Still sick after dental work and antibiotics?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I had a perio cleaning after nearly 3 years without one cause my hygienists didn't listen to me. Then a tooth which had been aching died and I got a root canal and a crown. The dentists I saw gave me extra vicoden for the pain as I had run out of my regular prescription for my chronic pain. I saw my primary care doc last Thursday to tell him what had been going on. I told him I had gotten the extra vicoden and he freaked! He wasn't interested in treating me, just aggressively asked me questions to determine if I was "doctor shopping". I still feel really awful, no energy and weak. I have been sick now for 6 weeks, taken 3 courses of antibiotics and my sinuses are involved. What do I need to do? I am concerned I have something systemic from the bacteria released by the deep cleaning, but my PCP doesn't care. He didn't care when I went to him 6 weeks ago. Should I go to another doctor? Do I need a blood test? Could I still have an abscess under the tooth? Help!
if you went in asking for pain medication that is why he probably freaked. it's a very common thing and doctors/dentists take it very seriously because they can loose their license. the fact that you told him you already have pain medication says that you upfront about what you have, which most prescription junkies are not. they usually come up with some far fetched story about their doctor being out of town, lost prescription, my aunt's brothers uncle etc.... since it is medical and not your mouth that is hurting you are correct in going to your pcp. schedule an appointment again, mention nothing about pain medication (he might not remember you and just continue on) let him know all of your symptoms- even write them down so you don't forget any. if he still refuses to treat you, then go to the emergency room- they cannot refuse you, and report the doctor. by law they cannot turn down treating a patient. now if you just went in asking for some more pain medication- then he can turn you down.