PLEASE HELP! cheap or free dental care in adelaide?!?!?

Friday, November 26, 2010

OMG I AM IN SOOOO MUCH PAIN! my wisdom teeth are coming through and i think the roots are growing around the jaw, it is soooo painful, my cheek is swollen, i cant eat, it is unbearable. I have no money and cant afford a dentist anyone know how i can get help? please i am desperate!
Community Dental Service Community Dental Clinics provide eligible adults with a range of general and emergency dental services. Adults (or their adult dependents) with a current Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card are eligible to recieve Community Dental Clinic Services. Waiting lists apply. General Dental Care Our clinics provide a range of general dental services for eligible adults with natural teeth or dentures. In some cases, patients may be offered authorisation to recieve care from a private dentist through the General Dental Scheme, Emergency Dental Scheme, or Pensioner Dental Scheme. Patients must have authorisation from the community dental clinic staff to access these schemes. Emergency Dental Care SA Dental Service provides emergency dental services for eligible adults. In a dental emergency, please contact your local clinic. Staff will identify your treatment needs by asking a series of questions. Patients with urgent needs will receive priority access, while others may be offered a place on the general waiting list or alternative care options will be suggested. If you have facial swelling, bleeding or trauma after hours, please contact the Royal Adelaide Hospital on 8222 5050 or your nearest Emergency Department.