how much more debt can we afford on the backs of the working class . WHo wants a graduated tax system back .?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Remember that those people who make the most in this life are reliant on the most . Its the roads we all pay for they use to ship products .Its the shopping malls that need waste water run off systems and waste water treatment . Its our entire infrastructure that supports businesses . Today they choose to run out on us taking the Jobs where new offices and factories are cheaper to build and the jobs they want us for is building vacation homes and serving them dinners in 5 star eatery's, washing their laundry and cars and clipping hedges and mowing lawns . Nursing them back to health and working for them for the lowest wages possible based on the number of available workers willing to do the job correctly . I do not feel bad about taxing others at a higher rate then the vast majority of people . Billionaires will not lose sleep and their kids will not skip a meal or miss out on dental care If we tax them more . You think people would stop because you tax them more .LOL
Generally speaking, I think that taxes are a good thing. They pay for some much needed services. The problem is that poorer people pay a higher percentage of their income that people that make six figures. Why? In a word, deductions. Interest you pay (such as in a mortgage) is deductable. So are education expenses. Also, the last few tax breaks have only benefited the people that make the most. Why is this? I personally don't believe that just because I got knocked up, that I should get an extra $1000 back every year. The whole system is messed up. But it is not just the individual, it is the companies as well. Many set up "corporate offices" in tax-free countries that consist of a receptionist at a telephone in order to avoid taxes. I believe that if you make money in the US, you should pay US taxes. And if you don't want to pay taxes, well, I hear UAE is beautiful this time of year.