How much do fake teeth cost?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday at lunch I bit a carrot and broke my 2 big front teeth on top. They broke just inside the gum and they were black inside. I haven't been to a dentist since I was 9(I'm 14 now) but I thought I was takin good care of my teeth. Anyways, my mom took me to a dentist the next day and I had the broken parts pulled out. So now I need to get some fake teeth to put there cuz I have a huge hole in my smile. We don't have dental insurance so I need a cheaper fix if possible for now at least. I hate walkin around like this.
Ask your dentist, but at your age, I expect I'd do a "flipper" like many hockey players have. It would cost about $700 - maybe more and maybe less, but close to $700.