Can I get any kind of cheap dental care?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I've already checked on a lot of the answers. I have a broken molar and the nerve is probably exposed. I've checked with places in my area that should have helped me but, I can't get anywhere with them. The local schools don't offer those kind of services saying I may need to have the tooth pulled and replaced. I really can't afford any kind of care right now - feeding my family and myself is top priority. Does anyone know of any websites or places I can check? I'm getting tired of being in pain.
You can sign up for a dental discount program where you receive........well.......discounts in dental care. 50% fillings, cleanings for $50 etc. Ameriplan is one of them........u pay $12/mo and then can use any doctor on thier list to get teh discounts. I got my braces through them for $2000. Around here, that's almost %50 off. This might not help immediately in your more emergent need, but I'd look into it if I were you as these days dental care is SO not cheap or included in basic health care packages. :( good luck with this!