Choosing a Major, I have no idea what I want to be!?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Okay, I really have no clue what I'm really good at or want in a career. What should I do? I have a good life but career wise I'm not sure what to do.... I've been going to a local college, just taking classes... Someone asked what my major is and I said I just take classes, i'm scared. I really have no big dreams because Im happy with my life as it is right now!!!! I'm 24 living at parents home in a middle class Texas suburb. My folks said in order to stay on their insurance at age 26, Thanks to Obama's health care plan. I have to be full-time student. And I enjoy the perks of health care, dental and shrink doctors.... I really , REALLY LIKE THAT STUFF !!!!!!!!! Here is the thing.... I have no rent, free food and I work out at the gym and take long steam showers with all the guys...and im 24 years old living at home, its great....Its just this whole career thing!!! IT SCARES ME!!!! The world seems so unkind and dangerous....but mama and poppa really want to see Jr. do something grand. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
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