I am scheduled for a Perio Scale/Root Planing-4+per quad UR, UL, LL and LR at $175 each ?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Is this too much to be charged? I just want to get the best dental care but not be charged an arm and a leg since I just had to have a root canal and crown which took up most if not all of my dental insurance for this year.
We charge $215 per quadrant and our office is usually pretty cheap, so that is pretty darn good! The previous office I worked at we charged $245 per quadrant. You can always call around and price shop if you don't have insurance coverage. But being this close to the end of the year, you may want to wait til January to get it done so insurance will pay their 80%. Its only 3 months away. But I wouldn't recommend waiting any longer than that! It is super important to have that procedure done for the health of your teeth. :) (im sure you already know this though, lol).