Hello neighbor's, how do you feel about your health care?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I live in Michigan near the Ambassador bridge, I have enjoyed your casino's, strip clubs and comedy bar's through-out my youth. Now to my question: With U.niversal H.ealthcare as a front running topic in our American election this year, I have read BOTH positive and negitive arguements citing Canada's health care sytsem as reason to NOT adopt U.H. and as a reason to adopt U.H. So i figured why not ask Canadians how they feel about their sysytem of health care. Q: what are the pro's and con's? Q: do you have co-pays? Q: does it include dental and optical? Q: what are your general feelings on the U.S.A. adopting a similar policy? Q: add anything else you feel is neccessary, on ANY policies(nafta, oil drilling, the "new" bridge) thank you!
Everybody should have equal access to health care. How could you possibly look at two five year olds and think it is right that one can see the doctor and the other can't, just because of how much money their parents make or how smart they were over paying for their insurance? How many people in the USA get stuck in jobs that they hate or find super stressful just because they need the health benefits, or wouldn't qualify for the same ones somewhere else? What if your plan only covers one trip to the gynecologist a year, and after you arrive you discover that due to moral reasons she won't prescribe birth control for you? This happens, and so many more issues. How much debt are you willing to take on to obtain care for a loved one? Use up your kid's college funds to pay for their mother's cancer treatment? Take out a 2nd mortgage on the house to pay for a father's heart surgery? What if you discover you are expecting a child with serious health issues you don't have coverage for.... do you abort just because you can't afford it? In Canada, I can seek medical care anytime I need it, and expect to get excellent quality care no matter what I can afford. If I have an issue with a doctor, I will simply go to another one. I will never be stuck in a job because I need the coverage. If my health situation changes, I will not be a burden to my family. I will never lose my house because I want to save a loved one, and I will never have to jeopardize my children's futures for that same reason. If I have a child with a disability or illness, my only concern will be how much love our family can find together, not if I can afford to have the child. And I could go on and on. I really don't see any cons here. Except maybe that dental and optical are not included (usually covered by health benefits at work, or you can buy insurance for that, though it isn't too expensive to just pay for most of it anyway, also I believe this is covered for many low income families). The lack of a health care system is one of the significant reasons I would never move to the US.