How do children under kinship foster care get financial assistance?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I have 5 of my cousin's children that I agreed to care for temporarily. Of all the family members I was the only one who was "qaulified" to take them. They range from the ages of 4 mos to 8 yrs and 3 of the children have major mental issues. CPS originally took them in Dec 08 and she has till Dec 09 to get them back. My problem is that not only is it an emotional stress it is a major financial stress and I can't seem to qaulify for any government assistance because I'm not officially at poverty level. (They are counting my son's child support as income). I work full time and I take lots of days off due to required therapy appointments, dental appointments, physicals, home visits. CPS makes all these requirements yet there are no benefits. The children are happy in my home and my son and fiance have accepted them and we are living together pretty well. We made unofficial arrangements for the mother to visit 2x a week but she never shows up and when she does she seems angry with me and with the children. I honestly don't think she will get her act together and I can't keep on supporting them financially. My family promised to help but it seems that everyone is in financial crisis and no one is willing to cooperate. I feel like I may have no other choice but to return the children to CPS custody. Does anyone know of any loop holes in the system that would help me qaulify for some assistance. Both parents of the children are not working so I can't get child support, I make "too much" to qaulify for food stamps or TANF. Thank you
i have guardianship of my brother and i get assistance through the states kinship program. we dont qualify for TANF or food stamps either but i do get some money each month for him, its not much but it does help. you should call DES or child and family services in your area and ask about it. hope it helps, good luck. Kudos to you for taking on such a huge responsibility. its been tough for my family with just one but it was the only option i ever considered. i hope you are able to get some financial help