How many of you agree that prostitution should be legalized then taxed at 30% to solve the economic crisis?

Friday, December 31, 2010

I think they should do away with income tax, just tax goods and services, corporations that leave the homeland, and imports. Then we could have free medical care. You could live off mcdonalds wages if health and dental was free. Germany legalized prostittution. Now they get weekly health testing. It created more jobs (clinics, licensing etc) what do you think?
I am going to disagree. I disagree initially on two points. The first is a moralistic view that I believe prostitution is immoral and damaging in and of itself. That is debatable and some time I disagree with my own opinion on this. But I'm feeling moralistic today. (Drank too much last night) My second initial point of disagreement is that I am against "sin" taxes. I can justify (in my mind) taxing cigarettes because the plan was to add that money into the health system which cigarettes directly impact. But look what happened. Additional money doesn't flow into the health coffers. Our elected masters just have a new pot of money to pay off supporters. Those are my two initial points of disagreement. A separate item is that I disagree with your premise that we should tax corporations that leave the homeland. Once they leave the homeland what right have we to tax them? First we made the business conditions so atrocious we forced them to leave by having one of the highest business taxes in the world and second we feel we can reach out and touch them after they give up on America. That is sending a message to businesses they already received. Don't do business in America. Also there is nothing free in life. And you don't understand the condition of the German health care system or the quality and capacity of the system. You should study this. It will be very enlightening and you will be greatly disappointed by the truth. Great question and great area of discussion!