Dental problems causing health concerns?

Monday, February 28, 2011

I have lost 3 teeth on each side of my mouth all of which had root canals and caps. Because of this I have TMJ. My jaw is always sore because of popping and eating. I have very bad headaches which I believe is from the TMJ. This is on the upper. On the lower-I also have lost 2 teeth on each side, therefore my bite is off and I cannot chew properly. My question is: does anyone know if Medicare Health and my secondary insurance pay for this due to health concerns? I can not afford to have done what I know needs to be done. P.s. I have been to my primary care doctor who ordered a cat scan for my headaches. The results were negative for tumors, etc.
sounds like a TMD (temporal mandibular disorder), NOT a tooth problem usually, a dental school will have a cranio-facial clinic that addresses these specific problems. the downside is that they are very costly. medicare will not cover these costs