WTF, Dental??????????

Monday, February 28, 2011

This is like the fourth time I've asked this question can I get some damn answers? this is really bugging me I'm seriously self conscious about my teeth. OK, so I had braces and everything and my teeth are straight and what not. There is a slight gap in the middle but it's the barely tell kind. Anyway my biggest concern is my other teeth, Ever since childhood I have been cursed with weak teeth. I have had a variety of fillings done. I will admit that as a young child I had bad oral hygiene that ha since dramatically changed for the better. I attribute my bad hygiene back then to me being a stupid child who just didn't want to do as he was told. Anyway, now I am so self conscious about my fillings. It's just the bottom one because you can't really see the tops ones. I haven't had to have a filling replaced in years since wising up and taking care of myself. But I have the old silver anaglam fillings not the white ones. Should I replaces them with White composites? Also the enamel behind my two front teeth has begun to fade is there anyway to stop it? I use Pronamel tooth paste and ACT mouthwash as well as floss.
The silver fillings are probably perfectly fine and I always say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Replacing your amalgams with tooth colored fillings may cause problems. These types of fillings are very technique sensitive and are known to cause sensitivity - some being so severe that a root canal may be necessary. White fillings also are not anywhere as durable and will wear down, especially on molar chewing teeth. My advice is to leave well enough alone and keep your amalgams. What does enamel fading mean? Enamel does not fade, it may wear away but does not fade so not knowing what you mean, I cannot answer that question. Since you had orthodontics, you should have a normal overbite of 1/2 to 1 mm so wear from your bottom teeth hitting the backs of the uppers should not be the problem. Bulimia, perhaps?