAT STUFF !!!!!!!!! Here is the thing.... I have no rent, free food and I work out at the gym and take long steam showers with all the guys...and im 24 years old living at home, its great....Its just this whole career thing!!! IT SCARES ME!!!! The world seems so unkind and dangerous....but mama and poppa really want to see Jr. do something grand. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Become an accountant, like me :)

medicaid question Help Please?

Ok my EX and I have joint custody. I pay for his health care and dental. Which covers everything 100%. I just found out that she got him on Medicaid. Is this possible? And if it is How.
He can have both private insurance and Medicaid if he qualifies. The coverage you provide will be primary and Medicaid secondary. I doubt that your coverage covers at 100% without any deductibles, co-insurance or co-pays. Medicaid will pick up those extra costs as long as he sees a Medicaid contracted doctor. Since you have joint custody you can contact Medicaid and inquire that they know about the private insurance.

Deciding between medical and dental careers?

Im a college grad with a degree in Life science and a minor in biology (2007) from Penn State and currently in a Master's program in Health Education at Penn State as well. I have been interested in the medical field for a while now, have done research, volunteering and shadowing. Recently i applied to meds school for this fall but didnt get accepted any where. In my master's program, there are a few students who are in the dental field and i got some information from them and advice which got me to think about dental school as well. What my point is, is that i know what ever career i am to have, i want it to be related to interacting and caring for people and have to deal with medicine. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some personal experience in this situation whether medical or dental which would help me make my decision. I know i have to make the final decision but some guidance would be appreciated (education info and in field experience).
Personal experience was EMT and nursing student, but I'd like you to consider also: PA--physician assistant as well as both DO and MD options and even ND--Naturopathic Doctor and DC--Doctor of Chiropractic. PTs--Physical Therapists can be of amazing help to people as well. Allied health careers--including lab fields such as Nuclear Med Tech and more are all worthwhile as well. Browse this resource for concrete info on ed, job outlook, and more: Example of what you find under physician: Good luck.

Deciding between medical and dental career?

Im a college grad with a degree in Life science and a minor in biology (2007) from Penn State and currently in a Master's program in Health Education at Penn State as well. I have been interested in the medical field for a while now, have done research, volunteering and shadowing. Recently i applied to meds school for this fall but didnt get accepted any where. In my master's program, there are a few students who are in the dental field and i got some information from them and advice which got me to think about dental school as well. What my point is, is that i know what ever career i am to have, i want it to be related to interacting and caring for people and have to deal with medicine. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some personal experience in this situation whether medical or dental which would help me make my decision. I know i have to make the final decision but some guidance would be appreciated (education info and in field experience).
Have you considered a physician assistant career? Or a paramedic?


my almost 2 year old mini poodle doesnt really have any dental issues but i heard we should brush their teeth often except my dog never stays and i cant get him too... so doess this product work? plus he doesnt really chew any of the dentabones i buy him.. GREENIES are poisonous to dogs anyways so im not gona buy those :) ps. is it ok to use johnsons baby curly tearfree shampoo on my dog? PLEASE and THANKYOU
Yes I heard dental fresh and pet kiss do help improve breath and reduce tartar. They get plenty of good reviews Yes baby shampoo is fine.

overcoming mild social anxiety/interpersonal difficulties before working in dental assisting?

I'm going into dental assisting school this fall and although I have a personality that can be caring towards people, I feel anxious a bit in social situations and I would probably describe myself as an introvert. What attracted me to this job was doing work that was meaningful and work that is helping other people. I eventualy want to do dental hygenist because again I would be able to do wortk that was meaningful and helping people plus the pay is good and the hours flexable. So my quesiton is how do I overcome anxiety is social's not really bad but still is bad...I think it's a confidence issue myself....I do have some interpersonal difficulties as well, and I am an introvert. the DA I job shadowed appeared to be a bit of a quiet person as well...I job shadowed him a couple of days but spent the next 4 shadowing a hygenist. I plan on doing more shadowing of dental assistants, I figure it will decrease my anxiety a lot as well as my interpersonal what do you think?
hey! im a DA for an orthodontist, i too am a quiet person, not shy just not 'out there'. i have been assisting for two years and i havent changed at all. I am confident when i am dealing with patients so that helps a lot, they remain calm and i am able to cruise through my job quite easily. i guess you need to just find confidence in yourself, your a good person, you want to help people, this is a awesome quality to possess, so you shouldnt doubt yourself. if you want to come out of your shell a bit more so you dont seem quite to introverted take more of an interest in what other things are going on in peoples lives, eg, their interests, what studies they might be involved in, vaccation plans etc... have questions prepared before you are thrown into a social situation, with practice you will find that conversation flows easy. remember patients are already anxious enough themselves so you need to be cool, calm and collected so that will rub off on them. hope this helps!!! and good luck with your studies!!

Is this normal (Dental stuff)?

Is it normal to brush your teeth only ten times during six years and have something as little as a cavity so small that it didn't even need drilling? I know it was stupid not to take care of my hygiene but... That's what happened, the dentist told me that everything was fine.
yeah right...someone doesnt go 6 or 7 years without brushing or flossing, go to the dentist and everything is fine, then just start brushing and flossing normally you are disgusting and your mouth smells like a toilet

Is this normal (Dental)?

Is it normal to brush your teeth only ten times during six years and have something as little as a cavity so small that it didn't even need drilling? I know it was stupid not to take care of my hygiene but... That's what happened, the dentist told me that everything was fine.
No, it is not normal. Standard recommendation is brushing your teeth within 15 minutes after EACH eating. On top of that, you have to use the proper brushing technique.

healthh care anyone??

i am 18 years old and i have no health insurance. i really have no idea how to get any coverage, is there any cheap health coverage that covers medical, dental vision and gynecology?
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here    to solve my similiar problem.

Healthcare Benefits - I'm 24 and in need of healthcare including the following..any ideas where I can get it?

Hospitalization (MAJOR MEDICAL) Prescription Coverage Out Patient (Dr. Office Visits, House Calls) Right to pick your own doctor within the network Emergency Care Surgical Care Optional: Dental/Optical Very Least Must Have Hospitilization/Surgical/Emergency
If you are talking about insurance, then go to If you are in relatively good health get a high deductible health care plan. Mine is under $60 a month. You are responsible for 100% of the first 1K to 5K depending on the plan, then either there is coinsurance for the rest of they cover it all. This caps your possible liability.

Would today's Obama comment to the British be considered racist or a well received joke?

Friday, February 25, 2011

"First I would, ahh, like to say it's a pleasure being here in the UK. I admire many aspects of your government including, but not limited to, your health care system...well all except for your dental plan. As we all know, you Limey's have, ahh, awful dental work...ahh, you look like a bunch of Special Olympic participants."
The sad thing is that some people will believe this quote is real.

ok so dental issue??? help please!!!

ok so i got a filling and it took a whil for the novicane to where off and now that it did wear off my gums hurt and they are like swollen is this normal??? should i call him and have him see me oh yea and who else thinks the little icont that pops up that says Oops! It looks like you have _ misspelling(s). its like i really dont care but back to the main situation should i be worried i need to know quick so i can call him in the morning
it will a be a bit sore and swollen. give it 24 hours. if it gets better, then leave it if it gets worse, then go back to the dentist rinse well with warm salty water too

Am getting dental W-Expander?

So in a week I will be getting A W expander in my teeth. any suggestions on care before and after are appreciated! What does it feel like after??? does it hurt when its being put in???? HELP!!! :… its under the Quead helix
It's not that bad. I had one when I had my braces. It is a little uncomfortable sure, but nothing horrible. I was eating sliced peaches one day & got one caught under was very hard to get it out! You dental provider will give you specific instructions I'm sure. It may be a little harder to pronoucne words, but you get used to it. Remember, in the end it will all be worth it!

What kind of dental support can I get?

I am on SSDI, get EBT food stamps, and get some other supports, such as Medicaid to supplement my military insurance (from my estranged husband). The military insurance, so far as I can tell, only covers routine dental work, and pays a percentage of other dental procedures. Last time I had dental work done, I had to have a full cleaning, which ended up costing me $300! There is no way I can afford anything like that again... What options do I have between Medicaid and Tricare (and other options)? I have severe dental problems (I was diagnosed with peridontal disease last year, a direct result of growing up with a mother who never brought me to a dentist, so by the time I was old enough to do it myself, I already had severe gingivitis which quickly became peridontis, even with cleanings and treatments which I couldn't really afford, but tried to get anyway. Basically, I'm going to need a fully cleaning, periodontal assessment, going to have to have many teeth pulled, and get tooth implants, dentures, and/or bridgework. From my own assessment, I have 4 severely decayed teeth, about 10 partially decayed teeth, and a few shwoing signs of leanig that way. My gums have receded a great deal over time, and they are sensitive and bleed when brushed and bleed severely when I floss. I do try to brush and floss every day, though I don't see how it could possibly help now. Please help me figure out a way to fix my mouth...I am, according to others, a very pretty girl, except for my teeth, which are so crooked and messed up...I should've had braces when I was a kid, too, they are so crooked, but my mother refused to believe that...she never cared.
I don't understand what you are asking for or want. You get tons of governmental insurance and welfare programs. I really don't know what more you want people to do because of your neglect?