do you have to get your wisdom teeth extracted?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

or can they sometimes grow in without any pain? mine are coming in now and they arnt painful the gum is just a little sore. i am trying to concieve and i know it is important to take care of dental problems before coming pregnant. do i have to go get them cut out or is there a chance of keeping them? i had some cavitys when i was little and got some of my back teeth extracted (like 3) soo i wouldnt mind having another one
You might want to direct your question to a dentist you trust but, I have heard nothing but trouble out of wisdom teeth. All of mine became "impacted" and had to be removed. I've also had numerous friends and relatives say the same thing. There seems to be not enough room in the mouth for them - probably just an impression I have. Two of mine had roots that were twisted sideways in the gum - had to go!