I feel SO overwhelmed by the dental work in front of me and the cost, that I am considering suicide. I don't

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

have a dentist. I don't have dental insurance. I have taken excellent care of my teeth, but a combination of an injury and side effects from medication have made a mess in my mouth and I am in pain and do not know where to turn. I wish I lived in a country where health/dental care was provided for. But I don't have the money or the energy and no dentist will help me. For some reason, the only solution that I seem to come up with is to end my life. Does anyone have any other options?
well first of all you have to calm down and you have to go to your doctor and explain to him what you are saying here. i am sure that they will help you to deal with this. i think there are many ways to get out of the problem rather than end up with your life. good luck! one thing more a neighbour who was in the same situation as you are now when to do all his dental needs with university students and got a beautiful teeth for free and i am not joking his teeth are absolutely gorgeous now.