It's Not All About Me

Friday, October 22, 2010

Here's Nikki for you again:

I'm a people pleaser and want to say "yes" to everything that's asked of me. I really do believe it's better to give than receive and love seeing people's reactions when something good is done for them. For over a year though, I allowed it to be all about me and did nothing but receive. My health left me with no energy or desire to help others and my pride was broken as those close to me did so much for me.

Now that my health is on the upswing, I'm having to remind myself that it's not all about me anymore. You see, what I eat, how much (or little) I sleep, how I handle stress, how often I exercise, and what chemicals I'm around all greatly effect how well my health holds up. If I do something (like eat too much food I'm allergic to) or don't do something (like not going to bed early enough), my health suffers. I may be out of commission for a few hours or the whole day, but my feeling has been "this will pass" and I can deal with it until then.

One day it hit me - It's not all about me!

When I feel too miserable to get anything done or even be sociable, my relationships suffer - especially my marriage. My husband often asks if there's anything he can do for me when I feel so rough, and I say no so as not to be a burden. But I am a burden! Those are the times I'm not around to go out with him, have dinner with him, or even talk about our days.

My husband has been my greatest motivation to improve my health because it's about him as well. He unknowingly motivates me to eat better and push myself to the gym. Whatever I am or am not able to do because of poor health effects him and our marriage.

I used to love you my sweet Reese's, but not anymore. No more for me, thanks.

Your situation is probably very different from mine, but I bet the basic principle is the same. If it's not all about you, who else is it about? How or what have they motivated you to improve?