how much do kittens cost???in surrey?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Purchase Price Food Spay/Neuter Litter Box Cat Litter Window Perches Cat Door Scratching Post Food Bowls Grooming Tools Hair Removing Tape Stain Removers Flea Control Heartworm Prevention Training Aids Vet Bills Vaccines Ear/Dental Care Vitamins/Fatty Acids Treats Toys
Purchase price - about a £20 donation at your local Cats Protection League. Food - depends, you can get real cheap stuff from the supermarket for like 50p a can, but it isn't good stuff! Halfway decent stuff like Iams probably more like £3.99 for a box of pouches. Kittens need to eat 3 times a day until they're neutered, then twice a day. Neuter - ring round local vets for quotes, they vary. My surgery (in Northwest Kent) charge £55 for a spay and £37 for a castration. Litter box - about £3! Cat litter - a huge sackful might be about £14, it really varies so much. The next 6 things- just check Flea control - only get from a vet. Pet store stuff is cheaper, don't fall for it as it doesn't work. Frontline about £16 for a 3 month supply. Heartworm prevention - you also need intestinal parasite protection, more common in cat too. You can get an all round tablet from the vets for like £4, needs to be given every 3 months in an adult cat, but monthly til the kitten is 6 months old. Training aids - ??? these are for dogs Vet bills - depends what's wrong! A consult fee costs £15-£30 approx, you don't have to pay it when you get vaccines, it's included in the price. Vaccines - again, ring for quotes as it varies so much. We charge £43.84 for full vaccine, £28.65 for without leukaemia. Ear/dental care - shouldn't need routine ear cleaning, only done if there's a problem. Feed dry food and clean the cat's teeth and you may be able to avoid dental work once the cat's about 8 - this can cost around £150-£200 for scale and polish and extractions. Vitamins/Fatty acids - don't give supplements. They don't need them if they're on a decent quality food, it should all be in there. Excess vitamins cause problems. Treats/toys - again look in petsathome, depends what you want. Though most cats are happy enough with a piece of string and a ball of foil!! Chalice