If "public option" government-run health care (e.g. Medicare) is so great, why is so much NOT covered?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just a few things that are NOT covered: # dental care; # hearing aids or the examinations for prescribing or fitting hearing aids (except for implants to treat severe hearing loss in some cases); # long-term care, including personal care, such as help with bathing, toileting and dressing (unless homebound and receiving skilled care) and nursing home care (except in a skilled nursing facility if eligible); # some preventive care, including most routine physical examinations and tests, immunizations, and routine foot care and eye care; # vision (eye) care, including eyeglasses (except when following cataract surgery) and examinations for prescribing or fitting eyeglasses. http://www.medicareinteractive.org/page2…
Medicare is CRAP, but don't expect Leftists to admit it. Then again, maybe they don't know the difference between quality and CRAP.