Why don't people understand when you CANNOT afford something, like, oh, dental care?

Monday, November 29, 2010

I cant get to the dentist till May 2010, cause I am broke. I have soooo many tooth problems right now, and even with my "great" insurance its going to be 1000's of dollars. Why do people act like I am being irresponsible by buying my child food rather than taking myself to the dentist, which I cant afford anyway?? I only have 300 dollars a month after bills.
The people who judge are the ones who are unhappy with themselves. Everyone has problems and no one is perfect and someone has always at one time or a another been close to having your same problem. There is no point in trying to understand the stupidity in others. Think about this alot of people on yahoo answers really have bad issues with their teeth and no one knows their sistuation and not all bad teeth has to do with not brushing. Before they judge and say oh you didn't brush or you ate too much candy why don't they do research and they'll find out many many other causes of bad teeth. Don't worry everything will work out in the end.