How do you like this song cover?!?!!? owl city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Monday, January 31, 2011

How do you like my cover of Dental Care by Owl City????…
This is the first time I've ever heard Dental Care by Owl City. The guitar sounds nice. Good job.

Is in it double standard? Is it fear?

Few days ago I read interesting articles about plastic surgery and dental care. I had a bit jaundiced view about plastic surgery for all my life but now I need to change it. Thouse who think that it's wrong to change something by plastic surgery do you think the same about braces too? They change the way how face looks (sometimes a lot) although it's not always needed for health. What about teeth zoom it's not needed for health but many do that AND still criticize ''interference''in natural people look''. I have few friends who can't breath through one of their nostril but they don't do plastic surgery because they are affraid of other peoples opinion(I mean even close people). Do you know that so-called ''natural features'' like hooked noses and dissimilar eyes are equivalent with inaccurate occlusion or skew teeth from genetical point of view? What's your opinion? P.S. I'm not talking about few popular unsuccessful examples!!!!
If you believe that plastic surgery will improve your looks, and that is important to you, go ahead. Everyone does things that friends and neighbors disapprove of, so what's the difference? If you do it, you'll be talked about. If you don't do it you'll be talked about.

Help! Student Nurse needs Geri Teaching ideas!?

I'm a student nurse, about to begin clinicals at a Senior Center. For a project, I am supposed to create a fun, interactive and educational presentation, that is somewhat health related, and present to a group of seniors. Some groups are focusing on dental care (handing out trial toothbrushes/toothpaste) others are focusing on nutrition (showing the audience how to create easy, healthy meals), So I'm short on ideas .... any suggestions would be appreciated!
I don't know what the health of the residents is at the Senior Center, but how about a game of "Simon Says" involving safe and purposeful movements for exercise? Such as, "Simon Says do arm circles." Of course, you would demonstrate what they should do along with them. At the end of the game, you could give a short teaching lesson about the benefits of simple exercises such as the ones you just did.

Why is there a myth that British people have bad teeth?

If anything wouldn't Americans have worse teeth? Since the Brits get free dental care? If someone could just tell me how this stereotype originated I'd appreciate it! :) Ta very much. xx
Its often thought that Americans have better teeth as mentioned previously in this thread due to having the teeth shaped and veneered, this does make them look whiter and more uniform giving the quintessential American smile, however, this procedure can actually damage the teeth as the dentist has to shave off a tiny slither of the tooth so the veneer will fit flush to the correct place on the gum, this can make the tooth weak and susceptible to long term damage, as dentists in the UK will usually try to save an original tooth and this kind of potentially damaging cosmetic surgery is not carried out so often, this could indicate that whilst teeth in the UK are not so white and uniform, they are actually healthier.

At what point is it OK to tell your parents so shove their religion where the sun doesn't shine?

I have asked nicely on several occasions. Now I'm just being nasty. These are people who didn't participate in my childhood one iota outside of preaching to me. Now as an adult they endlessly concern themselves with my salvation. A) I'm an complete atheist, B) I would rather they had concerned themselves with my dental care during my peak cavity years. I don't hate them, but there is only so much a human being can take of having some else's views shoved in your face. If heaven is filled with people like them, or others who believe in talking plants and animals for that matter, I have no desire to go.
only when peaceful communication has failed

how much more debt can we afford on the backs of the working class . WHo wants a graduated tax system back .?

Remember that those people who make the most in this life are reliant on the most . Its the roads we all pay for they use to ship products .Its the shopping malls that need waste water run off systems and waste water treatment . Its our entire infrastructure that supports businesses . Today they choose to run out on us taking the Jobs where new offices and factories are cheaper to build and the jobs they want us for is building vacation homes and serving them dinners in 5 star eatery's, washing their laundry and cars and clipping hedges and mowing lawns . Nursing them back to health and working for them for the lowest wages possible based on the number of available workers willing to do the job correctly . I do not feel bad about taxing others at a higher rate then the vast majority of people . Billionaires will not lose sleep and their kids will not skip a meal or miss out on dental care If we tax them more . You think people would stop because you tax them more .LOL
Generally speaking, I think that taxes are a good thing. They pay for some much needed services. The problem is that poorer people pay a higher percentage of their income that people that make six figures. Why? In a word, deductions. Interest you pay (such as in a mortgage) is deductable. So are education expenses. Also, the last few tax breaks have only benefited the people that make the most. Why is this? I personally don't believe that just because I got knocked up, that I should get an extra $1000 back every year. The whole system is messed up. But it is not just the individual, it is the companies as well. Many set up "corporate offices" in tax-free countries that consist of a receptionist at a telephone in order to avoid taxes. I believe that if you make money in the US, you should pay US taxes. And if you don't want to pay taxes, well, I hear UAE is beautiful this time of year.

Plastic surgery? Please read details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Few days ago I read interesting articles about plastic surgery and dental care. I had a bit jaundiced view about plastic surgery for all my life but now I need to change it. Thouse who think that it's wrong to change something by plastic surgery do you think the same about braces too? They change the way how face looks (sometimes a lot) although it's not always needed for health. What about teeth zoom it's not needed for health but many do that AND still criticize ''interference''in natural people look''. I have few friends who can't breath through one of their nostril but they don't do plastic surgery because they are affraid of other peoples opinion(I mean even close people). Do you know that so-called ''natural features'' like hooked noses and dissimilar eyes are equivalent with inaccurate occlusion or skew teeth from genetical point of view? What's your opinion? P.S. I'm not talking about few popular unsuccessful examples!!!!
youve made a great point that i have never thought of! yet...i think plastic surgery is great if you can afford it!

Living in the UK... expensive, expensive, expensive?

Does anybody find that they are struggling to cope in ths country with rising prices and costs of living. I feel that I am being priced out in every area: - Unable to afford a new car. - Unable to go on holiday. - Unable to start a family (costs of buying baby equipment etc). - Unable to make home improvements. - Unable to afford a private pension. - Unable to afford private medical insurance and dental care. There are many other things but I could go on all day. Anybody else find themselves in this situation.
YES, i have recently just bought a new car but i was lucky because i inherited it. I have a flat in central london but i do have to put more than half of my wages into it. It is going to be another 10 or so years before i can sell the flat and move somewhere else. And don't even get me started on congestion charges, i really am just getting extremely ANNOYED about this and it could get worse I pay 64 pounds a week but it is worth it, I just love driving although it would be so much cheaper to get the tube it would also be faster than getting the car, but if you register you're car as a cab you can pay less than 50 pounds a year. (Found that out from top gear last Sunday). My job does not provide a pension and I am getting worried about my pension , I am 28 so I guess I would have to start saving up because I do really not want to get a state pension. Holidays – this Christmas will be my first holiday in 7 years, I am going to Finland with that money I inherited, I cannot wait, it is my girlfriends first trip abroad, And family – well my girlfriend is a week pregnant , it was an accident and I wish she was not pregnant but she wants to keep it, but I simply do not think that I will be able to afford it.

Any Ideas for a music video?

Im in a video productions class at my high school, and we have to make a music video. Have no idea where to start because there are so many great songs, and ideas, its almost overwhelming. I thought about grits-my life be like or owl city-dental care(it would be a funny one), but I don't know what to do for those so if you have any ideas for those songs, or know a song that would be good or just some sort of idea to go with, please answer
hahah i love dental care! you could try stop-motion animation although it takes hours and hours its cool though :3

Problem with my gums?

It's a difficult situation, but I'm currently living in a new state with my insurance still pending. I can only get to a dental care center in a week. I wear braces (that are currently broken, but I can't reach an orthodontist for a while because of my pending insurance), and my gums have a small cut in them. They bleed daily by decent amounts, but I've been keeping it under control by applying water and gently brushing. I'm concerned that the blood loss and teeth could be a serious issue.
You havent been cleaning your teeth well enough, genlty brushing is not removing enough plaque, you need a dr asap

Gardening Prep: Supplies

What better way to eat healthier than to grow your own produce?

Yes, I know it's still winter and there is quite awhile before I will get any bounty from a Spring garden. However, it is time to start preparing and planning for it. I'll be planting a few cool-weather crops next month, and I am working on gathering supplies for the rest of the garden. For the past 2 years (I'm such a newbie gardener!), my vegetable garden has consisted of a large flat area with rows of individual plants, most of which began as seeds in the ground. There'd be 1 row of cucumber (which was WAY to many), 1 of zucchini, a couple of rows of corn, etc. Supplies: fertilizer and seeds. That's it. I was determined not to use pesticides or herbicides, but I also didn't know how to keep the bugs and weeds to a minimum. It was a lot of trial and error.

The first year, the garden was overrun with fire ants. NOTHING worked, but it was also the first year they did not come into my home during the warm weather. It was like "New playground with lots of food! Let's invite everyone we know and never leave!" Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) is a fine white powder that consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. It basically scrapes the exoskeleton of the ants and other pests, leaving them defenseless and dead. It worked on quite a few of the ants, but it also remains in the ground for years and years. Now I have to live with an area that beneficial worms try to avoid. The second year, stink bugs raided the garden.

Weeds were a huge problem, too. I hate weeding with a passion. I had such a large area available for gardening, so I left plenty of space in between plants and rows. Sprawling plants like watermelon loved this, but as the weed-hater, this was not good. It left too much open space for weeds, and I didn't have the money to buy TONS of mulch in the middle of the growing season. And once weeds take hold among watermelons, good luck. The melon vines wrap around anything in it's path, so it's basically stuck to the grass and weeds.

Then there was the problem of deer. How do you stop them from eating the produce? We used electric wiring around some things but didn't have enough for the entire garden.

This year, my supplies list is more than just seeds and fertilizer/compost. First, I'm drooling over this concept of growing herbs, strawberries, or other small plants in a shoe rack. Now I just need a good spot to hang one...

I'm also going to grow up as much as possible. Well, I'M not growing up. I still want my silly moments, but I'm going to have the plants GROW UP, vertically. Space isn't an issue, but vertical sounds so much easier when it comes to weeds, pests, etc. There's less space to fuss over, especially with the melons. I don't have a picture of it yet, but I found a drawing in a book of growing melons on a ladder. The melons are tied to the ladder in slings, like this one (image from Great Stems):

I currently have 3 pool ladders to try growing cantaloupe on like this, but we'll see if monitoring the slings is more work than I bargained for. And yeah, you read that correctly...POOL LADDERS. The funny white and blue ones. They're going in my garden. But they were free, so why not?

Many people recommend using old tires as planters in the garden, but Mother Earth News tells why not to.

As for the pesty insects, I'm going to try companion planting this year, which Wikipedia describes best: Companion Planting is the planting of different crops in proximity, on the theory that they assist each other in nutrient uptake, pest control, pollination, and other factors necessary to increasing crop productivity.

Lastly, though it should come first, is seeds and plants. I found a woman on Freecycle who was giving away lots of planting pots, so I'll be starting some plants (tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.) indoors from seed. Other seeds will be planted directly in the ground. Your Small Kitchen Garden is giving away "sets" of seeds. One set includes three packets—enough to grow one hill of neck pumpkins, one hill of blue hubbard squash, and at least 20 paste tomato plants. The offer ends Sunday, February 13, so go request some free seeds if you will be growing veggies this year!
This is the paste tomato in the Your Small Kitchen Garden seed giveaway.

Are you preparing for a garden this year? Do you have plans already worked out, seeds bought, and supplies available? What will you be growing?

what would be a better job in the army?

for a female? a dental specialist? or a health care specialist? i like meeting lots of new people and stuff like that and i cant make up my mind between both of these jobs so which one would be better?
Dental specialist is specifically dental, so if you interested in teeth go that route, if you are interested in a wide variety of medicine and are ok with being in combat than health care specialist is for you. As a health care specialist 68w you could end up on the battlefield, in a hospital, or even a overseas clinic.

Way did the Government tack away dental planes for adults ?.?

I can only get my teeth pulled since the government has cut every thing but the money that goes in there pocket. I bet they can eat any thing they want. I would like to eat a piece of beef that is not ground up or drink with out a straw. If I want any thing done I have to pay for it my shelf. I am disable, I pray to work all the time, and if I could get a JOB then I would tell the social workers where to stick there adititude I'm a person too. Dental health for people that cant afford is should be free, I love the US of A but sometimes I wish I lived in a country where the goverment cares more about there people than thay do about the money thay can keep like Swisaland. I bet they can see the dentists when they want to so way want they let me? If there is help out there where is it no one is telling us where to look for help not a hand out a hand up.
Check around for your closest dental or dental hygiene school. There you can get work for a avery reduced fee, sometimes free. There are also clinics, usually one in each county, that does some dental work on a sliding scale fee plan. Check around, call different dental offices to see if they know where these clinics are. In the meantime brush, floss, and rinse and keep them as healthy as you possibly can on your own.

I need help with choosing a career. I am middle aged and I had many jobs but I just can't seem to stablize.?

I had jobs from being a dental assistant, bank teller, nurse aide, realtor, day care provider the list is endless. Can someone give me some advice where I can find my true calling.
Think about what profession gave you the most satisfaction. Maybe you were never happy with the environment as a nurse aide or maybe the pay at the bank wasn't enough for you. Getting a degree in a field that is important to you will a big difference. A nursing degree is a good choice as far as pay and the ability to switch from area to area, like pediatrics to operating room. And then of course if you get your B.S or M.S in Nursing you can easily get out of practicing and into the business aspect of nursing.

How much do fake teeth cost?

Monday at lunch I bit a carrot and broke my 2 big front teeth on top. They broke just inside the gum and they were black inside. I haven't been to a dentist since I was 9(I'm 14 now) but I thought I was takin good care of my teeth. Anyways, my mom took me to a dentist the next day and I had the broken parts pulled out. So now I need to get some fake teeth to put there cuz I have a huge hole in my smile. We don't have dental insurance so I need a cheaper fix if possible for now at least. I hate walkin around like this.
Ask your dentist, but at your age, I expect I'd do a "flipper" like many hockey players have. It would cost about $700 - maybe more and maybe less, but close to $700.

I am looking for organizations that help low income families with vet bills . I need help with my 2 dogs?

I have 2 german shepards. one is 12 years old and needs dental work,and the other one is 3 and needs help with weight gain and joint problems. When I first got this beautful dogs I was finacially set,now I am disabled and waiting for my disability SSI check to come thru.Maybe there are groups that help the disabled with things like this ? Please let me know because my babies need to be taking care of.
Check this link. There are several organizations listed there. Hopefully, you can find the help you need there.

What is the careers in the highest demand in Dallas or Irving, TX?

I live in Irving and I want to go into either the dental hygineist program or radiologic tech. But, the hours the classes are offered during the day I can't take. So, I decided on Network adminstration and support. When I look online for job openings and in the paper there are jobs but they req/ a BA degree. I can't take 4 yrs because I have a family to take care of after two. Autocad and CAD 3d seems cool to me because I like creating stuff but I can't find a job that provides training.:(
I can relate to not being able to take courses during the day. You might look at the local Texas university websites and see if they offer any online degree/certificate programs sometimes under the distance learning heading. be sure to research the accreditation though. If you cant find anything local look at other universities. good luck

Rancho Buena Vista High School Dr. T K Duncan Dentist?

Rancho Buena Vista High School Dr. T K Duncan Dentist? Dr. Duncan a Dentist in Vista California @ Melrose Dental across from Rancho Buena Vista High School Dr Duncan received a letter from the California Dental Board The Letter stated the following "the dental work he performed did not meet the standard of dental care for the community"of Vista, California. Where could a student from Rancho Buena Vista High School find this letter?
I am not sure if I can help, but I'll try. To find out all you need to know on oral surgery, dentistry, and maxillofacial surgery in Australia (and especially Newcastle in NSW), then you should go to . This website is rich and informatiove on all aspects of gum graft surgery, dental implants, wisdom teeth, costs, cheap or expensive, orthognathic surgery, post operative care, medications, pain control and the like. I hope you find some help here.

Becoming a pediatrician?

two questions: what are the benefits of being a pediatrician. like does it include free health care or dental care?? and two: how do you become a pediatrician? like not the education part. do you need an interview or show a portfolio?? thanks guys for helping!! :)
1. That always depends on the specific employer, not the type of job. 2. You need a 4-year college degree (major in anything and take the premed classes in bio, chem, physics, math, and English, keep your college GPA over 3.5, do well on the MCATs), 4 years of medical school, 3+ years of residency, and to pass licensing exams in your field. No portfolio is necessary, but a resume, grades, and exam results are. Most jobs of that type will require an interview.

Nursing home patients?

Is a nursing home patient entitled to dental care, transportation to medical appointments and feet care(podiatrist) wihout extra costs?
Its not included in the monthly cost of living at the center if that's what your asking. That is separate and billed to medicare and secondary insurance. Yes they are entitled to all varieties of medical care.

Teeth decay problems...?

We inherited a Yorkshire, she's about 12 years old, somewhat happy, sleeps a lot but still spry. The previous owners never took her to a vet for dental care and now her teeth are deteriorating. It cost too much to have them fixed or torn out. She cannot bite on anything except soft dog food. What can I do to help keep them somewhat healthier and thus keep our little Roxy happy in her senior years? Answers muchly appreciated.
There's nothing you can do to help her at this point except have those teeth pulled. Serious tooth and gum problems often leads to other major health issues, like kidney, liver or heart trouble - that's why dental care is so important.

Second Medical Opinions for Cancer Diagnoses: An Often Overlooked Imperative

This trend is also revealed by the fact that more and more hospitals and medical centers have inaugurated second opinion boards which hold meetings whereby teams of specialists from several fields review patient treatment options, discuss possible interpretive differences regarding test results or diagnoses, or divergent medical opinions.
At first glance, the need for a medical second opinion may not be so obvious if a person trusts and respects their primary care or cancer specialist. However, the question is not one of doubting professional capacity to diagnose or select a treatment, but rather one of understanding that different specialists are trained examine different diagnostic elements through different lenses. A drastic but equally likely example of this reality would be the instance of one surgeon electing a specifically aggressive and invasive treatment path, whereas another could perceive the cancer to be entirely inoperable.

I need some songs?? Please help!?

I need some songs that have no point to them or are about random things. Some songs I already have are: dental care by owl city banana smoothie by naked brothers band Thanks so much ! :)
hahah umm. maybe some of the crap hannah montana puts out there. none of it has meaning. crappy songs though.

Invisalign treatment?

Does any dental care centers in Dubai offer Invisalign braces treatment? Any idea of its cost?
a british dental clinic along jumeirah Road, but it's more that 10000 AED. depending on your dental condition.

*Help...I have to get Braces!!*?

Well i have to get braces and i need to know a couple things please!! 1.What level of pain is there and for how long? 2.Im a guy what colors should i get? 3.Is it extra money to get colors? 4.what kind of food can i eat afterward. 5. Im an Obsessive gum Chewer. What do i do?!?! 6.What kind of dental care is needed afterwards? Please help me!
1.What level of pain is there and for how long? Loads of people say the pain is unbearable, trust me its not. You will be fine as long as you don't fiddle with them cos that makes them hurt more and don't get into fights, cos if you get hit in the mouth it really hurts. The only other slight bit of pain is when they tighten them but its still not unbearable. The pain will last from 2-7 days. 2.Im a guy what colors should i get? If your a guy you can still get any coulour but i would recommend your favourite football team, schools colours or blue and green they all look good. 3.Is it extra money to get colors? It depends on what type of insurance plan you have and whether or not you are paying for your braces. Ask your orthodontist about money cos nobody can really help you with that one. 4.what kind of food can i eat afterward. You will be eating soup and lots of soft foods, don't try to eat anything hard you will just cause yourself more pain. also drink lots of fluids like smoothies or milkshakes. Convince some of your mates to take you out for a smoothie or go with your mum or girlfriend(if you have 1) 5. Im an Obsessive gum Chewer. What do i do?!?! You orthodontist will tell you not to chew gum. Don't listen just make sure it doesn't get stuck to your brace and remember to clean your teeth well afterwards. Also try sugar free gum so the sugar doesn't get stuck under your braces and cause your teeth to decay. 6.What kind of dental care is needed afterwards? You will need to go back to the orthodontist every 4-6 weeks to have your braces checked or tightened, also during that time you need to have your regular dental check-ups. Good Luck with your braces and remember it will all be worth it in the end. I know it doesn't seem like it now but you will have perfect teeth in a few years time. ~Beckie

A question on evolution?

The earliest humans did not have any sort of dental care whatsoever but their teeth were integral to their survival and hence a huge factor in the evolution of man. In fact we could say that since they were carnivores that having functional teeth was certainly an evolutionary advantage. So, their teeth must have lasted a lifetime, albeit maybe only 20-30 years back then, but that would have been 20-30 years of NO dental care whatsoever. How did their teeth last? I'm 40 and have been taking care of my teeth all my life with the most modern products and dental care available and I have a head full of cavities, crowns and the like. I ask this because it would seem that naturally healthy teeth back then would have been an evolutionary advantage. Again: 20-30 years of NO DENTAL care. Can you imagine what someone's teeth would be like today if they did that? How is it that our teeth are so fragile now? It seems that if they were good enough millions of years ago to last 20-30 years with no dental care, how come they don't last 60-70 now with the sort of modern dental care we have?
Firstly, we have a LOT more sugar in our diet now than prehsitoric man did. In fact, our cravings for salty, sugary, and fatty foods are (or were) an evolutionary advantage, because we got so little of them, that it was best that we scoff the lot when we find them. (obviously, this is backfiring now that we have a plentiful supply of them) Secondly, as long as your teeth will last until you have reached reproductive age and had children, then they are evolutionarily successful, as you have passed your genes on. From this point of view, evolution doesn't "care" how healthy you are beyond that stage. So if prehistoric man's teeth could last until he/she was say 20 years old, then they're doing just fine, and there is little selective advantage to having them persist beyond that stage.

No more e-mail?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Folks, I'm sorry to do this but I have decided to remove the ability to contact me in e-mail using Yahoo!'s "contact member" feature. I was away for 2 days and came back to find about 2 dozen messages from Yahoo! members. One was vile and I don't need that. It was just an attack on dentists in general that had nothing to do with any questions I answered or anything. I hope that none of the other dental professionals heard from this "person." 3 or 4 were simply from people who didn't understand why they can't find free dental care. I'm sorry - and I mean this - but other than answers given in Yahoo! about Donated Dental Services or sliding scale clinics, I have no solution for you. The biggest reason, though, is that I simply cannot get my responses to most of you. I wrote out about 15 responses and only TWO were accepted by Yahoo! The rest disappeared and I received the message, "Oops! Your email did not go through because the recipient\'s email address has not been confirmed."
Sounds reasonable to me. P.S. I have nothing but respect for my dentist, and like all professional fields there are always going to be some dis-satisfied people, and some crazy people! Have a happy day!

Braces off slight tooth discoloration?

I got my braces off today after four years and there is a little discoloration. The teeth are a little whiter where the braces WERE and more yellow everywhere else. Will this go away and the color even out? Will a dental cleaning take care of this or should I get them whiten professionally? thank you I am getting really worried and freaked out by all of this.
i think u could just get them cleaned at the dentist and it will take off the staining. if you decide to whiten down the road, i recommend polanight whitening gel, its really cheap and works miracles.

math question, please help!! thanks?

Antonio Ruiz pays a monthly premium of $175 for health insurance. He can purchase dental care and vision care insurance for his family at an additional cost. The dental premium is $595 and the vision premium is $195 per year. What is his total monthly premium for all his insurance?
Ok, this is a great sample question for watching one important example. Units are very important. We have $/yr and need $/m, right? We divide by 12 to get that. (technically, we multiply by 1yr/12m but it is the same thing and a useful shortcut) So, dental is 595/12 per month and vision is 195/12 per month and normal is 175 per month. So, (595+195)/12 + 175 = 240.83 <== The answer!

what does it cost to hav e periodontal diseases taken care of?

for dental disease like gingivitis
It's going to depend on the extent of the periodontal disease. In a perio office it's around $225.00 per quad for the deep cleaning. Around $600 per quad if you need surgery. (there are 4 quads ... upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left). Hopefully you have insurance and it will help with the cost.

Chipped tooth, replacing it?

Okay so I've just chipped the bottom of my tooth, how much does it cost around to get it fixed and will free dental care take care of it or...?
well i got mine bonded (which is just adding porcelain ) and i think it was 50-150 i dont remember

About how much cheaper is it to get dental work done at a dental school?

I've been looking for a job for a long time, but I can't find one. I really want to take care of my dental issues (I know I need one root canal and two small fillings), but my parents can't afford how high it is (esp. for a root canal). But I hate to wait because the things that are small issues only grow into bigger issues... I'm thinking about going to the local dental school, but I'm wondering if I can afford even that right now.
You will save at least 50% and probably more. Let them do an exam on you and they will let you know what the work will cost.

please please help! paper due monday!?

ok i have to do a best source paper. i am doing it over dentistry. it is sort of a pre-research paper. i need a topic. or something to research. i was going to do dental care for the military but i couldnt find a book. please help if u dont understand ask and i will try to explain better =]
have u looked up the history of it on line and how it is advancing

*long, detailed question* Gum issues, unsure as to what this could be?

For the last several months, I have had reoccurring lumps of sorts on my gums. They started about a day after my last dental visit, where I had x-rays and all of the other usual dentist checkup-y things done and they didn't find any abscesses or any signs of oral cancer, or anything wrong except for some cavities that needed to be filled and early signs of gum disease due to poor dental care when I was younger and lack of checkups for a year or two. As far as I know abscesses or oral cancer (at least not in the stage of what I would consider to be a tumor, if it were cancer) don't just "appear" in a day after having x-rays and a full workup done on my mouth. I do have 2 teeth with cavities in the back of my mouth, which I think I have had for a while (one on each side, actually below where the lumps are) but the dentist didn't think either of them were THAT bad, but should be filled as soon as possible, though due to me not having any insurance he didn't see any reason that with proper personal dental care it couldn't be taken care of a little bit later when things were more financially stable and I had my insurance issue settled.. and then I could come in for a deep cleaning because I have relatively bad plaque/tartar buildup on my lower front teeth in the back, possibly elsewhere as else, I honestly don't remember what he said. I do have my wisdom teeth coming in slowly, but they are ONLY coming in on the bottom, nowhere near where my issues are. For whatever reason, the x-ray showed that I don't have top wisdom teeth. Anyway, I have these lumps on my gums, and everything I have ever read about abscesses says that they cause pain, usually immense pain, but mine don't cause any pain at all. They're not even a tiny bit sore, and they go away intermittently but then raise back up, usually in the morning when I wake up. It doesn't feel like they "drain" so much as inflame or swell. They are usually always above the back teeth on my gums, the one on the right is about the size of a jellybean, and is newer than the one on the left. The one on the right feels like I can move it with my tongue, like I can push it around and lift up part of it with my tongue, almost like it's leaf shaped with part of it being attached and the remainder of it being movable, but this is a new thing and before the lump has always just been a solid lump, never anything movable. The one on the left is smaller, and usually less inflamed than the right one usually. They feel as though they're filled with something, though I've read and heard that when an abcess bursts there is a VERY bitter and unpleasant taste in your mouth from the pus. When my... well, whatever they are, go down, I don't taste anything in my mouth, much less anything bitter or gross, and they don't hurt when they go down or when they re-appear. They slightly vary in size, but are always smaller than a jellybean, which is the biggest they ever get, and they don't get that big very often. The one on the right is pretty flat, and the ones on the left are usually more lumpy. As for color... the last I checked they are the same pinkish color of my gums, not white or yellow or anything. I don't have any underlying conditions, I am otherwise medically healthy. Any ideas as to what this is or how to go about treating it? I went on a cycle of antibiotics back in September when I first was terrified I had dental abcesses, but they didn't go away. My GP thought that maybe they weren't dental abcesses or a dental infection... but wasn't sure what they were since there was no pain and they didn't go away with antibiotics. I can't get to the doctor/dentist again until March at the earliest due to insurance, again. EDIT: As I have posted this question a couple of times, a few of the answers I have recieved have believed it to be a clogged salivary gland. The fact that this is on my upper, outer gum leads me to believe it is not in fact a Mucocele, as those are common on the roof of the mouth, under the tongue, and on the bottom lip / possibly cheek, etc. Mine is above my very last tooth on the right side on the top.. it wouldn't make sense for it to be there I don't think. Also, everything I have looked up has said that these blocked salivary glands are usually blueish in color, and mine are pink just like the gums around them.
Chronic Abscess.....either the tooth or the gums, similar symptoms...would need to be see by the dentist Not necessary to have a bitter taste.....sometimes there is no 'taste'. Also: You need to take care of daily oral is not hard, once you get these taken care of.... Search this for wonderful information:…

*detailed question* Gum issue... don't believe it to be an abscess or blocked salivary gland?

For the last several months, I have had reoccurring lumps of sorts on my gums. They started about a day after my last dental visit, where I had x-rays and all of the other usual dentist checkup-y things done and they didn't find any abscesses or any signs of oral cancer, or anything wrong except for some cavities that needed to be filled and early signs of gum disease due to poor dental care when I was younger and lack of checkups for a year or two. As far as I know abscesses or oral cancer (at least not in the stage of what I would consider to be a tumor, if it were cancer) don't just "appear" in a day after having x-rays and a full workup done on my mouth. I do have 2 teeth with cavities in the back of my mouth, which I think I have had for a while (one on each side, actually below where the lumps are) but the dentist didn't think either of them were THAT bad, but should be filled as soon as possible, though due to me not having any insurance he didn't see any reason that with proper personal dental care it couldn't be taken care of a little bit later when things were more financially stable and I had my insurance issue settled.. and then I could come in for a deep cleaning because I have relatively bad plaque/tartar buildup on my lower front teeth in the back, possibly elsewhere as else, I honestly don't remember what he said. I do have my wisdom teeth coming in slowly, but they are ONLY coming in on the bottom, nowhere near where my issues are. For whatever reason, the x-ray showed that I don't have top wisdom teeth. Anyway, I have these lumps on my gums, and everything I have ever read about abscesses says that they cause pain, usually immense pain, but mine don't cause any pain at all. They're not even a tiny bit sore, and they go away intermittently but then raise back up, usually in the morning when I wake up. It doesn't feel like they "drain" so much as inflame or swell. They are usually always above the back teeth on my gums, the one on the right is about the size of a jellybean, and is newer than the one on the left. The one on the right feels like I can move it with my tongue, like I can push it around and lift up part of it with my tongue, almost like it's leaf shaped with part of it being attached and the remainder of it being movable, but this is a new thing and before the lump has always just been a solid lump, never anything movable. The one on the left is smaller, and usually less inflamed than the right one usually. They feel as though they're filled with something, though I've read and heard that when an abcess bursts there is a VERY bitter and unpleasant taste in your mouth from the pus. When my... well, whatever they are, go down, I don't taste anything in my mouth, much less anything bitter or gross, and they don't hurt when they go down or when they re-appear. They slightly vary in size, but are always smaller than a jellybean, which is the biggest they ever get, and they don't get that big very often. The one on the right is pretty flat, and the ones on the left are usually more lumpy. As for color... the last I checked they are the same pinkish color of my gums, not white or yellow or anything. I don't have any underlying conditions, I am otherwise medically healthy. Any ideas as to what this is or how to go about treating it? I went on a cycle of antibiotics back in September when I first was terrified I had dental abcesses, but they didn't go away. My GP thought that maybe they weren't dental abcesses or a dental infection... but wasn't sure what they were since there was no pain and they didn't go away with antibiotics. I can't get to the doctor/dentist again until March at the earliest due to insurance, again. EDIT: As I have posted this question a couple of times, a few of the answers I have recieved have believed it to be a clogged salivary gland. The fact that this is on my upper, outer gum leads me to believe it is not in fact a Mucocele, as those are common on the roof of the mouth, under the tongue, and on the bottom lip / possibly cheek, etc. Mine is above my very last tooth on the right side on the top.. it wouldn't make sense for it to be there I don't think. Also, everything I have looked up has said that these blocked salivary glands are usually blueish in color, and mine are pink just like the gums around them.
omg, that'sa lot of words, maybe it's nothing just listen to ur dentist or docter

Doggie Dental Questions

I was wondering if anyone knew of a product that would keep my dogs breath fresh and keep him mouth clean at the same time. I've tried brushing but he hates it... I was looking into Petkin Liquid Oral Care found on and wondering if that would do any good, also if for some reason I stop using it after a while will it make his teeth get any worse? I was also looking at 8 in 1 Breath Mints also on! Thank you very much, Emma
Emma, Brushing really is the best way to keep your dogs breath fresh and his mouth clean. It can take several tries before they start accepting it. Don't give up. In the mean time, there are many products available. Many vets clinics carry enzyme treated chews that help keep teeth clean. You can check there or try some of the different products available. If your pooch already has plaque buildup on his teeth, I suggest a dental cleaning from your veterinarian. You start with a clean slate, so to speak and the teeth are much easier to maintain after that. Remember our 4-legged friends like to eat all kinds of nasty little things (especially when we are not looking) and I don't know if you are going to be able to maintain that perfect minty breath, but you can come close. You sound like a great pet owner, many people don't even realize the importance of good oral hygiene for their dogs or cats. You can always call your veterinarian and see what they recommend. Best of luck to you!

What do I do after I graduate?

I am an undergrad at a public school (UC) and want to go to dental school. However my GPA is no where near the average to get in. I have not taken the DATs yet and have talked to my counselors but they do not seem to really care what happens to me after I graduate. I dont really know what my options are after I graduate with a BS in bio sci. What can I do to help my chances of getting into dental school? Is dental school still even a realistic possibility? What other programs are available to me if i dont go to dental school?
-Teach HS science teachers are in great demand -Teach Elementary school private school -Get PhD in bio sci and teach at university/if you were going on for degree in dentistry you could surely take the time to do PhD in your current major -Find a school of Vetrinary medicine- Off shore schools would be no problem to get in. -Go to med school in Guadalajara -Get a masters in business and work in a manufacturing company of bio sci sort. there are many and benefits are great- a lot of these in silicon valley area/ and everywhere else- the field is booming and possibilities and pay endless... almost Apparently dental is a tough program in CA due to competition and the boards, I have heard a tough to pass for anyone who has gone to dental school out of state- tho I am not the expert on this. Go speak to the dean of the school of dentistry and find out your options from him (or her). Best to you...

Will you call your Senator today to Vote Yes on the Sanders Amendment for Single Payer Healthcare?

Senate to Take up Bernie Sanders Single-Payer Health Plan Wednesday WASHINGTON, December 15 - The Senate on Wednesday will debate for the first time in American history a proposal to create a single-payer, Medicare-for-all health care system. "In my view, the single-payer approach is the only way we will ever have a cost-effective, comprehensive health care system in this country," said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), whose amendment will come before the Senate. The Sanders Amendment would provide health care and dental coverage for every American, save money, and improve health care results. "One of the reasons our current health care system is so expensive, so wasteful, so bureaucratic, so inefficient is that it is heavily dominated by private health insurance companies whose only goal in life is to make as much money as they can," Sanders said. The 1,300 profit-making private insurance companies administer thousands of separate plans and waste about $400 billion a year on administrative costs, profiteering, high CEO compensation packages, and advertising. Health care providers spend another $210 billion on administrative costs, mostly to deal with insurance paperwork. As a result, the United States spends $7,129 per person on health care, almost double the amount spent by nearly any other industrialized country. Nevertheless, 46 million Americans lack health insurance, 100 million Americans cannot access dental care, and 60 million Americans do not have access to primary care. Sanders acknowledged that his amendment would not pass. "As a result of the power of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, this amendment will not pass or even get very many votes. Nonetheless, given the view of millions of us that a single-payer approach is the only way this country will ever provide comprehensive, cost-effective health care to all its citizens, this is an important step forward. "At the end of the day - not this year, not next year, but sometime in the future - this country will come to understand that if we are going to provide comprehensive quality care to all of our people, the only way we will do that is through a Medicare-for-all, single-payer system, and I am glad to be able to start that debate by offering this amendment." To read a summary of the amendment, click here:…
Waste of time, I called my senators to put the public option in, and we see they abandoned that in about 2 seconds

Painful Tooth!?

Hello, I am 36 yrs old,unemployed due to medical problem, and need dental care. I have called a dental clinic here ,but they wanted 100.00,in which i do not have. I am in very bad pain, can not eat, and cant sleep. I need to know if any one who lives in Arkansas knows of a dentist that would provide care and let me pay out the service near the first of the month. Thanks
I also live in Arkansas and I am looking for a way to get some cavities that are bothering me taken care of. I also can't afford a dentist so I know how you feel.

Dentist to dentist and other dental pros...?

We are considering closing the practice to emergencies. In other words, if you are not a patient of record, you can not call with a toothache and expect to be seen "today." It seems cold to consider this, but it is also inconsiderate to my regular patients who have waited some weeks for their appointment time to let someone upset the whole applecart because they didn't take proper care of themself. Have any of you done this and what is your experience or advice? I don't imagine I'll be choosing a "best" answer, as I am just looking for as many opinions as I can find, so this will probably just go to the vote of the masses. Maybe one will emerge as a winner though...
Not a dentist but a long time patient of a Doctor who decided this very thing. He sent out a letter to all his customers advising them of the new practice, and that further he will not accept insurance ( the customer will have to submit for reimbursement ) or any new patients that were not on his current list. After talking to other family and friends who use this doctor we all agreed that it wasn't really a problem. It turns out that his practice did better due the reduction in costs. I love my doctor and agree 100% with his new rules. Scheduling has been way better too! I Imagine you will lose some business but in the end it might be better for you, your practice, staff and customers. Hope everything works out for you. I think it will be fine.

So why are the Big Health insurers against Canadian style Health insurance?

The following story was posted in AP News today. My question is if insurers don't want an Obama Healthcare System that is socialized and a far cry from the "Best medical system in the world", then why are insurers content to send the insured overseas for "knee-replacements" and "heart by-pass" operations? I'm for Obama's plan and KEEPING AMERICAN JOBS HERE !!! (i.e. doctors, nurses and support staff). Screw the insurance companies as they have us for so long ! Insurers aim to save from overseas medical tourism Costa Rican Dr. Luis Obando prepares to perform a root canal on Bill Jones, of Dallas, Texas, at Meza Dental Care in San Jose, Costa Rica. Jones said he elected to have the surgery in Costa Rica because he was able to save substantially compared to what he would have had to pay in the USA. Enlarge image Enlarge By Kent Gilbert, AP Costa Rican Dr. Luis Obando prepares to perform a root canal on Bill Jones, of Dallas, Texas, at Meza Dental Care in San Jose, Costa Rica. Jones said he elected to have the surgery in Costa Rica because he was able to save substantially compared to what he would have had to pay in the USA. COSTS, SAVINGS Medical tourism trips offer steep savings, but they don't pack enough financial might to play a key role in President Obama's push to lower U.S. health care costs. Medical travel cost U.S. health care providers about $5.1 billion in business in 2007, according to estimates by Paul Keckley, executive director of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. While significant, that amounts to less than 1% of the $2.36 trillion spent on health care in the United States that year. Medical tourism can yield savings of as much as 80% on some procedures compared to care in the United States. But traveling isn't for everyone and these trips are generally not an option for emergencies. A patient's willingness to travel for non-emergency care often depends on the savings at stake. With a low deductible and no incentives from an insurer or employer to travel, a patient may have little motivation to make a trip. Any result from the Washington reform push is unlikely to affect medical tourism, Keckley said, because it won't lower costs enough to erase price gaps with foreign care providers. By Tom Murphy, The Associated Press Elizabeth Kunz left her dentist's office this spring with a mouth full of problems and no way to pay for them. The South Carolina resident went out of her way, literally, to find a solution, which turned out to be in Central America. Her trip to the tropics is part of a health insurance experiment for trimming medical costs: overseas care. As Washington searches for ways to tame the country's escalating health care costs, more insurers are offering networks of surgeons and dentists in places like India and Costa Rica, where costs can be as much as 80% less than in America. Until recently, most Americans traveling abroad for cheaper non-emergency medical care were either uninsured or wealthy. But the profile of medical tourists is changing. Now, they are more likely to be people covered by private insurers, which are looking to keep costs from spiraling out of control. The four largest commercial U.S. health insurers — with enrollments totaling nearly 100 million people — have either launched pilot programs offering overseas travel or explored it. Several smaller insurers and brokers also have introduced travel options for hundreds of employers around the country. FIND MORE STORIES IN: South Carolina | Costa Rica | PricewaterhouseCoopers | Southern Methodist University | Aetna | Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association | Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu | Frequent flyer program Growth has been slow in part because some patients and employers have concerns about care quality and legal responsibility if something goes wrong. Plus, patients who have traditional plans with low deductibles may have little incentive to take a trip. But a growing number of consumers with high-deductible plans, which make patients pay more out of pocket, could make these trips more inviting. In the meantime, the insurance industry's embrace of overseas care has had a pleasant side effect at home: some U.S. care providers are offering price breaks to counter the foreign competition. This domestic competition and the slumping economy have led to slower growth for medical tourism over the past year, as patients put off elective procedures that involve big out of pocket costs, said Paul Keckley, executive director of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. Last year, the center estimated that 6 million Americans would make medical tourism trips in 2010. But Keckley has since shaved that projection to about 1.6 million people. Still, that more than doubles the roughly 750,000 Americans who traveled abroad in 2007, the last year for which Deloitte had actual numbers. Keckley expects the medical tourism industry to recover, as more health insur
Take a look of the HMOs CEO salaries and you will know why. It is 1996 figure. The HMOs are so powerful these days and they pay a lot of money to radio talk show hosts to......... The 25 Highest Paid HMO Executives 1996 Annual Compensation Exclusive of Unexercised Stock Options Stephen Wiggins, CEO, Oxford Health Plans, Inc. $29,061,599 Wilson Taylor, Chairman and CEO, CIGNA Corporation $11,568,410 David Snow, Executive Vice President, Oxford Health Plans, Inc. $10,403,451 Robert Smoler, Executive Vice President, Oxford Health Plans, Inc. $10,085,972 Joseph Sebastianelli, President, Aetna, Inc. $7,394,506 Michael Cardillo, Executive Vice President, Aetna, Inc. $7,069,969 Leonard Schaeffer, Chairman and CEO, WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. $7,010,698 George Jochum, President and CEO, Mid-Atlantic Medical Services, Inc. $6,526,065 Ronald Compton, Chairman and CEO, Aetna, Inc. $5,813,287 Wayne Smith, Former President, Humana, Inc. $5,166,575 James Stewart, Executive Vice President, CIGNA Corporation $4,832,799 Richard Huber, Vice Chairman, Aetna, Inc. $4,801,841

anyone from England know the answer?

Hi there i was just curious to know how much on average does a retainer (for teeth) cost, and when do you know if you have to pay fro dental if you work full time, if you live at home etc how much is it roughly... I am from the UK and i just wanted to know how much its going to cost etc. Please provide as much information as possible. Thank you for your time
england has the worst problem in the world with people going to the dentist.ask an american.

Free leasing a horse?

Okay, so i am maybe going to free lease a horse, and i want to no what will i probably have to pay for in the deal and how much are vet bills and dental care?? oh and how much is horse feed? thanks for your help :)
how long are you leasing it? horses only need dental care if they are having issues eating. vet check ups are only once a year for vaccines unless the horse gets sick, lame, or injured. you can worm the horse your self. normally the owner of the horse will pay for the vet bills UNLESS you hurt the horse, or cause the injury. normally they also pay the ferrier, unless you want the horse shoed if it isnt already. LUCKY YOU! free lease!!!

how does this insurance work? i am 18 so i am just entering this insurance world and i have no idea what dectables are and copays are so how does the billing work with this insurance policy??
Insurance companies are in the business of denying health care, they are for profit and if you cost more than that get from you they would go out of business(whens the last time you saw an insurance co go under??) You go to the hospital, your doctor says you need this procedure. You have a co-pay for the visit(this you pay out of pocket) The insurance company says thats not covered or we will only pay X amount. They have nurses and doctors on staff to argue with your doctor etc about the necessity of the procedure. Doctors and hospitals raise the rates they charge to cover the costs of all the time spent arguing with the insurance company. Normally you have to pay up to the limit of your deductible say it costs $5000.00 and you have a $1500.00 deductible you pay $1500.00 and the insurance co pays the remaining $3500.00. Sometimes this is a yearly deductible so the next procedure (in a given year) will not cost you out of pocket. However(a big however) You insurance probably has limits as to how much they will pay for the procedure. They may say that they will only pay $2000.00 for this procedure. You pay your $1500.00 deductible Insurance pays $500.00 and then the doctor sends you a bill for $3000.00

Fluoride in our tap water?

Does boiling water kill fluoride (like bacteria) in tap water? The sonofabitch water district is increasing the amount of fluoride in the water supply to reduce decay. Sha right! Like they really have any concern about our dental care!
Fluoride doesn't die, its not living. Boiling it won't do anything for you. Ingesting too much fluoride can lead to a disease known as fluorosis, but if your living in most places in the world i'm sure they've made sure the levels are safe for consumption.

Is there a phone number for Medicare information?

require dental implants for installation of mouthpiece required to reduce sleep apnea. Will medicare or Tri Care for Life pay part of the implants?
1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)

What is Carcinoid Heart Disease and Do You Have It?

Many people are aware of typical heart problems like strokes, heart attacks, and clogged arteries. However, not everyone knows what Carcinoid heart disease is. This is understandable, as it is a pretty rare condition that only affects a few people. And while that is the case, it is still a good idea to make sure that you are closely monitoring your health so if you do have any serious problems, you can take care of them before they get worse or spread across your body.
Don't jump to conclusions first, though. If you think that you have Carcinoid heart disease, you need to make sure that you get checked out by a doctor. The reason that this is the case is because of the fact that it doesn't really manifest itself like the other problems. Also, it doesn't necessarily come about from the same things. In fact, it is usually caused by tumors. There currently aren't any treatments other than having the tumors removed by surgery, and this is not always effective. If caught early enough though, that might do the trick.

Can You Buy Health Insurance From College?

I was reading the tuition fee from a dental school and they charge you 450 dollars a year for health care. Does that mean they will insure me while I am there or what? Do College provide health insurance while you're there?
Most colleges do offer a limited medical insurance plan, if you don't have private insurance.

im 15 i have never had a filling or any dental treatment what are the odds i never will have to?

i have always taken brilliant care of my teeth, eating properly, never gone a day without brushing etc the main reason is that i am TERRIFIED of injections of any kind, needles in my skin my mouth ANYWHERE!!! i am trying my very best to avoid having anything done to my teeth so i am looking after them so well so that i will never have to have anything done. my dentist always says my teeth are perfect but im scared one day i will go for a check up and need to get an injection or a filling or something - what are the odds that i could live my life without ever getting something done to my mouth? will my teeth always be so good (aslong as i take great care of them like i am now) thanks guys! xoxoxo
Taking proper care of your teeth gives you a start in the right direction. Keep up the good work! I know several people that have never needed to have any work done. They've brushed 2-3 times per day and floss after each meal. Genetics does play a part in it, but good oral care is most important. Chances are very good.

Why are Californians seeking health care in Mexico?

According to a recent study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research estimated that nearly 1 million people from California alone seek medical, dental or prescription services in Mexico each year.…
And Mainers. I am one! Me and my family have also received care in Canada and Denmark because it was cheaper than in the US

what health care job is better?

Im trying to decide between being a nurse or a dental hygienist. I am currently in school for nursing but I am considering changing but I am not sure where I would be happier. The information I have seen says that the dental hygienists make more but Im more concerned about liking my job than making more money. Please help???
Go dental Hygienist the schooling is easier

34 weeks pregnant and need dental work done!!!!?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am 34 weeks pregnant. Healthy pregnancy. Second pregnancy. I've moved and my dentist is 8 hours away. I called dentist around where I live now and they say it will take 4-5 weeks to get a root canal done. And they do a complete one. Just take out the main nerve and do the rest after delivery.They need a consultation ect.... I know I can call my dentist and he will perform the procedure. (Hopefully)I will be 35 weeks at that point. My OB said the cutoff was 34 weeks to travel. She wasn't going to tell me no, but just said the cut off is 32-34 weeks. Should I go and get it taken care of? If not, will the infection harm my baby? Does infection like this cause preterm labor? Should I try and deal with the extreme pain until after delivery or what?
No Way . Dont wait. I had to have a million procedures done when I was pregnant with my 3rd and everything was fine. I never waited until after delivery for anything because it had to be done. And just to let you know, dont worry about preterm delivery at your time. One of my sons was born at 34 weeks and he was extremely healthy and great, and went home with me 2 days later when I went home. Just like a regular newborn. I would think infection is not good for the baby if it gets extreme, but I dont see how you can stand it by that point anyways. Id rather have a million babies than a bad infected tooth. That is ten times worse! Ouch. ... Its just better to get it done and you yourself dont need to be in pain.

My fiance needs to see the dentist badly?

He has a abscessed tooth among other things. How can we afford to get his teeth taken care of, does anyone know of any dental insurance plans that have low co payments, please help if you can
I went through the same problem. I went to a local clinic to get antibiotic for the absess first. Then I signed up with Delta Dental's "DeltaCare USA" plan - it was very affordable at around $95 per year. You can get more info, and enroll online at

I am looking for a new career and do not know what way to go. I am a medical assistant in a sleep lab and I?

love taking care of my pt, however I want something that with day light hours and weekend off to spend with my family. Have been researching dental assistant and having a difficult time finding where I can do school for this and go in the evening with the work schedule it is reallly hard. Does anyone have a clue. MOM OF 3 TEENS
There are private schools like Bryman (8 month program) or Heald College that have dental assistant programs. You can pick days or night classes. Remember that these schools are also businesses and unfortunately some of their ad reps will tell u that they don't have any available openings for the schedule that u want if they are trying to fill the day classes first. Just wait and tell them that you'll wait until the evening classes open. Trust me...I used to teach in one of these schools. Just an advice: make sure that dental assisting career is a lucrative career where u live at the moment. The schools will tell u it is because they want you to sign up in the program, so do your homework before calling them. Also some dental offices offer training for a less money than going to a private postsecondary school and you might get more hands-on training thru them, there's one in Modesto, Ca that offers training on Saturdays (for 11 Saturdays). Check out your local newspaper ads. Hope this helps but whatever you do...think twice before signing your contract with the school.

vampire teeth help?

Ok as a child i only remember going to the dentist like once. my family didnt really care about dental care. anyways as a result of that my teeth look like vampire teeth. i hate to smile. i think im good looking but i avoid smiling. anyways i live near corpus christi, texas and was wondering if the was a procedure to correct my teeth. please help me !
It is not too expensive to have the points filed down. A regular dentist can do it... If you do not go to the dentist, you should start anyway....Your dr on campus can help you find a good cheap dentist

Can a father legally keep the mom from getting medical treatment for a kid if the father has custody?

The kid's in early teens. The dad just got custody of the son. The problem is, dad refuses to speak the the Mom for any reason. She leaves messages about dental & dr. appts. but he ignores them. The kid has no supervision from 8pm-12am-dad works nights. He's now smoking and cursing just like dad. Last visit Mom found 2 unused condoms in his bag & when he left he hadn't used the toothbrush or toothpaste she put in his bathroom. How can the Mom care for her son? Will she have to go back to court? Can that be considered Neglect? Is the kids age a factor? Sorry it's so long.
I think it would be considered neglect in most states but a few really don't care about kids after they are 12 Sad but true

What percent of illegal immigrant children don't have health insurance?

If you know the percent who don't have health care in California that would be even better. California is proposing an initiative that would raise cigarette taxes to $3.47/pack in part to pay for health, dental and vision benefits for illegal immigrant children.
The current figure is 7.5% of all immigrants. I'm all for the tax increase. You, like everyone else, got bombarded with information at a young age about how smoking is bad. But you wanted to be cool, so you did anyway. You should have listened to your parents and school. I'd rather have you paying for this healthcare than me. Yes!!!

Please! Paper due Monday! 20% of grade =(?

ok i have to do a best source paper. i am doing it over dentistry. it is sort of a pre-research paper. i need a topic. or something to research. i was going to do dental care for the military but i couldnt find a book. please help if u dont understand ask and i will try to explain better =] our example one was about this girl researching daycares. her topic was - are daycares bad for children, should the parents stay home and care for them instead.....i need something kindof like this ?
Maybe what age should children start going to see the dentist?

WI, can judge order 1 parent primary decision-maker w/out a petition for it & still maintain 50/50 custody?

Judge announced @ start of custody trial he would not change the 50/50 custody that was in place because there was no petition from either party for a change in custody. At a hearing to clarify the final order, he accepted the following (word for word) as a stipulation: "Petitioner will have the primary decision-making ability for [child's name], including, but not limited to, medical care, dental care, counseling, education, and daycare provider. Respondent can decide whoever she wants for daycare for [their] summer placement or any other days she has placement." Is this legal? Isn't he indeed making a change in custody? Does this afford me a good basis for an appeal? Any idea what kind of chance I'd have with an appeal? Tips on a good custody attorney in Wisconsin? Other ideas? My attorney said something about due process protocol not being followed. What is that? Any other help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
judges can order anything they like, no matter how little sense it makes. Keep taking them back to court.

Why are SOME people blessed with "good teeth"?

I know a few people that have never or rarely had professional oral care and they're teeth look "perfect". One or two cavities, straight teeth, never a major problem with their teeth. And then there are people like me who have suffered w/dental problems despite seeing a dentist on a regular basis. Is it soley based on one's diet? Or do genes play a role too?
It's a combination of genetics and hygeine. There are some people who have terrible teeth because they simply do not brush their teeth, floss, and constantly eat sugary foods. Others may take excellent care of their teeth, yet their genetic makeup determined the strength, size, proportion, and order of their teeth. It sucks... but no fault lies in the second person I described. It's just the way it is.

I need a dental crown on a molar...which is better porcelain or gold?

my dentist says porcelain...but I'm not convinced...and...are crowns strong...will it last...will I have to avoid certain foods...I don't care what it looks like, I just want the strongest
I am a dentist and here is my answer in caps because it is important and then you can read the longer version to follow. IF YOU WANT A CROWN THAT WILL LAST THE LONGEST AND LOOKS ARE NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU YOU WANT A METAL CROWN MADE WITH NOBLE METALS. MAKE SURE IT IS NOBLE METAL. It is a complicated answer to a complicated question. You really don't want an all porcelain crown on a molar. A porcelain crown with metal under it for strength might be OK, but mostly it depends on what you want. There are three types of crowns All porcelain all most not detectable to a amateur observer. They are weak and probably too weak for molars. There are different types of all porcelain, but I will just leave it at that. They do require more of your tooth to be removed than either of the other two types of crowns. Porcelain with metal under them pretty strong and look pretty good, but the porcelain can come off over time. By far the best restoration you can have in your mouth is an cast gold restoration. They fit the best, they won't break, and they require the least amount of your tooth to be removed to place a gold crown. It is the only thing you can put in your mouth where you can say it will not break. Your tooth might decay around it and you might wear through it, but it will not break. Everything else you put in your mouth can break and probably will over time. I am a dentist and I always ask patients what is important to them. Is it looks? is it sort of looks and longevity? or do you want what will last the longest without regard for looks? The only problem with a precious metal/gold crown is they are yellow. If you do get a metal crown, make sure you know what you are getting. Many dentists try to cut corners and use base metals in their crowns, but they don't fit, work, or last as well as a noble metal full cast crown. We use gold because they cast well and fit well and are the most biocompatible dental material that was ever developed. I hope that helps.

What's this form called?

I filled out a form a while ago which entitles students to free prescriptions, dental care, glasses etc? Now I can't remember what it was called...Does anybody know?
idk thaz for sure

does masshealth cover tooth whitening?

does mass health cover tooth whitening at the sunshine dental care?
No dental insurance company will cover whitening because it is considered cosmetic. As long as the over the counter kits have been approved by the ADA, they will work. They are much cheaper than having the dentist do it. The only downfall is that it takes longer because the bleach is not as concentrated. I know Crest White Strips have been approved by the ADA, and they're about $250 less than having them whitened in an office.

Is it normal at 17 to wonder why?

I am 17 i am male, and i always am getting depressed because all my friends have more than i do. they all had it easy and got what they needed, while i always had it hard and didnt always get what i needed such as dental care and what not. please tell me what i should tell myself to get over this
There's more pride in earning what you have than having it given to you.

tell me the good dentist in California , USA?

Hi, Who is the good dentist in CALIFORNIA, USA, for crowning etc........and how does dental insurance work. Is it free. How much the insurance company pay for dental service. and which one is the good insurance company for dental care in CA.
There are so many great plan out there. For my family we have this great plan. I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved us thousands of dollars since. From root canals, xrays, my braces. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.

Prison/Jail if your health fails. 3 hots & a cot never looked so good. Is it true U get health care?

Okay, I've seen it all. I was in jail and got better food than my kids at their schools. Speaking of schools, what is it I hear inmates get free college? What about those paying on those student loans? Oh, and about health care. In the slammer you get free health care (meds and all)! So, crime huh? What crime to commit for a four year degree and some dental work?
You are a liar. You have never been within 100 yards of a jail. If you were, you would never talk like this. stfuylb

do you have to get your wisdom teeth extracted?

or can they sometimes grow in without any pain? mine are coming in now and they arnt painful the gum is just a little sore. i am trying to concieve and i know it is important to take care of dental problems before coming pregnant. do i have to go get them cut out or is there a chance of keeping them? i had some cavitys when i was little and got some of my back teeth extracted (like 3) soo i wouldnt mind having another one
You might want to direct your question to a dentist you trust but, I have heard nothing but trouble out of wisdom teeth. All of mine became "impacted" and had to be removed. I've also had numerous friends and relatives say the same thing. There seems to be not enough room in the mouth for them - probably just an impression I have. Two of mine had roots that were twisted sideways in the gum - had to go!

Why have the people that sold this country out including retirees so opposed to health care reform?

Propaganda! I have read the entire 1018 pages of the the proposed reform. Im also a third year Med student. I have read and heard all the lies and added language from lobbyist that have placed major spins on the topic. The current system is broken. It appears that the ones with money to lose are spreading all the lies. Leading cause of bankruptcy in America is from individuals with health insurance but are overwhelmed with medical bills. A great example is my wife's policy is 900 a month. She has a 2500 a year deductible. Preventative care costs have to be paid as part of the deductible (500 for a mammogram and 375 for a prostate exam). I was hospitalized and transferred 3 times each time a new MRI had to be conducted billing my insurance over 16,000 for duplicate tests due to each hospitals policy. It is stealing. Go to a dentist and pay cash you will find the cost will be a third of what it would of been if you had dental insurance. The time is now. I have interviewed veterans in our local VA hospital. None of them have been asked to sign away their right to life. I suspect the same individuals that are profiting from outsourcing customer service, textiles and manufacturing base (tangibles that have rebounded us from previous recessions) are behind this.
The current system is broken and needs changing, but putting our fate into the hands of the government (which has shown they can't even run Cash for Clunkers properly) would be a HUGE mistake. For one, it will be a case of cost-cutting, as you are a med student I'm sure you are aware the majority of health costs one runs up takes place within the last couple of years of life. There are documented cases in other nations with a NHC system that the government denied care to people not only for money reasons but felt that the treatments would not help them. Do you want that here, your fate and the fate of your family in the hands of some bureaucrat who has screwed everything else up to this point? Plus, the option of public care will eventually be the ONLY option. Many insurance companies will go out of business because they can't compete with the federal government and then the only option will be a government-based system. President Obama has said in the past he supports such a program and they are piecemealing it in. Finally, let's just say all this happens and the recession continues to chug along and the economy is still slow for the next few years. Are you willing to pay skyrocketing taxes to pay for this system? Because the biggest propaganda thing is that it's free health care, and there is no such thing as a free lunch. I'm already taxed enough and I'd only be willing to such a program if it's effective, efficient, convenient, and doesn't use one penny of mine or anyone else's tax dollars to pay for it. A real solution would be one that Governor Huckabee proposed during the presidential election. Individual-based insurance that we can purchase from private companies at an affordable rate that we can take with us. If we change jobs, we don't have to mess with changing around insurance or anything like that. I know companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield offer them but they cost an arm and a leg.

What do people hate about the dentist? What would make you go more?

If you were to go into a dental office. What is something you would really like to make you feel special or well taken care of. I am looking for ideas for a school project. This project is something to make a dental office worldwide known. Any ideas??
People hate dentists because they associate going to them, with pain. The problem is, people take for granted their teeth, so they don't brush, go for oral prophylaxis or go for simple check-ups. After years of not going to the dentist, they get a toothache and now go to the dentist fearing the dentist will cause more pain. Poor misunderstood dentist. My cousin has a playstation3 set-up in her clinic for the children to play with.

What does one do to get their childs information with ex's health care benefits?

My daughter lives with me. Her father sees her every weekend and gives me child support. He has been responsible. HOWEVER, he will not provide me any information with her heath care coverage. She currently has my coverage and he has my information ( a card) but he wont give me his information. Im really worried b/c if something happens to me (i plan on working in canada. currently in us...wont have coverage in windsor b/c only partime) my daughter wont be covered in canada with dental and medical. I would have to buy my own. Currently i work in the united states fulltime. In Windsor, there are only partime jobs but the pension is incredible and the us dollar is unstable. I need to work over here. He keeps telling me the paperwork is going through but she is already 16 months and there is a court order. I dont understand why he is making this so difficult. What can i do so that i also have some kind of assurance that he has placed her on his insurance and that i have access to it in case i need it? Its the law and there is a court order. He is being very difficult. Currently, he gives me postdated cheques up to next year with the full support. Im wondering if i should just start garnishing his wages b/c im starting to lose his trust. This is so frustrating and mean! I dont know how anyone can deny someone the information for their child? I do have a good lawyer but it will cost money again to see him regarding this issue. is there any easier way?
I got the other side of the fence. I have a man who had to add his daughter to his insurance. It took from December with a court order all the way to july. I would be kind and ask. You don't always have to assume he is being an a** about it.

how often does Target hire?

i applied there yesterday...and i was wondering if they would hire a 17 year old with no previous job experience? and what are the chances i would get it??...don't a lot of people probably apply there since it's so easy on the computer thing..uhh i really need job and also do they provide health care and dental care..i already have it through my parents but i'm just curious
It depends on the region and their turnover. The Pharmacy Technicians are not well paid and some of the internal security guards have stated that Target might get rid of internal company security and contract an outside company to lower operating expenses. There was a man that was in Loss Prevention that was there over 20 years and made around $17 per hour,but management said he will be let go and can return at $11 per hour. He now earns $11 per hour. As for their medical and dental insurance,they are so-so.

Finding Out More About The American Cancer Society

Cancer is a devastating disease that has changed the lives of millions around the world. With continued research and more effective treatments, deaths from cancer have been decreasing, and the length of time survivors are able to live in remission is increasing. While a true cure for cancer has yet to be found, current treatment interventions and strategies have proven to successful in many cases. The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering among those most affected by this devastating disease. The American Cancer Society tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, and how long people survive after diagnosis, in addition to data regarding risk factors for developing cancer and the use of screening results.

Present facts and figures for 2007 for cancer incidence, mortality, survival, cancer risk factors, and annual estimates of expected new cases and deaths by cancer for the general population, Hispanics, African Americans, breast cancer, global cancer statistics, and annual updates for cancer prevention and early detection can be found in various online reports available for immediate download.

Question about this health insurance bill that was just passed?

Will my husband be forced to buy health insurance coverage? (He is a Cherokee Nation citizen and receives care through their clinics ... which is better than I get through my Blue Cross/Blue Shield, I might add.) Case in point: He had a $12,000 lithotripsy procedure four years ago, all paid for by the Cherokee Nation, and he gets seen once every three months for medical and dental. Never would have happened on BC/BS.
The bill itself was not passed. It was just opened up for debate. Read the end of the bill. All the answers about the Indian tribes are there. I only skimmed that portion because it does not pertain to me and quite frankly I was a little bleary-eyed by then.

False teeth or braces? Under 16?

My teeth aren't in line and I have an over bite. Is it possible for a dentist to remove all of my teeth and replace them with fake ones to make them straight? I could get braces im 15 years old but if i dont like them would it be my decision to have them taken off or my parents decision? Im in the UK. i know that dental care is free under 16 so braces would be free for me but would the whole false teeth thing be free too? x
Go to your dentist and ask about the braces as soon as you can. It is normal to have a slight over bite, no anterior teeth should be edge to edge but our teeth are all different. A brace will move your teeth to a acceptable position, a orthodontist will decide what the best course of action is required to give you the cosmetic modern smile every one seems to crave! You may get part of your wish and need one or two teeth removed to make more room to move you teeth but this will be down to the orthodontist to decide. As far as having all your teeth teeth removed, any Dentist that is worth his registration with the GDC wouldn't do it! Do you have any idea what you would let yourself in for if you had all your teeth removed? The pain and the total loss of support for your face muscles would be unbelievable! I make Dentures (Prosthesis) in a Lab and you do not want to have to wear them. Once you have the natural teeth pulled out the bones starts to resorbe and being so young you would have no ridges by the time you were 40! The dentures would not have any cohesion (stick) this is gradually lost as the ridges under the gum shrink into nothingness. The gums become flabby soft tissue and your dentures move when you talk and eat. I suggest you opt for the braces and look after your teeth,

Favorite Owl City Song?

What is your favorite Owl City song? my favorites are Hot Air Balloon, Dental Care, and Meteor Shower, and Hello Seattle
vanilla twilight, i love the story it tells, its so sad but so sweet at the same time

How can I learn to be intimate with husband with bad teeth?

I love my husband very much. He's a good man and a good provider and he loves me. But there is one thing about him that I am ashamed to say really turns me off...over the past couple of years, his teeth have begun to fall out and he even has front teeth and bottom teeth missing. The few remaining teeth are awful. He has always brushed his teeth daily and has good hygiene, but his family has a history of severe dental problems. When we got married, 20 years ago, his teeth were fine. It's not that he hasn't been to the dentist and tried to get them taken care of. Even though we have dental insurance, it only will pay a mere fraction of the cost of oral surgery and dentures. (Also, I know he is now avoiding the dentists because he doesn't want to get dentures....he's only 42.) We don't have $6000 to pay upfront. But lately, I am having great difficulty just being close to him and I feel so terrible and shallow for feeling that way. Any advice?
I don't know where you live, but $6000 for dentures? That seems a bit high. Check around. You can always get on a payment plan. Bad teeth can lead to other health problems. I'd suggest you figure out someway to get the man some teeth.

I'm looking for the dentist in Nashville.?

Friday, January 28, 2011

There was a dentist in Nashville,Tn who offered discounted dental care for me. If this is you please please email me at
You can do a search by dentist by zip code. This may prove to be the best way to search. Maybe a name that you see will ring a bell. The following website has a " find my dentist ". I would try it. Maybe you will get lucky.

my retainer wont fit anymore?

i live in london so dental care is free basically. i used to have braces and was given on eof those clear retainers. i found that when i didnt wear it two of the teeth would go back to the normal state. anyway, now the retainer wont fit because i have grown more teeth at the back which irritate me when the retainers put on. what should i do? im going to call them up tomorow morning but does anyone know what they will be able to do to help?!
They will probably need to give you a new retainer... and if the new teeth are wisdom teeth, you may need to have them pulled

Home Ec. Help?

For my home ec junior cert practical exam next year I have to do either a craft or a project on young children. I decided on the project, but I'm not sure what to do. It has to be about children between the ages of 0-5. I've looked at some from previous years, and there's stuff like: The growth of babies from the womb to 5 years and another was dental care of you children and another was Play with a purpose. If anyone had any ideas it'd be a big help.
You could write about whether or not daycare children have an advantage when entering school. You could write about this from and education or social skills perspective or both.

Bakersfield California?

anyone know where to get free or affordable dental care in Bakersfield? need alot of work buT I can't afford it
If there is a dental teaching school in the area, check with them if they have "student clinic". The students studying to be dentists do the work on the patient under the supervision of the professors/dentist. Thus the charges are minimal for the patient. It could prove little slower; but it has reputation of the school and opinion of a faculty member behind it. Hope you can locate what you are looking for.